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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Interesting way to look at it.......but I think most colleges and universities set tuition based on expenses rather than consumer demand.....typically they set a price point and then discount in terms of grants and aid, scholarships etc... I am skeptical that they would be that reactive to Federal Loan availability (that would probably only offset a credit crunch for students in terms of market loans tightening). Now if the Federal government doubled the size of Pell grants that might make a difference.
  2. That this stuff emerged from staffers is the real story. McCain proved to be very good on the stump himself....but the fact that staffers were disgruntled with a VP choice seems to me indicative of lack of campaign cohesion and strategy. Ultimately, Palin was probably a drag on the ticket. We'll see if she has a future career on the national stage. Generally VP candidates have to serve up the red meat and stay in character and on script. Is there more to her? If there is, it would be in her best interest to go on Meet the Press or something like that as soon as possible to try and articulate the future of her party. If in fact she has very little interest in policy - as her campaign staffers seem to indicate - she should never go near it.
  3. What exactly do you think Joe deserves? He was clearly angled to serve in a McCain cabinet in a Republican administration and now he deserves what kind of reciprocation? Elections are team sports so to speak, and he didn't help elect 1/3 of the Senate this election cycle.
  4. Vichy? Isn't that cold soup or something? Never cared for the stuff.
  5. Then it is my point too, dammit.
  6. The one year of federal interest subsidy on a $5000 student loan at 6.8% is how much? $350 per year or so.
  7. Interesting question. It is hard to imagine tuition going up faster than it has been. I would think that as a loan, it wouldn't do much to change that.
  8. He lost the Democratic Party primary in Connecticut and then ran independent.
  9. He'll probably be allowed to caucus with the Dems if he chooses to, because what could it hurt in the Senate? I doubt he'll be able to keep his Chairs though. That's politics. He stopped caucusing with the Dems when he endorsed McCain.
  10. But she restored her image nicely on Meet the Press, This Week, and Sunday.....wait......her staff wouldn't let her go on those because they still wanted to win.
  11. It is just so hard to compete with the sunny disposition of modern conservatism.
  12. Hold on there, nobody called him a racist, only that he echoes and has associations with people that would hold the line while someone (in this case him) engaged in language that is perceived as bigoted. Can we really trust a man who has friends that won't hang up when he says things like "spearchucker"?
  13. It is absolutely clear from the picture that McCain said it. But what is missing is the context he said it in. That's what makes the picture so misleading.
  14. After having read that I can see why she wasn't valued as a speech writer.
  15. Take Miami over Buffalo this past Sunday. They are a lock.
  16. Why don't you play some solitaire John, you know that always relaxes you......
  17. Just so you know what McCain was referring to.... http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/exhibits/skytheater.shtml
  18. McCain happens to be Central American. So at least he's still American.
  19. I'm neutral on the point. But mendacity is a good word.
  20. There is a difference....the Keating scandal involved graft. Meeting Ayers is perfectly legal. Anyway.....all things in perspective I think I would have worried more about Truman and Pendergast.
  21. Sarah Palin can kick some Zombie ass.
  22. Those too. The congress is controlling the election.
  23. Hmmmm. The Catholic Bishops fund the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the CCHD funds ACORN, ACORN is registering dead people to vote for Obama. Catholic Bishops are controlling the election.
  24. Ahmadinezad's bias is much more transparent.
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