One entry found for iconoclast.
Main Entry: icon·o·clast
Pronunciation: -"klast
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from Middle Greek eikonoklastEs, literally, image destroyer, from Greek eikono- + klan to break -- more at CLAST
1 : one who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration
2 : one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
- icon·o·clas·tic /(")I-"kä-n&-'klas-tik/ adjective
- icon·o·clas·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Take your pick
I can agree with that
But for the record
Iconoclasts are those that take a literal interpretation of the 2nd commandment.
Iconodules are usually those that don't.
These have been in tension for centuries in the Christian West,
and I respect a good theological battle.