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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. But the guy can play for both teams..... He wrote the screenplays for Ben Hur - A story of the Christ and for Caligula - A story of the Anti-christ. The guy's skills are broad.
  2. An observation: most of your threads end up being about you recently. As someone who used to enjoy your posts, I find that lamentable. Maybe you have some score to settle, but for those of us that are not keeping score, what are the chances we'll see the old Mickey?
  3. "There is not one human problem that could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise." - Gore Vidal
  4. Not like those Illinois State Nazis. They are good honest white folk.
  5. This was a free one for the taking. A good chance to show that you can be to the right of the president on security regardless of facts.
  6. If you whistle at night the snakes will come. The Japanese say it, but I don't know what it means, but sounds apropos.
  7. I generally agree about keeping an eye on China. But do you really think that rhetoric has harmed US-Sino policy? If Bush does have a China policy it seems to be one of purposeful neglect on the issues you mentioned, or at least tacit acceptance.
  8. I would apprieciate that very much, thanks.
  9. Don't know why this struck me as so funny... The Average Arab? Cue "Fanfare for the Common Man". This is the average Arab, he has three loving children and wives that love him very much. He appreciates a cold glass of clean water and not getting shot on his way home....
  10. Good. I was thinking mostly domestically, but if you increase the range to global American targets, then that is impressive. I would love to poll the agents of the FBI about their opinion on if they consider McVeigh to be an anomoly or not.
  11. Nope. You need the right credentials. 4 years at Dusquesne. That and you need to be able to spell and pull off that I am pleasuring myself as I speak to you look.
  12. What statistic demonstrates that? (not flaming you, just wondering)
  13. I can't imagine them crying over it if it were to happen.
  14. Friends I have known that have ex-patted in dubai have loved it and would have stayed if their wives hadn't hated it so much.
  15. How beautifully pithy and sad is that first sentence. There is a reason why nearly every second term president has brought in David Gergen - Bush has needed him or someone like him for some time now.
  16. The Bush Administration's handling of the press is the most inept in recent memory. Because they have avoided press conferences and have treated the media as a hostile camp altogether, they have missed any chance to convey or market any message by transitional means of stadard network coverage or major newsprint. What they have relied on: the conservative outlets, talk radio, punditry, and weeklies, has proved to be an unreliable medium as well. If the president is off message, these are not necessarily the most open minded sources for a debate of national interest with full disclosure of facts. The administration's failure to engage the media has so hamstrung their agenda that there is no reliable vehicle to transmit their message. They have screwed themselves. I am no Bush supporter. But, I do believe this inability has become bad for the country.
  17. Nah, sad day for N. American hockey.
  18. A great linemate of .... Ogie Oglethorpe. Howyadoin' Ogie!
  19. The thing that gets me is not so much the goaltending crapout, but the selection process, there seemed to be no particular organizing priniciple to address the international game. What was Tchuchck -12 for the tourney, and Hatcher and Chelios don't exactly put the fear of the lord into you with speed either. Go Finland.
  20. If you can afford it....
  21. The hall of scholars is hushed as they probe this codex for its true meaning..... One bespeckled one raises his head and says: "I don't think he is being ironic." Ball is to you. How does this endager our security?
  22. For the last time, you can order Labatt's Blue from any distributor.
  23. Dear Ms. Myrick, Thanks for your refreshing ability to capitalize on a hot-button issue by showing your constituents that it is better to pre-empt serious discussion by weilding a moral hammer in your ongoing effort to avoid free-market complexities. Tootles, X. Hollandaise Benedict
  24. score?
  25. I don't care what anyone says, I'm not eating any less tabouli.
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