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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8101098.stm Reports of open fire...
  2. This? http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/landingpag...534374752624208 I guess I saw a mini-skirt that I wouldn't want to leave the house but it looks like a pretty tame junior line to me.
  3. This should be good..... What pray tell us, are his results?
  4. And then I usually copulate without permission or protection.... Usually it is hard to be patronizing and doltish, but you are approaching mastery.
  5. I don't follow fashion...but I don't see anything particularly immodest about their junior line... http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/landingpag...534374752624208
  6. Because how you dress is related to your preference in birth control?
  7. It is hard to dismiss it all as a fear tactics, they aren't all without base Detroit, Washington, Chicago have the most restrictive handgun laws and .......well take a guess....
  8. To a certain degree it is inevitable... Bristol Palin has taken a public spokesperson role and sold baby pictures to People for $300,000..... I would say she's fair game in the sense that courting media attention and also claiming you are a victim of is a little like any innocent victim on Chippewa who is drunk at 3 AM ......whatcha expecting?
  9. I actually used "Del Monte Sweet Corn Cream Style in a Can" before you wrote this.....it's kind of fun.... “You want my weapons. This is how you‘re going to get them. Obama was created by Del Monte Sweet Corn Cream Style in a Can. Obama does what his Del Monte Sweet Corn Cream Style in a Can owners tell him to do. Del Monte Sweet Corn Cream Style in a Can captured America‘s money. They control the mass media. The first amendment is abrogated.”
  10. Undead Hoffa has my vote too.
  11. Hmmm. This curiously sounds like any politician, anywhere. But I'm sure you have a particular one in mind.
  12. Write in?
  13. Let me know how the executive washroom looks. I've always wondered.
  14. In no way is an Obama second term a certainty, but a Palin nomination or even a strong candidacy by her could be helpful.
  15. The party of Reagan/Bush/Palin needs more funny-men.
  16. This would be as hypothetically-double-stardardy as they come.
  17. Third Parties tend to be single issues and ultimately get absorbed. Perot with his screaming about deficits probably had beneficial effects for a while. Nader kept Al Gore from being president so that was beneficial too......maybe...
  18. I like to watch.
  19. This line of thinking is exactly why she won't go away. Palin may track well with a core of conservatives, (who are projecting just such hopes on her) but the DNC will be happy to see her in the spotlight rather than Mitch Daniels or Bobby Jindal.
  20. Scared? Are you kidding me? She just might be the greatest gift to liberals since Spiro Agnew. Thrusting her into national prominence just keeps bleeding on like an unstaunchable wound.
  21. Bad parenting. You can't use them (kids) as political assets and have them untouchable..... When you use kids as political props, Or in the case of Palin's daughter...a public figure for abstinence education........, waddayaexpect?
  22. Done like 28 other teams. But I should have taken that Steve Bernier bet.
  23. I think it was a Robert Ludlum novel where the Pope's kidnappers tried to teach him how to make the sign of the cross.
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