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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Nice. What do you do with a dead coyote?
  2. You do realize that Rachel Weiss is 7 months pregnant.
  3. If you have ever done any of the following: 1. Had a bad Avatar 2. been caught sneaking into drive-ins 3. conceived three children in under 45 months 4. Married above your station in life 5. Described an Irishman talking to an Italian person as an interracial dialogue 6. Complained about taxes for more than 1 hr straight 7. Thought Labatt's Blue, chicken wings, and Celery were the three main food groups Then wish SCbufBillsFan Happy Birthday.
  4. This Fall/Winter, many of my friends have lost their dogs to Coyotes, and when my brother was looking at a house this weekend the owner warned him about having Pets because of all the Coyotes. This article from the Smithsonian says the population is exploding, I am curious if anyone has them in their neighborhood. They are in Cattaraugus County New York, I don't think they were around 20 yrs ago. Smithsonian on Coyotes
  5. What a rack!
  6. This thread is silly. Kelly should be in Congress. If he was in Congress he could will the deficit away.
  7. There isn't too much pasture space in Japan, most of the cattle isn't penned in livestock in the traditional sense, but more likely factory farmed. What I wonder is how much energy is expended to get the heat and pressure into the process.
  8. Just one problem I have with your line of reasoning: If the Pledge and the Anthem are a meaningless cultural practice, why do them?
  9. Biron got two games worth of work in third period. Nice game for him.
  10. I am pretty sure AD, Labatt's Blue, Dave B, and many others know more about hockey than me. However, there are times I am pretty sure I know more than melrose.
  11. Just referring to the title of the thread, it was nice to see that the game spoke for itself, no cheap shots needed.
  12. So if the law is passed and then repealed, does God not exist?
  13. Thursday, I believe. But this is why the leaf are done, ready, this from the Toronto Star: Captain Mats Sundin said the Leafs were full marks in the effort department last night, but he also thought they had a decent first period. Raise the white flag Toronto. If anyone saw the first period last night and thought that was "full marks" for the leafs, then they are cooked, done, stick-a-fork-in-em, wave a white hankee, done.
  14. The leafs broadcast gave themselves a star. What the hell . What game were they watching. Sudin took two crap penalties on faceoffs because the game is passing him by. Roy would have had a gamestar without the goals. Penalty kills, forechecking, he was all over the ice, and drew some great faceoffs. If I were a leafs fan I would be demanding that half of that roster be dumped by thursday. Only one note of criticism. Pommenville and Dumont need to pull the trigger
  15. It all depends who is sitting where.
  16. Shhh. We don't want them to know we stole his corpse on St. Patrick's day in 1981, next day 9 goals one period.
  17. True. Too much leaping around the holidays.
  18. I see. It is important to consider your family and life after the board. That being said, this can be a cutthroat bottom-line time of year. I am counting on endorsements and special appearances to see me through, its looking like a lean year.
  19. He is into arm-less escorts? I never saw that in the yellow pages.
  20. That's a good idea. And isn't Soprano still eligible for the practice squad? Edit: My bad, he has to clear waivers first, but I don't think that is a big problem.
  21. Is Puhonix representing you? Isn't he like the Drew Rosenhaus of poster agents? Good luck, man. Just be prepared to sit out a while.
  22. All you guys running around with your agents, don't forget the guys that have been posting for years and made this board what it is today. When does the Collective Posting Agreement expire? Are we going to let the high-bandwidth posters run off the dial-up guys in the rural markets? Are we going to kill the Golden Goose?
  23. Nice Representation Now Bib is going to be posting from Calcutta. But you knew they had good bandwidth, didn't you?
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