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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Teddy Roosevelt on his visit to Panama?
  2. You can't really have free markets without free movement of labor. I dub thee a Knight of the Saints of John Locke.
  3. The double negative is the bane of American society. We don't like to admit that we ain't got no drooling thick-necked brother.
  4. I am as curious as him, what are you referring to?
  5. We could always raise the rent.
  6. If everyone is packing heat for the Ohio State - Michigan game I think I'd tune in.
  7. Strange. Maybe they have come to check on their Lucky Charms.
  8. Although I never thought you were much good for Mom Mostly because you were trying to have sex with me, I now recognize it was only a device to advance my screenplay - and get a D- in creative writing. Happy Anniversary to an impressive tree trunk piece of ass.
  9. Interesting character development: ex-football player, over the hills taxi driver, one time trucker, pedophile, murdering, burger-flipper named Dick.
  10. That's one way to put it. Actually I am part of the LaRouche slander drive. It is fun to confirm part of his stories from time to time.
  11. LaRouche is on it. That's a relief.
  12. Are first person shooter games close enough?
  13. When Reagan ate jelly beans, he didn't like to look, he liked to guess.
  14. Currently I am writing the White Man's Burden Theory Cook Book and Other Recipes for the coming Oligarchy. You?
  15. Stop messing around with anal folks, that's why we see so few ferrets.
  16. Some heroes are more victims than others. Didn't Orwell say that?
  17. How would you like your Sactimony today, Sir? We have it ala Larry King, or we could do it Greta Van slightly braised.... Somewhere in your cranium you think that people started silent threads for dogs with total disregard for the mass murdered. C'mon people, you need to anticipate these things.
  18. There is some merit to this. I also think that to make foie gras you have to force feed the geese.
  19. It is like a tennis match here in the van, Heroin? Head-wound? Heroin? Head-wound? Heroin? Head-wound? Heroin? Head-wound? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Okay, I'm good. Head-wound.
  20. Didn't know that. I thought getting freaky like Abu Garaib was the best line. or was it shoot me in my mud parts....
  21. Let's not be hasty, we have choices here...... I'm thinking Ed Gillespie.
  22. Just tell me who to blame.
  23. Are people honestly calling this a failure of public safety? The guy was gunning down people in secured buildings. If someone wants to start killing people, it isn't that hard to do. That may disturb people - but it aint rocket science.
  24. I don't watch Countdown - and I liked him on ESPN - keep it to the sport and I won't mind, he's got to be better than Jerome Bettis.
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