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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. 2 counts of Parking in a Restricted Zone. He'll also have to sign up for the Driver Safety program at ECC. (and yes, I'm serious.)
  2. I frickin' love the pretzel salt at the bottom of the bag. Usually I'll suck my two forefingers and do a little "bottom bag re-con" to see what sticks. Pretzel Salt - Hell yes.
  3. I would like to take this opportunity to note that Pete Townshend's solo albums are way underrated. Thank you.
  4. Awful news. He never stopped being one of us. NYPOST also confirms. ttp://www.nypost.com/seven/06132008/news/nationalnews/tim_russert_dies_from_apparent_heart_att_115384.htm
  5. I bet there are cops, juries, and DA's just like you. The only actions that have been established as far as Lynch that we know for sure are that he hired an attorney and he ain't talking. Swimming in my cesspool of moral bankruptcy, I'll say those are smart things to do.
  6. I think the fact that you are asking might be coincidental. But not sure.....
  7. That's some shaky logic. 80 present therefore 80 drinking? 80 drinking therefore intoxicated? Intoxicated therefore driving? Ouch.
  8. He might be saying - Better to lie like a dirtbag than stay quiet?
  9. I don't think he was very smart. But I don't think he's a bad person. What I think it that 18 yr. olds should be able to test for a drinking license to buy alcohol in limited quantities. The State could charge $500 for a 25 hr. safety and responsibility course and then 18 yr. olds could use the license responsibly or lose it. It could be limited to beer and wine or beverages less than 30 proof. The idea that alcohol is contraband democratizes all illegal substances. Weed = Alcohol = Ecstasy = Illegal Scripts = Acid When students turn 21 and have never learned to drink alcohol in a responsible setting, it is asking for trouble.
  10. That damn Constitution is nothing more than a thick veil to protect dirtbags. I can't believe people swear to uphold it.
  11. Talking to members of a local school board, they tried to institute zero alcohol tolerance at all school dances. Reports back from chaperons: "We never saw so many stoned kids in one place in our lifetime."
  12. An hypothetical adult supervised 18 yr. old sex party is legal. The adult supervised BBQ, pool, and beer party, isn't.
  13. Time to start treating these people like the pimps they are.
  14. You do realize that handing out condoms to host your own 18 yr. old sex party is legal.
  15. I think this proves what we have all long suspected. Orchard Park needs more real crime.
  16. Does your hypothesis follow on the demand side: Most men would consider paying money for sex if the price was right?
  17. You may laugh, but your universal love energy seems pretty blocked to me. To calm your inner turmoil I am sending you a rainbow.
  18. When there were more hookers on Chippewa people used to drive slower.
  19. If this thread is any indication of what the jury pool may look like, the man is better off keeping silent.
  20. Exercising your right to remain silent and having an attorney represent you does not constitute a legal refusal to cooperate. Any attorney worth their salt is going to advise their client not to say a thing and contact the authorities. As in: "His attorney Mike Caffery tells News 4, "The police are doing what they have to do, and I'm doing my part to cooperate as much as I can, but also to protect my clients rights as I would do for any client. Marshawn Lynch isn't going anywhere, everyone knows where he is, they know where he is every day. They're taking some time to collect the evidence that's necessary to proceed. They wanna get it right." That sounds about right.
  21. This is what I can't stand. People jumping to conclusions.
  22. How about raft-less white-water rafting?
  23. I think it is time that Tiger is exposed for his anti-Canadian bigotry. He might get a pass from Crayonz, but not from us.
  24. Usually eyes are following the puck while the guy is getting crosschecked, slashed, punched, and speared in the kitchen.
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