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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. You reformed Druids, you. Let's make a deal, Loew's is yours, and we get the Tractor Supply Co., and the Home Depot's North of the Mason-Dix.
  2. I tried the Rogue's two weeks ago. Delicious. I'll have to find the others.
  3. Thanks, Cincy. Appreciate the welcome.
  4. Not me, you folks celebrate the Spring Soltice by the errant Solar calender. Me and my lot have always done it by the Lunar.
  5. I'm much more heterodox than your average Catholic. Me and that Bib fellow are also druids.
  6. Added bonus: when you can buy them live and whole. No messing with those pesky feathers.
  7. Damn those bastards who would kill an innocent tofu....
  8. iconoclast One entry found for iconoclast. Main Entry: icon·o·clast Pronunciation: -"klast Function: noun Etymology: Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from Middle Greek eikonoklastEs, literally, image destroyer, from Greek eikono- + klan to break -- more at CLAST 1 : one who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration 2 : one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions - icon·o·clas·tic /(")I-"kä-n&-'klas-tik/ adjective - icon·o·clas·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb Take your pick
  9. This is how we keep track of Tom Donahoe's draft projections, just like he does.
  10. Hey, there's all the fine products that Hormel offers and Saurkraut. that is three things to do.
  11. I just emailed the business manager to see if he knows. I'll pass it on.
  12. What are IBUs? southern tier advertises their IPA as triple hopped. whatever that mean?
  13. even a carpet needs to feel fresh now and then.
  14. That must have really sucked.... Game is just starting and there is no Sam Adams, just Labatt's.
  15. Just switch from standard white to those CSI lights and have fun with it. It will let other kinds of stains show too....
  16. Have it your way. I just refuse to eat cheetah fondu again this year, when I can deep fry.
  17. Thanks I ended up seeing Harry on Hormones. I enjoyed it, but didn't understand what was happening. I should have seen that with kids.
  18. I have a case of Southern Tier IPA at home. I like it, but I don't think there is anything more hoppy out there.
  19. I can agree with that But for the record Iconoclasts are those that take a literal interpretation of the 2nd commandment. Iconodules are usually those that don't. These have been in tension for centuries in the Christian West, and I respect a good theological battle.
  20. Heresy of the 8th century that was this interpretation of the 2nd commandment.
  21. Nice Christmas gift, and if you hurry you can deep fry that sucker in the Peanut oil you used for your turkey.
  22. Ooooh, that does sound nasty, let's revise, I'll take the canonball, if I can keep, you know, my Hemingway parts.
  23. filling that thing up must cost ya.
  24. Bush, the new patron saint of biodiversity.
  25. You have to respect good old fashion Iconoclasm now and then.
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