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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. First shot from Center Ice bounced in front of Mika and still hit the goalpost. The guy is rusty. This team seems to be modelled on Buffalo's early 80's teams from Scotty Bowman days. Smallish defensemen active in the offensive zone (Housley, Virta), and 4 solid lines, Ruff is using the Guastad's line like Bowman used the old Ramsey, Peterson, Ceiling line. I wouldn't be surprised if Ruff gets to a situation where he alternates starts with Biron-Miller like Bowman did with Edwards-Sauve, a tandem with league leading goals against.
  2. That would make him a scrambling quarterback again in a hurry and solve his problem with the NAACP. It really is a win-win.
  3. Dating can be so hard these days, now you need Cliff's Notes for Oedipus just to get to first base.
  4. Whoa there. Still about 50 games to go with a two week Olympic break in between. This is still a long haul, but it might be a fun one for the first time in years.
  5. Notice to all: Emotion provoked by reason trumps all discussion. If the facts you line up are thrown under the jauggernaut of my passion and intuition, then just step aside there buddies, your logic will be rendered feeble and bitchslapped by my relentless feelings. Once all of you are in touch with your feelings too, then we can talk like adults if that makes me happy.
  6. I think it will be Marty friday at Pitt Miller saturday at home vs. Pitt. Marty tues at Phil esp. if the road streak is still intact from fri. I also loved the fact that last night's game was the Hockey Night Canada game.
  7. Nothing stirs the democratic juices more than systematic extra-judicial executions by a foreign power. I would be talking to my congressman the very next day.
  8. Don't piss off Ghandi either, you don't want to be around Ghandi when he opens a can of whoop-ass.
  9. Unfortunately, this may really pinch your homebrewing supplies. I have yet to meet an Islamic Theocracy that was homebrew friendly.
  10. more likely they use Willis as a decoy for Shelton on this play. Certain to catch the defense sleeping.
  11. Just when I thought I had answered all of life's big questions, along comes this one.
  12. I hope so, those things keep my windows open in summer and balance my old workbench with a short leg.
  13. How long has it been since the crowd chanted anything? I think we can ride Marty as long as he's hot.
  14. Yes!!!! I have never been a great Marty fan, but how can I argue with the results.
  15. You would think they would spend a little more thought on who to pick their fights with. BTW.... where do you find the book on cracking the JazzSinger/Eskimo code?
  16. Glasgow? Those girls could put most grown men under the table.
  17. That just happens to be the time my favorite infomerical is on tv. I was into the Magic Bullet, but now I'm into Time-Life "The 70's" collection with Greg Brady.
  18. 3 hours and 10 minutes. There are very few things I like doing that long that don't involve alcohol and cigars.
  19. Strangely, it seems the logic here is that Donavan is not doing his part, by not running, and rejecting a stereotype of the black quaterback that was Cunningham, Vick, Kordell, (but not Warren Moon?) Strange indeed.
  20. Have you seen the row going on between D. McNabb and the NAACP. I have no idea what to make of this, maybe something to put into the "eat your own children" category.ESPN
  21. How many minutes of previews? I try to time it so I miss the first 10 minutes of commercials at least.
  22. No. But somehow you get better at political Whack-O-Mole, be you the mole or the mallet.
  23. Your basic train wreck, I cannot not look.
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