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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Funny. I watched that thing twice and didn't notice any tools at all.
  2. You're right of course. But I think most American's are okay if the VP is a sh------- shot.
  3. Cheney has to step forward and tell everyone that he is a sh------- shot.
  4. Jokes are officially suspended until he is upgraded to stable. To everyone else that is not a wanna-be commedian, you should all get through this if you just hang together.
  5. Congrats Nick. Slipped one past the goalie?.... which season we talking about? Don't you mean you blew right past the safety?
  6. Read closely, only "free game" if Cheney followed the rules of engagement. Part of transcript: (muffled joking).....I bet Dick knows something about that. Cheney: I smiled at Halliburton, I gritted my teeth at "lesbian", but with that WMD comment I am asking you to step off the line. Hunting companion: (stepping off the line) But Dick, you know I was just.... Cheney: Go F-yerself (blast) Hunting companion: Dammit Dick! You shot me.... Cheney: One word about this before we tell that David Gregory sonavabitch and I promise you I'll shoot you again. That's exactly how it all went down.
  7. Are they going to let David Lee Roth compete?
  8. Boy, this is personal, eh? The world is divided between We that do stuff and They that don't.
  9. He doesn't need to. He keeps people too afraid to turn the channel.
  10. Cheney has been taking people out for years: 10 ways Cheney can kill you
  11. Right. I'm not sure the Canucks would see Biron over Auld as a great improvement. My bet is that the move will be with the oilers. I think a move that makes sense is Biron for the Oilers Jaroslav Spacek. Many people think this would undervalue Biron - but I think he would fit the Sabres style, and there is no way you are going to make a playoff run with Fitzpatrick as one of your pairings.
  12. When you die, we need to bronze that brain of yours.
  13. Darcy needs to make the right move. A stud defensemen would be the thing.
  14. I gotta give them some credit. Taking a look back at the schedule from the beginning of January until today I thought they would be lucky to have a .500 record for the stretch. They did much better. They showed they can play with any team in the conference. This team will continue to get better.
  15. After playing last night, they were lucky to get the point. I don't think they will hang their heads too much about this one. Carolina had the legs and they do have good team speed. Being 2 points away isn't bad at all. After Olympics we should get Briere and Connoly back. And that is huge.
  16. Now we just need a TE.
  17. If anyone could pull it off, it would be David Soul.
  18. She wasn't too hard on the eyes. The Why Guy did a nice job picking her out.
  19. I don't know but I've been told....
  20. I was at the game last night so just some notes about what I saw: Things you never fully realize until you are watching up close: 1) How big Taylor Pyatt is 2) How fast Max is 3) How good Vanek is - Florida couldn't handle him so they resorted to punching him and slashing him continually when he wasn't on the puck - didn't get to him -best player on the ice. 4) What a smart player Lydman is 5) I know Rory Fitzpatrick is a local fellow, but he was the worst player on the ice. 6) 7 shifts for Peters is about 5 too many 7) Derek Roy plays much bigger than his size because he is fearless. He makes you proud to be a hockey fan. 8) This team is going to be fun to watch for years : Vanek, Pommenville, Gaustad, Roy, Miller.... One thing that is different about HSBC and the old Aud, and it has taken me quite a few visits to really put my finger on it. At the Aud, there was the organ and rock music, and the humor of the fans. At HSBC the bells and whistles are fun, but there is so little entertainment time that is unmanaged that I miss the quiet lulls were you could hear a guy from the oranges yell something that would crack the whole arena up. No bedsheet signs, no chants that aren't fed from the scoreboard, (though USA did get through). HSBC is great, there was just something that was edgier, more authentic and intimate about a hockey game in the Aud.
  21. I wish I could do my budget like the Federal government. Then half my exenditures wouldn't count towards my "real" budget.
  22. This country is going to hell.
  23. Great Idea. I would love to see that happen.
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