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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I know that Kurt Vonnegut recommends that you need to be cruel to your characters to make them interesting, but making him a Bills fan? That is over the top, don't you think?
  2. Your story needs strippers. That, or guns.
  3. Your probably right. I shouldn't drink and post like that. anyone have any advil?
  4. I would say I loved the way Cambell played. I love the point play on the power playl. I frickin hate the officiating. Even though Pittsburgh had more penalty min. They should of had more. The nancy-boy call on hecht is the kind of BS the league should look at long and hard.
  5. how the hell do I get tsn now that espn has dropped hockey and gives us 10 straight bs NBA highlights for their top ten. It is just crap.
  6. The guy loves Buffalo: Ronan Tynan loves Buffalo
  7. inconclusive evidence my f-n-ass. this is the bs buffalo puts up with all the time. There is no way they could have had conclusive evidence ' from that angle. Total BS. Something in me thinks there is memo in the NHL to get Crosby the prime time looks. They gave that f-in kid the A today. they give a kid the A after 30 games as a pro. That's total BS But I am happy we won. Drury working his ass off.
  8. There were three solid BS calls against the Sabres. Good to have the win.
  9. Really? God forbid a caribou can't screw in Myrtle Beach when it can go to Charleston.
  10. Man. That sounds like a holocaust. But different. Those post-industrial art drilling flockers must be stopped or we are doomed to repeat something that happened in the past with other caribou.
  11. Good one. I never knew people lived there. I knew Carribou occasionally wandered past there. What is the Carribou argument against the drilling? That they will stop mating?
  12. Just so we are clear, I think we should be drilling the sh.t out of it. I am much more worried about new landfills proposed to import Canadian garbage into new Livingston, Wyoming, and Cattaraugus county landfills in new york that are going to seep into the Allegheny River.
  13. Don't you mean 'libertarian media," Mr. Holiday tree?
  14. Good point. despite connotations: pristine and frickin useless aren't mutually exclusive.
  15. How many licks does it take for a stoned owl with the munchees in your Christmas tree to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
  16. Never put up a "Freedom of Signs sign, " but rather along with CTM's idea, Hang up a big sign that reads "This sign is not offensive" or a sign that reads "Tom Donahoe and this sign must Stay"
  17. We need to do this before a noble tradition is lost under the couch.
  18. I am not going to the game; (X-mas party) but it would be nice if you guys going to the game could figure out a way to get a shout out to Fergy on national TV.
  19. I thought we were making Pink Floyd references, but maybe it is a domination and submission type thing
  20. You're right. 5:15 AM. to me.
  21. Only if he doesn't take it off first. But smiley for you for putting that picture in my head
  22. Failed? Which one? There is a big difference between Belgium and Somalia as far as failed states go.
  23. Holy The Riddlers > collectivists, Batman.
  24. most bars in Western New York or most of Upstate would not let you buy a beer with a $100 note, they would send you to the Mini Mart to break it. This guy must have needed a drink, and I bet that is exactly what happened, he was trying to be polite by buying something so he had change to go back to the bar. I have done this myself (successfully w/o the gun of course, or DWI arrest)
  25. I have to agree with UConn on that one. There are lots of Hunters, Fishers, Farmers, Foresters, and guys in the Army Corps of Engineers that I have met that consider themselves evironmentalists and Conservative without contradiction. Didn't George Bush Sr. want to be known as the "Evironmental President," at one point.
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