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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I never knew any of that. I am going to have to report back to the bar on this. Informed drunks are the heart of democracy. So, inside a shell of Sarin is a juicy liquid center? We have one guy insisting that they found Sarin shells in Iraq and that that alone justifies the war because they are WMD. We have another guy that insists that Sarin is so inefficient as a tool of mass death other than in a confined space or room that canonballs are more of a health risk. In the end, given the chance, I would want a shell of Sarin fired at me and take my chances legging it out, rather than losing a leg to a canonball. But that is just me.
  2. Adams, Williams, Clements can all pack their bags. Bills can trade down in the first round to get blue chip players, They should aim for 7 picks in the first three rounds. And we should have a playoff team by 2008. Relax everybody.
  3. Everything that fits my agenda is by definition "good." Now if it is true, that is another question.
  4. You don't by any chance own a limosine, do you?
  5. The Manson family might....Cheney trying to steal their riff, the "x" was theirs first.
  6. I never knew that this was so vaguely defined. Thanks. "Significant" must all depend on who takes notice. That seems to be a pretty good working definition - but I can understand C.T.M. point about the vagueness of it all.
  7. In all seriousness, the season JP prepared for was one were he was going to manage on offense that had a great running game and where the defense was going to dominate and win games on their own. This is a very different team. No run game. No dominant defense. No pass protection. I don't think we should give up on JP (and don't think that Bledsoe would have made a difference. Drew already showed he was only as good as his line)
  8. I think he could be a guard about the caliber of B. Anderson.
  9. Go Sabres, and please pass the tequila.
  10. I actually thought that Carolina was going to blow Buffalo out. So my let down wasn't that bad. No O-line on this team is like a hotrod with no chasis.
  11. I just traded Leftwich from my fantasy team. Still I think it sucks for the Jags. I love the way Leftwich plays the game. The guy has heart.
  12. Halfway to the goaline in that instance, isn't it? (if it was incidental)
  13. I couldn't stand listening to those two Pac-10 homers. Jackson will only call Pac-10 games, and Fouts is a Pac-10 alunni with Oregon still in the hunt. Pathetic. So I watched hockey.
  14. Wasn't that an Ozzy Osbourne song?
  15. Damn. The guy is on my fanatasy team. I needed that three, the other guy has Tiki Barber. But don't worry, the Bills probably will sign him.
  16. Holy Schmoly, he reads this board and still gives us the same tub of pig excrement O-line year in and year out. (of course I notice, he can also get recipes, and help dealing with union representatives.)
  17. They are showing depth at every level (goaltending, defense, power play). This is looking like an early 80's Scotty Bowman team. (no surprise because Lindy was on those teams) They will have 8-10 twenty goal scorers, and balance on all lines without the superstars. I can buy into that idea. (just give me number 11 back. )
  18. This was a tired Capital's team. I watched them play last night against the Rangers and they were sluggish. I have to say, I didn't think Darcy had a good off season, but I am starting to think they did get the team they wanted.
  19. Ugly last minute, but a road win is always a pretty win.
  20. second that, although I only remember the last half of the 70's. Early 80's was fun.
  21. I don't want to see this ever. I find it hard to eat anything on gameday. But recently I find it hard to keep anything down
  22. This is a very interesting post. Although stats are used to measure RB quality, the amazing thing is that for both of these guys the stats are pretty respectable for having weak offensive lines.
  23. POMINVILLE !!! 2 goals, first game.
  24. We were too late, their popcorn guy is already with Houston.
  25. You are being so critical, the Jills were improved.
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