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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. We finished T-day dinner and realized we forgot to open the cranberry sauce for the third year running. It has become a bit of a joke: MMM, MMM, that Cranberry sauce is soooo good.
  2. Wait, is this a metaphor about the Bills and their Fans?
  3. Trick question, the football game was yesterday, and you woke up today.
  4. Finally, a headline with some credibility.
  5. That's great! Something to give Thanks for.
  6. He could always give them to me to exploit.
  7. They should take out Atlanta, but they have that lovely new aquarium.
  8. Complicity loves company.
  9. No fooling? What kind of chemical stockpiles did you plan for?
  10. If I were a disembodied brain I would have Eva Langoria and Terri Hatcher fight....and then make out.
  11. Wow. I have never heard of it. Can it help migranes?
  12. Who is the guy in your avatar? I can't figure it out.
  13. This describes what I forsee as the content of my 4 day vacation. And you had to go and make me feel guilty about it.
  14. What you say is sensible. "Gotcha" is much more American.
  15. May I add....... Gobble Gobble. Happy Turkey Day.
  16. Nice. I would too, but there are too many damn laws in NYS.
  17. Can't go wrong with Maker's Mark. I usually drink Wild Turkey or Old Grandad... but the KC was a gift, but I am surprised how good it is. I wrote down Eagle Rare, I'll see if I can find it. Thanks for tip.
  18. Which Bourbon? I have been drinking Knob Creek most of the morning. Day off, and all the cleaning is done. Too fricken cold to do anything outside and daytime TV sucks.
  19. Davis. Three reasons why: Buffalo's run defense Tatum's banged up. Parcells will put 8 in the box until Plummer proves he can beat them .
  20. I am in total agreement, if it can be said that this forum represents a subtle yet malevolent dictatorship of ideas and a libertarian orthodoxy that when messed with is crushed like a jaugernaut enforced like a strict caffiene addicted band teacher - we all feel like that some days, don't we? That is what you are saying isn't it?
  21. Bonanza!!!!
  22. Any idea where I can get U2 tickets?
  23. No, but it is getting good play on the Drudgereport.
  24. I got Buffalo plus 4.5 ..... but I don't expect to see it pay. I took Denver at Dallas too. I think it is time we saw Drew being Drew.
  25. The Righteous Pricks - #1 in 1977 - You've lost that Flacid Feeling
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