Although I never thought you were much good for Mom
Mostly because you were trying to have sex with me,
I now recognize it was only a device to advance
my screenplay - and get a D- in creative writing.
Happy Anniversary to an impressive tree trunk piece of ass.
How would you like your Sactimony today, Sir?
We have it ala Larry King, or we could do it Greta Van slightly braised....
Somewhere in your cranium you think that people started silent threads for dogs with total disregard for the mass murdered.
C'mon people, you need to anticipate these things.
It is like a tennis match here in the van, Heroin? Head-wound?
Heroin? Head-wound? Heroin? Head-wound? Heroin? Head-wound?
Okay, I'm good. Head-wound.
Are people honestly calling this a failure of public safety?
The guy was gunning down people in secured buildings.
If someone wants to start killing people, it isn't that hard to do.
That may disturb people - but it aint rocket science.