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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Baaah. You can keep it. I would rather keep my 100% hemp fibered shirts and jackboots then wear a full breastplate in the heat of summer. At least my threads breath a little. The Libertotalitarian Party - Forcing People to Do What they Want To.
  2. Damn. You guys may get more girls, but we have the better uniforms.
  3. If you get elected to the House or Senate, there should not be term limits, there should be life limits. I am betting that a congressman that has two years to live will vote in good conscience. Same for a Senator with 6 years to live. At the end of the term there will be a liquidation Holiday - and what the hell postal workers will get the day off to watch. If you are with me join the Libertotalitarian Party.
  4. Where I live the guy who runs the Indian Resturant got rocks through his windows with messages to go back to Iraq. He's Hindu
  5. This was in The Week, sorry I don't have a link but I thought it was worth typing out. I went to New York City to write about prejudice against Muslims, said Mohammed A.R. Galadari in the UAE's Khalleej Times. To my shock, I couldn't find any. Muslims in New York "live as normal a life as anybody else there." It's not as though they are few in number, or hidden away. Muslim's from the Middle East and South Asia "are a visable presence" all over the city. Many drive cabs or run sidewalk food carts. Some of the more educated work in office buildings, as computer programmers or in other professions, Muslim women stand out even more, as many of them wear head scarves. Yet even they reported "no discrimination worth mentioning," But even then, "I am told that those who faced problems in the past, Muslims or non-Muslims, were the illegals." And they were looked down on not for their religion, but because they were taking jobs from legal residents. "The big city has a big heart, and treats all as equal. That's the greatness about it."
  6. You are all a bunch of lovable crackers. Good honest white folk. God bless you.
  7. How can you make this statement? it seems like time and time again you bring in your political haranges about this or that, which you expect us to swallow, well time is up buddy, and political extremists like you that B word and whine about hollywood and taxes will....... Hey, after reading what you wrote that isn't a bad point.
  8. They aren't. They lack the power right now to be as corrupt. But things will change and they will be as corrupt again someday soon.
  9. It is probably less about race and more about nepotism. Do you doubt that there are enough qualified blacks to coach every team in the league? (of course if being an NFL head coach is a primary qualification that knocks most blacks out already)
  10. I am a proud Libertotalitarian.
  11. Well, here's half the problem, classical definitions of liberal and conservative have broken down. Cold war liberalism was antithetical to Stalinism and Maoism - Bush's entire program in the Middle East seems to be prefaced on the fact that Liberal Democracy will spread there, Republicans today seemed to be all for liberalizing markets, (free markets, by the way, are probably the least conservative force on the planet, what could break down the family structure faster than full exposure to world wide competition? ). I find most of this liberal vs. conservative stuff in america today incoherent.
  12. So the democrats are no longer liberal?
  13. I believe it was Archimedes that said: , 'If you give me a lever and a place to stand, I bet you I can balance a retard rodeo clown on the south pole." Or at least I think that's what he said.
  14. The article states that he recinded the e-mail, but it seems that the intent to hire for loyalty is still there. I can think of at least 2 people I know that may be qualified for this type of work, but I doubt that they would describe themselves as loyal to anyone in terms of politics. I can see your point in terms of programmers, but how is the loyalty question germaine to the tasks at hand. Of course if someone is trying to subvert the work, that is another matter entirely. Buy the assumption seems to be that Bush loyal people may be the segment of the population least likely to subvert this type of work and be the most qualified. I would think it would be enough to advertise for the policy priorities rather than attatch them to a political name. BTW, sounds like it sucks to be working with COBOL programmers.
  15. So you'd limit your hiring pool to only those that were overtly allied with a sitting president's domestic policy?
  16. expand benefits in terms of loans while cutting grants by billions of dollars. If you get a chance check out Chronicle of Higher Ed. Jan 6, 2006. There is no online link, but it seems that while making more loans available at higher interest, there is less grant money available. There is no clear way to characterize this one way or another, for some students who qualify for more rigid categories of grants and loans they would be winners, I think generally there will be less money in terms of grants with more money for loans at higher interest,. BTW, Dick Cheney cast the winning vote on this, it was 51-50.
  17. If you could provide a good link I would be appreciative. I want to see how a 12.7 billion dollars cut over four years doesn't place an increased burden on students.
  18. That's obvious, they cut student loans . I still haven't gotten over last years transportation bill. I expect very little will end up getting cut.
  19. Never thought of that. And they never gave that nice man, Gen. Electric. a peace prize.
  20. I always wondered how cartoons got their ideas before the lightbulb.
  21. It all depends, is this clown named Euclid, or Dante?
  22. Broadcast is still free. Westwood One is the producer.
  23. The NFL has made a decision that it is not about the game, it is about the corporate carnival. If you've won a superbowl, why would you sacrifice your plans with your family to be part of 20 seconds of this Carnival. The NFL is soaking in money, and it is run like a cartel. For some reason they have picked Rock Concerts and Hollywood production over honoring players. It all seems transparent to me. Filthy Lucre wins.
  24. But I am not sure it they were renewed, I think it was much less commerical time, and I preferred them to Madden and Michaels. http://www.slate.com/?id=2071995
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