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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. After the taxpayers have made the Buffalo Bills the largest form of pork spending for Erie county over the last 4 decades, I think gratitude is a small price to pay.
  2. Thank the Lord for sheep?
  3. Simon was the one that married Princess Leia, right?
  4. Emailing him will accomplish nothing. Sometimes the indirect attack is much more effective. Start calling his Lambda Lambda Lambda brothers and threaten them in Klingon.
  5. Point taken, however anthropologists are now attributing the decline of Inuit civilization to the introduction of the mimosa happy hour.
  6. No. But I think they should put speed bumps between the buffet and the tables.
  7. Technically a priest isn't needed for a canonically accepted marriage to take place at all, but no.
  8. Gay marriage. The political gift that keeps on giving. Just in time for Oct. So much easier to polarize an electorate without all that obtuse talk about deficit spending, war policy, energy policy, infrastructure, health care, or foreign policy.
  9. When somebody names their dog their health care proxy, or gets their pig to sign as witness to their DNR, or when airlines start giving bereavement rates for dead cats, I'll concede you have a point.
  10. But what has NASA done for us lately? Still waiting on the Universal Communicator and the Protective Force Field.....
  11. Just for that, I forwarded Paul Peck's Resume to KOIN-TV. Don't say you don't deserve it.
  12. Only 2 things can do this: a California Supreme Court decision or an episode of COPS.
  13. Gubernatorial Pardon for Solicitation.
  14. Is Tina Fey hot like Bailey Quarter's hot? I'm not sure. Someone not obviously hot, but kinda hot, like Sabrina Duncan hot?
  15. I was thinking Emerson, Lake, and Palmer.
  16. Actually, that doesn't come out of nowhere. It is straight from the middle ages. The idea that God is fontalis plentidudo - fountain of plenty - an infinite creation from an infinite Creator - has long had cosmic implications. The theological concept probably led Newton and Leibniz to their calculus. But as far as the Church, there is really no theological problem with an infinite and life-filled universe.
  17. Much easier to just admit to singing in the shower.
  18. <opens the lid to peek in, it clearly doesn't pass the nose test> Hey everybody, what is this thing in the fridge? <closes lid, puts back in fridge>
  19. Would that be legal tender illegally tenderizing?
  20. Or you can more appropriately thank President G.H.W.B for the Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Deferral, and his son G.W.B. for renewing it. Florida votes matter. (and you can thank Jeb Bush and Mel Martinez for helping deliver it).
  21. This part doesn't bother anybody?
  22. There is a good chance that even if he had prescription drugs that perhaps he wasn't on them or had stopped taking them.
  23. Yep. That's neologodaciousness at its worst.
  24. Patriotic cakes. That is a real can of worms there. Can we all agree not to make/ice a cake like the American flag?
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