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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I wonder if some defense attorney has ever shown this to a jury. "Some say it is a totally unnatural act, but observe the mallard...."
  2. Hey, even the Bonnies came close to knocking off West Virginia. It might be a decent year for the big 4.
  3. It is probably much cheaper to plant stories than pay all the people that ran the censors office in post-war Japan.
  4. Screw hops and malt, sometimes you need the refreshing taste of "cold." It goes great with food that tastes large. Naaa, I'll drink cooking sherry before I'll drink Coors light.
  5. That really drives the point home.
  6. That doesn't make a quick exit likely, does it?
  7. Indiana high school graduate? BTW, feeling any older? HBD!
  8. You should figure out a way to get press credentials from some small newspaper in England. Tell them you are a feature writer, and call 1 Bills Drive. Just an idea...
  9. The speed of sound is a constant.
  10. I never thought of it that way, the specialization that is. How long do you think it takes to train an NCO for minimum competency? Do you know if the NATO Staff College is for officers, or maybe it is junior officers they need the most?
  11. I listened to my President today: He has a new fact sheet: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20...1/20051130.html My question is: How do you get to the point where Iraq has an officer corps? Or can you have an army without an officer corps? Are they trying to train officers from scratch? (I have never been in the military, so forgive me if this is obvious to everybody but me)
  12. They did blow it though. Danny Gare night they should have played in the Blue and Gold. It should have been a no-brainer. Danny Gare was always much too modest to ask for something like that, but you know he would have wanted it.
  13. Genesis......the Peter Gabriel version I would hope, come to think of it, he should be in on his own merits. Not having Kiss in might be weighing heavy on Ace Freeley.
  14. There is always Mariucci...
  15. That is too funny.
  16. What can be said.... Hall and Oates, Air Supply, Olivia-Newton John, eligible. REM, Nirvana, Guns and Roses, ineligible.
  17. I have been watching some OLN on Direct TV. The coverage is a bit amateurish at times, but improving. What I have noticed is that all the games are interesting, unlike two years ago when I only had time for the Sabres.
  18. This is pretty wild, a device to keep teens away. Anti-Teen device NYTimes
  19. Agreed. Once you try to co-opt the media, and use it as a vehicle for your message, it doesn't matter if your son was the Congressional Medal of Honor winner and Pope at the same time, you have crossed the threshold from private to public. And it is open season on you. It was her choice to take that step. To be critical of her, is not "disparaging a grieving mom," she was the one that tried to parlay her grief into a public message. But come on now, as a target, she's just too damn easy, isn't she?
  20. That is a damn good question.
  21. What? Not having fun?
  22. I heard this from a college student the other day. It is called the Johnny Depp test. It works like this: If as a heterosexual male you are asked if you would sleep with Sheehan or Johnny Depp and you consider the question for more than a second, then Sheehan is officially ugly. I learn so much from college students.
  23. Something new to add to my organ donor card, If I am braindead, any of you guys can have my fabulous lips.
  24. Don't you know that these are US government spies posing as peace activists? I read it this morning. Nobody really believes Bush is Bad. Just in case you thought I made this up. Spies!!!!
  25. Don't tell me.....a dancing Ron Woods is going to pull off Mick's codpiece. These Superbowls used to be clean family fun.
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