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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Tell Frank I got game and I can drink more coffee than him (or whatever he drinks)
  2. Frank. He's nice. Say Hi for me.
  3. What the hell on God's green earth is that?
  4. You don't like the Avatar? The Avatar is the Avatar. I prefer midget pitching, but if you want to believe it is Uncle Ralph, that's okay, but isn't that kinda pervy? BTW, Nice Avatar.
  5. Lofton was accused of rape, I believe the woman that accused him was later charged with the blackmail.
  6. ED vs. RU4812 in MA, I think I'll let you guys sort this one out.
  7. Shucks. I thought that a a permanent display might have some potential. I do realize the problem of "martyring him" or capturing him. I tend to think the ideal solution is to kill him, leave it uncertain for a few years, and then have a forensic team 10 years from now make the announcement that they are 93% sure that those bones are his. What could be done is slowly release forensic evidence and let the scientific evidence mount over time. This would deprive the militant Islamic world of an heroic narrative by its very uncertainty, some would in fact think him alive and marginalized, and others with some smarts may realize that he is indeed dead. What is not needed is a grand pronouncement with a theatrical "hooray" moment, for the nightly news, or for political gain.
  8. I think we should put him in the Bronx Zoo. That way everyone in New York can come up to him and say hi, share their thoughts, that kind of thing.....
  9. If UB gets a good football team, wouldn't they be a natural for the Big East?
  10. I am pretty sure they used Frank's until they started marketing thier own label.
  11. What a very nice question, Lana. I found that it used to be a little like the thrill of eating blowfish, because your life is being wagered. First you get drunk with all your friends, but not just drunk, it really helps if you are too drunk. Then you go to Tahoe's knowing that one wise-ass comment could set off a race war. Once you order, you are presented with an inchoate mass of food, and half the fun is trying to recall exactly what you ordered to make your plate look like it does. Let me tell you it is a damn good feed. If it is really good, one of your friends will purge and order another. Haute Cuisine! Bon Appetite!
  12. I've never used Anchor Sauce, have always used Frank's Red Hot. Can't go wrong.
  13. I think for the most part fans are still positive, or at least loyal. But hey, someone has been farting in church and someone needs to be blamed. We can all laugh about it because church-farts are pretty doggone funny, but in the end, someone needs to be blamed. I'm glad we could share this moment.
  14. My card is in the mail, sugarcakes.
  15. He could not put 81 in the box, he should not get his mug on Fox.
  16. Just noticed that Nick's is on Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_Plate
  17. One in the same?
  18. Until then, No Scrubs for you.
  19. Hey SNR, when do we get the Zack Braff with the bullet hole in his head Avatar? I mean, you just can't let that kind of stuff go unanswered.
  20. It is an arid landscape and not every rock that is hit pours forth water.
  21. It is good to know that you can find people with a head for such matters.
  22. I, for one, am sick of product placements in mainstream pornography, it is so crass.
  23. Biron for Savard. Damn, I would love to see that.
  24. Somebody told me it looks like somebody that is worshipping the Quiznos baby. I like your version better.
  25. Do you think Roscoe can play some DB?
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