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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Do you really think Mubarak would be leading one of the world's least democratic states for the last 25 years if he wasn't one of the greatest recipients of US aid? Would the House of Saud exist without US support? You keep the oil flowing, we'll give you security. The gulf war was all about this relationship, and has actually worked pretty well..... except for average Saudis. 60% of that country is probably under 20 and largely out of work...... tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick.....it's a frickin powder keg.
  2. Right on. I think with a little work we can get that Bill of Rights whittled down to 5. Less Constitution to uphold should make it easier for everybody.
  3. Internet Bully.?. .....because I'm making a point about the importance of his/your constitutional rights I'll back off...... We should get rid of the 4th folks. I concede.
  4. That piece of text could be all anyone with a phone would need to get the FBI or child protective services to rip your computer out of your home and your children taken away. If they didn't get the joke. But by all means, let them in to clear matters up.
  5. Hmmmm.... what makes you sure of that?
  6. And people offended can hold a protest right on your porch. Public space, right?
  7. I still think the race issue is minor here......are there any conservatives here that are troubled seeing the 4th amendment trampled on. once the officer identifies the homeowner - he has no other business there - none The man was clearly not fleeing - the officer had NO business in that house. None. Rather than wait at the door the officer made a warrantless entry..... Gates acocount: Mr. Gates: He said, I would like to you step outside. I said, absolutely not. I said, why are you here? He said, I’m investigating a breaking and entering charge. I said, this is my house, I’m a Harvard professor, I live here. He said, can you prove it? I said, just a minute. I turned my back. I walked into the kitchen to get my Harvard ID and my Massachusetts driver’s license. He followed me without my permission. I gave him the two IDs and I demanded to know his name and his badge number. I think Gates account is consistent with the policeman's. Next he is arrested on the porch for tumultuous behavior..... Who here is ready to declare their porch a public space? - (ridiculous idea). When does your front porch stop being private property?
  8. The key word there being "suspect" I guess if the police had reason to believe a suspect was inside the home they have reason to enter. The policeman's right to be in the house ends when the suspect identifies himself as the lawful resident of the home. Is a staircase onto a porch surrounded by hedges part of the public's space. You are all a bunch of 4th amendment wimps. And 5th.
  9. I wish some presidents had stuck to baseball altogether.
  10. The arrest while probably not racist in the mind of the officer, was at the very least gratuitous.
  11. Race or not. Police power is based on enforcing behavior the State needs to regulate. The State has no interest in prosecuting any behavior that Gates demonstrated as far as I can tell. Which will be the end... A huge lawsuit against the municipality that was made ostensibly for of protecting the good order of the municipality. Well done, Cambridge.
  12. I'm putting the over/under for wrongful arrest at 8 million. I like the over.
  13. Well at least he showed the uppity black professor he was wrong about the racism card by arresting him on his own porch on a dumb charge and detaining him for four hours on an arrest punishable by up to 6 months in jail.
  14. I did read the report. ....if noise is a problem you get a complaint and cite him for a Cambridge noise ordinance. Nowhere did the police cite that Gates was profane....just tumultuous without cause. But there was a cause. And a reason the guy was pissed. He was pissed because he was a suspect. Racism allegations are not against the law. They may be dumb and unfounded. But not against the law. I still think this policeman "acted stupidly" and arrested the guy to teach him a lesson.
  15. Boxcar Willie was reptilian. I knew it.
  16. Let's be clear. The officer went back onto the man's porch to arrest the man (by the officer's own description). He was not "out in the street".
  17. Do you leave your profession at the workplace or take it home with you?
  18. So if it is not about race, it is at least about power.
  19. I joined the Templars and Illuminati for nothing. $%&^%$
  20. Why did he arrest the man on his own porch? To teach him a lesson?
  21. I think it is pretty easy to say that when you aren't suspected of a crime. Anecdotal of course- but a friend of mine one summer who worked in Harvard Sq. was once detained for stealing his own bicycle by the Cambridge police. Even though I think ultimately the police believed him and he was let go, he was told he could have his bicycle back when he could prove it was his. Did his race have something to do with it? I think so. So did his residence. He was staying in Somerville. Strike two. He didn't have a receipt for the bicycle either (who does?)...... his girlfriend went to the station to to get it back a few days later. They gave it to her for just describing it. She wasn't black. I don't think this story is too unusual. The Boston area was probably the most racially strapped place I ever lived. I would be surprised if things have changed much since the 90's.
  22. That's probably what the cop thought.
  23. Well he did arrest the guy identified as the legal resident on dumb charge that could have sent him to jail for months. Good police work?
  24. Were you ever asked to step outside your own home because of a burglary? (Surprise --- your the main suspect at this point) And after giving a reasonable explanation (I live here) a policeman follows you into your own kitchen? I don't think most men would be deferential - in fact most men aren't ---- I think there is some very Darwinian territoriality in play - Ask any cop - going into somebody's home is the most dangerous thing they can do Was the policemen racist ? ....probably more embarrassed than anything........ Maybe you expect a certain level of deference and civility in this situation by the suspect? He was after all the suspect? But I tell you something - if this guy isn't famous with some knowledge of the legal system and access to a lawyer - he probably spends the night in jail, posts bail and goes to court. with a sh------- defender. and loses.
  25. Much easier to believe they hate us for our "freedom" Still laughing at Gladys Kravitz. Perfect.
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