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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Congressional Transcript. SENATE (standing and tapping chest) Our bad.
  2. It's moments like this I miss Paul.
  3. I suspect she was an over-ling....as the Senator screwed up.
  4. True that is....TV news, newspapers, and even radio provide content for the internet. Also it is hard to fact check with a radio or newspaper. But I don't doubt that people trust their favorite sites, whatever they may be.
  5. Interesting poll by Zogby http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1710 Q: If you had to choose to get your news information from just one source, which source would you choose? Internet 56% Television 21% Newspapers 10% Radio 10% Other/not sure 3% Q: Which information source do you believe to be most reliable? Internet 38% Television 17% Newspapers 16% Radio 13% Other/not sure 17% ________________________________________________ Methodology N = 3030 A sampling of Zogby International's online panel, which is representative of the adult population of the US, was invited to participate. Slight weights were added to region, party, age, race, religion, gender, education to more accurately reflect the population. The margin of error is +/- 1.8 percentage points. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.
  6. Three people in Yemen. Millions of people in the Congo in the last 10 years. US networks broadcast for profit. That is their bias.
  7. 141% is a little low for Chicago.
  8. Excellent point. there is simply not enough time.
  9. She's not. but it is still pretty damn funny..... "He's a verbal pedophile!!!"
  10. It's only bad production. They start the laugh track before he gets them all out.
  11. Because News for profit doesn't keep a Yemeni Office BBC has done a nice job.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8103558.stm
  12. It Chicago, it is hard to drive aggressively when you can't go faster than 20 mph anywhere.
  13. You never know who might come to visit. Love, Jack Kennedy
  14. Help me out here. This is how I see it....California wants the Federal Government to guarantee their Muny bonds for a budget that there is no hope in balancing in the near future. What assets exactly would the federal government hold here? If California defaults....what happens to US bonds? (Didn't Mayor Koch want something similar in the 70's for New York City?) My premise was that bailing out State budget shortfalls and guaranteeing state debt is potentially damaging to our federal system and should be avoided. I guess I don't see the contradiction that you do.
  15. How'd GM get into this? Of course GM has assets. That's what bankrupcy is, right? Protecting your remaining assets from creditors. I do think the TARP was the least bad option. What assets are there in a state budget shortfall? Either way, you are the one who is arguing it is hypocritical to agree with you.
  16. I don't really see the hypocrisy in supporting an intervention by the Federal Reserve and Treasury to buy assets (though troubled) to protect liquidity and not supporting a Federal intervention to supplement a state's budget shortfall based on absolutely no assets.
  17. If I were Supreme Leader I would grant myself the power to legitimize illegitimate stuff. Call it an Ayatollah/Midas touch.
  18. Bailing out state budgets will do lasting harm to our system of federalism.
  19. Oppression could very well mean something very different to Iranians. The right and the left have been misreading Iran for well over a half-century.
  20. I couldn't agree more. That would be the smart thing.
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