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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Or a 96.6% chance your not.... We don't want to get Bill too nervous about all this yet.
  2. I know your venting, but wouldn't a little mediocrity be an improvement around here.
  3. because because because because because of the wonderful things he did?
  4. Thanks Kreshkin.
  5. I think that just about sums it up for Sherman, with the old caveat of let me go back to the family and talk it over with them (and see what other options I have).
  6. When a deal is done with no contractual commitments is there a legal name for that?
  7. That makes it tough to plan the victory parade.
  8. Can the community really tolerate our professional atheletes taking pre-dawn dumps in the closets of Canisius or UB? We'll have to think this one over.....
  9. There are moments in the NHL when you say to yourself, this is a Bush League. Last night was one of them.
  10. As in "homor-erotic"?
  11. Until he gets reattatched to the Borg, I will believe Soprano too.
  12. And Black Bear.... Actually I send all my relatives Cuba Cheese for birthdays, and attend the Balloon rally every year, and used to go to Friendship for holidays to see my uncle. Allegheny Co. is beautiful (but could still use a full time dentist )
  13. I once drank occaisionally with a guy that was in the Foreign Legion. Too spooky, after a few drinks he would always start telling all the ways you could kill a man with bare hands, I think it relaxed him. He was deeply paranoid but not of humans; he thought everything was a carcinogen or tainted with asbestos. We would order food and he would demand that the waiter bring out the cook to tell him exactly where the food came from. The cook would then have to make up some story to get rid of him: "These chicken nuggets are from a poultry farm in Kentucky that only use Grade A surplus feed, sir. " He eventually resigned from my former company because he got stuck in the elevator for 35 minutes and the president of the company refused to issue him a personal apology for exposing him to the tainted air of a confined space. The president was pissed at him because he tore the elevator button board apart with a knife he carried thinking somehow he could rewire it to get out of the elevator. Until he resigned he would walk up the stairs 8 stories to our office which would always trip the fire alarm. The guy was insane, but no coward. When we replaced him with another French guy, the new guy was a former French air force major that was a flaming bisexual. When he got fired, we were sure to hire a guy that was not ex-French military and he was downright boring except he would trim his beard everyday in the john at work because he didn't want to plug up his sink at home. The cleaning lady was always bitching at him for this for which he claimed was a sure fire example of the anti-French bias in society. In fact she probably couldn't find France on a map, she was just pissed that she had to clean his hair out of the sink everyday. In short, from the data I have collected, it is probably not cowardice that doomed the French army, but trying to manage guys like this. Actually, if I remember correctly, the guy in charge of Human resources had to issue a company memo that didn't refer directly to him, but banned everybody from trimming their beards at work. This seemed to satisfy the beard trimmer as long as the policy applied to everyone and didn't ban him specifically from trimming his beard at work. Also the air force guy was always braggin that at one time he was the youngest major in the entire French Air force. Whenever anyone questioned his decisions he would remind them that there was a reason he became the youngest major in the French Air Force. I swear these guys were nuts.
  14. Perhaps just proof the Creator has a sense of humor.
  15. You Kenmore grads shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
  16. If he moved from Salamanca to Allegheny Co. to improve himself the guy had more problems than the Buffalo Bills.
  17. She's a keeper.
  18. still buddies?
  19. Typical of the French, they are prepared to use Nukes, but only rhetorically.
  20. There are three basic tactics to counter the stall talker: 1) Excuse yourself by insisting that you need to bear down to with all your might to release the alien spacecraft. If this doesn't work, 2) Fake the cell phone call and if that doesn't do it... 3) Start singing Tom Jones "She's a Lady" at the top of your lungs Be prepared next time, as they say, a good road dump is worth two at home.
  21. Only a cyclops could fully appreciate this.
  22. The poll question is almost blasphemy. The 3 Stooges should be icons of manhood. Men love the stooges for the very reason women hate them. They: 1) never ask directions 2) always take on jobs they are unqualified for 3) always have an easy fix for home repairs 4) never accept any personal blame 5) never let women separate their disfunctional friendship even as they are battling it out If you are not a Christian, these men should be prayed to If you are a Darwinist, you need to admit that nature has selected for these traits so you should revere them as well. To disparage the stooges is to give up on your manhood. Don't let it happen here, brothers.
  23. and when she passes each one she passes goes ahhhhh...
  24. It gets harder to do the older you get, seems at 26 it was no problem. At 36 it is a lot harder to fake it.
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