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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Wait a second, for the record, you believe there are sensible Democrats? And I was starting to think that you tilted slightly to the right.
  2. I am no expert but it seems that Max is putting a lot of pressure on defenses skating into the offensive zone and waiting for a linemate to break on net. His play has been effective and even though he isn't lighting it up much, he has been passing well and drawing a lot of penalties. The new rules have made him a more valuable player.
  3. Vampires from Bram Stoker's Dracula?
  4. I judge most people by the quality of their marriage too. It really is a timesaver.
  5. Great job killing penalties. This was a solid win. I also watched Boston blow a 2 goal lead to lose 3-2. I went to sleep happy.
  6. I envy the brainwashed. They have something to believe in.
  7. Upside of a 19-0 Colts team, it could make the Dolphin fans sad, and I am just the kind of fan to hope for that.
  8. Bush to lay out his plan in about 30 minutes in front of a military audience. Military under strict orders not to throw tomatoes.
  9. God I love that guy, he gets me through the winter. The steaming has been working great for me since I work second shift most of the time. . Go Sabres.
  10. If you have speakers on the PC, go to the NHL.com site and click on NHL radio on the left and you can stream Ric Jennerette. Afinigenov just scored.
  11. I hate that SOB, but he is probably right. I prefer Pollock though, why can't he write for the Buffalo News?
  12. Hope. Its a theological virtue.
  13. Iggy Pop and the Stooges, they are from Detroit. That would be interesting.
  14. That is no accident. 42.53 X the golden ratio 1.61 rounded to the nearest number is 68, the number of Mike Williams, where lots of credibility begins to get lost.
  15. You can only hope it travels at the speed of sound, 299,792,458 meters per second. How many sound years away is your galaxy?
  16. Darn it, you got me. I'm not really sure. 30% chance, tops.
  17. Did you get your stuff from the street or was it prescription? I think I could use some.
  18. not at all, there are no athiest marksman tooth-faries in foxholes on this team or in the front office.
  19. Besides that, if he spent all his time with the families of the dead, he wouldn't have any time to do that other stuff he does.
  20. Yeah, but he is the size of at least three Mongolian eating champions. Mongolian eating champions also make excellent horsemen. I want linemen, I have just hated the past years watching Diem, Wilfork, etc get passed over for speed guys.
  21. Voting for integrity. Screw that. I want people who will do my bidding, or at least help me to get some of that no-bidding.
  22. I am with you, drafting anybody smaller than a Mongolian eating champion is not going to go down any more.
  23. I can't speak for Joe, but I have been demanding a meeting with the President's daughters on air force one, I have this thing for twins
  24. Yes. It won't get you very far, but yes.
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