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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I wasn't referring to our military per se.......China has one too.......and as far as differences... http://www.4wheeloffroad.com/roadtests/mil...mers/index.html Doesn't this whole deal strike anyone as slightly weird? GM was manufacturing a commercial version of the H1 until 2006 and probably still has the capability. Not that I often quote Heritage..but...this actually sounds pretty reasonable... http://blog.heritage.org/2009/06/02/china-...g-a-sweet-tune/
  2. People get so uptight about extra-judicial killing these days.
  3. Congratulations. You have just made a great argument for active euthanasia.
  4. I'm quite skeptical about Gnomes that live in Chevy Blazers. I just can't find the right argument.
  5. I find his lack of hyperbole disturbing.
  6. As long as I can get parts for my Government Motors truck...what do I care?
  7. After divorce, Dick Cheney will be free to marry Bobby McGee.
  8. Raising the ante with a macroeconomic argument. "Glut of deformed babies." Terrific.
  9. You'll probably get both, anyway. That's because assassination is an incredibly shortsighted act when one is trying to prove that life is sacred.
  10. Double ledger accounting shows the Fuhrer ended up slightly in the red.
  11. So, I'll ask it.... Are you (and is anyone else here) happy he was murdered?
  12. The first shot is for defense. The other 5 are recreational. Get all your Drugs at the Patriot and Dumbass Pharmacy.
  13. Hitler did very little of his own research. Glad you threw in family values, though.
  14. This has given me enough to think about for the day.
  15. My bad. I missed the declension.
  16. Edgar Hoover looks nice in a dress?
  17. Socialists don't like flags without sickles and hammers and they hate bleu, they just really hate bleu....
  18. Throw this in the mix....2005 most Red States are getting a return on their federal dollar above burden. Texas is close to a wash $.97 cents back for every federal dollar taxed. New York and California, Illinois almost a 20% loss per capita. http://www.nemw.org/fundsrank.htm The deep south may be okay with deficits....but they have their mouths firmly on the gov tit.
  19. No contradiction. The Homestead Act broke up about a quarter of the habitable land in the US into bite sized plots for the asking. This pretty much killed hopes of continuing with a plantation or hacienda system in the US. This was intentional reform and regulation. Brazil didn't have it (at least not from what I remember of my S. American history, which isn't my strong suit)
  20. I just remember the Rogers and Hammerstein musical about it.
  21. Brazil had cheap/free land? not sure about Argentina...but I don't think there was serious land reform in Brazil until the 1930's. Well, that stands to reason as the population has quadrupled. But the temperance movement has a lot to do with the workplace rights that women were afforded, which were none. Freedom would have meant jack if we didn't have about 4 million miles of natural resources to play on. You were the one saying it was a moral age. I was only pointing out that women, blacks, children, Indians, and wage workers might have a different opinion.
  22. That doesn't seem to be the blowhard case that is being made.....thinking that getting rid of 90% of regulation is the moral way to proceed as our friend is advocating by returning to the Guilded Age......when we had child labor, no wage controls, a government run by graft and monopolies, and women were begging for temperance because if their husbands were alcoholics they didn't like the idea of lying on their backs to feed their children, not to mention Jim Crow, Lynch Mobs, and Pinkertons and bilking the natives out of their land...... This nation would have boomed if it was driven by regulated capital or not. There was no greater deposit of virgin natural resources and cheap land in the world at the time.
  23. The Guilded Age was just a terrific time to be alive if you were a robber baron. If you were a child, sharecropper, wage earner, or were owned by the factory store you were probably thinking communism was worth a looksy.
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