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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. They skipped right over premium package TV?
  2. Somehow I misread your post as a yearning for simpler times. But I think incidents of gun violence have remained relatively flat over the last 25 years...which if accounting for the rise in population during that time is lower as a percentage. In the case of Von Brunn, a felon with a gun, you could make a case that Reagan's Brady Bill had little impact, or prevented him from buying something more deadly....who knows?
  3. This is 100% something. But it doesn't sound wrong.
  4. You read this entire thread and waited until this post to get offended? http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl
  5. As I recall there was some tough competition to get Jodi Foster's attention back then.
  6. Then I guess what we need to ask ourselves is why, with Rush Limbaugh on the air since the early 80's, has it taken the mentally deranged 25 years to catch up with what he has been nudging them to do, which is to shoot guards at holocaust museums? I've known paranoid schizophrenics with more compelling causal connections than this drivel.
  7. His choice of a traditional caliber has you filled with nostalgia?
  8. Isn't it great we can say it without taking the thread "lower"?
  9. I just want to point out that without Hilter, there would be no decent Holocaust museum in which to shoot.
  10. I hate when the news plagiarizes the X-files.
  11. This belongs in the Hall of Fame of Retardia.
  12. What exactly has he mucked up?
  13. The literal interpretation is definitely the way to go. Check with your cardiologist to be sure.
  14. I need to see some whore of Babylon or I'm outta this thread.
  15. Agree. There was a movie not too long ago with Viggo Mortensen in the Witness Protection Program. Pretty hot stair sex. got it. History of Violence.
  16. j. CREW is a dead giveaway. Not only a false prophet, but a false-Orvis.
  17. I'll be keeping my eye on this Obama guy. If unclean spirits come from his mouth like frogs, he's definitely a sneaky false prophet.
  18. So that would make snuff porn bad, right?
  19. But in this case ...Democrat/Republican doesn't adequately describe the dynamic. The downstate Democrat cartel has had a power-lock that is as much regional as party. Golisano's strategy of supporting Upstate Democrats has been to divide the State Democratic Party internally. Something that many Democrats west of Albany want to happen.
  20. I've been wondering, does the number of humps have anything to do with the quality of a camel? I'm thinking probably not, but I'm not really sure.
  21. By who? In China, Korea and the rest of E. Asia remembering Japanese atrocities are national pastimes.
  22. You're a bunch of Homo-black-and-white-plumage-a-phobes.
  23. If he was quoting Henry David Thoreau as he wasted the guy, I expect he'll be fully exonerated.
  24. Yes we will. Hopefully the food will improve.
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