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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. That looks like a sweet place to spend some quiet time with Eva Braun.
  2. Beyond questions of aptitude... If you're a small company I think it is best to try to identify the company culture in 5 or 6 adjectives, or things that are valued in your workplace They may be.... Independent, Knowlegable, Adaptable, Creative, Salesdriven etc... And frame some questions around these to make sure the person fits your company culture. E.G. How were you able to adapt through your tenure at _________ ? If they can't answer, give them a chance to relate it to their own life, if they can't do that be polite, it might not be your person but you are still representing your company. Lot's can be unearthed with questions like : Tell me a little about the supervision style of best manager you have worked with, How about the worst? Red flags if they can't tell you anything nice about the best Supervisor they worked with. They might have tons of baggage. These are conversational, but you'll get a sense if they fit your company culture, or even have qualities that may enhance it. Usually you want to find out not only if that person are good for your company, but if your company will be good for them and they will be happy.
  3. Anybody have a good bean dip recipe?
  4. He has a mostly white cabinet just to make people think he's a regular guy. He even went out and got a white mom. Poser.
  5. Thanks for that. That's awesome. Can't wait to get to the Marches myself.
  6. You said there was a double standard. I'm a agreeing with that. There were redundant charges which you point out. Justice could have been served at the state level without Federal Conspiracy charges but on actual Dogfighting charges at the state level. It's the Virginia law makes dogfighting illegal. But the Feds moved in with the Interstate commerce clause and RICO statues because he was a celeb. (i.e. Special treatment) Anyway...I'm sorry I got into this on the main board. I won't return volley.
  7. Do you really think his friends were less culpable? He was the financial backer....basically he set up his friends.....the statement of facts reads that Vick didn't receive any purses from dogfighting and did not place any sidebets. He did however put up the money. Anyway, in the last 10 years about 20,000 have been charged under that section of federal law. 18 Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States FY1998 - FY2007 Number of defendants in cases filed (Results for Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure ) Title and Section(s) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 18 371 2194 2246 2089 2335 2593 2609 2249 2564 2458 2456 I doubt very many of those defendants were for dog fighting even though I suspect it is widespread. I wasn't defending Vick at all...just suggesting that his celebrity might of had a hand in drawing Federal interest. That's all. He got what he deserved, and thankfully his celebrity and association with it will probably jumpstart more prosecutions of this sort IMO.
  8. You really don't think the Feds wanted Vick more than the others even though less involved? His co-defendants testified against Vick even though more involved, and received lesser sentences. Note...I'm not disputing Vick's guilt at all.....only that I think a Federal Prosecutor has a career interest in getting somebody of Vick's stature on the docket.
  9. I don't think there would have been a federal prosecution for someone as little known as ......... Ron Mexico. It would have stayed a state investigation, and probably prosecuted as a felony under state statutes (and rightly so). In other words, it wouldn't have become a Federal matter without his high profile. Which IMO is a double standard.
  10. I still think he should be forced to fetch punts.
  11. Double standard? How many regular people are prosecuted under Conspiracy to Travel in the Aid of Unlawful Activities statutes? He was probably targeted and prosecuted precisely because he wasn't a average person.
  12. We really had a good debate at work over whether to hire rocknkitten_69.
  13. Ask the Iranians what they think of the Brits.
  14. I have given up all hope of winning this..... But what really makes a man handsome? I've never really given it much thought.
  15. Just for context. Doing a trans-Pacific flight to the East Coast is easily close to 24 hours door to door with a connection. I have done similar trips 10-12 times. Whoever does that trip is not clear-headed. Most people are relieved to get home. But now add more stress......he's a suspect in a crime. This wasn't going to be the Gates finest moment from the get go. (I can't imagine getting hauled in for 4 hours after making that trip). I don't think he was trying to get arrested, but a person after that trip is not reasonable, completely lucid, or friendly. Most drunks are usually in better moods. Without throwing race in the mix at all, I don't think the police were in a situation where they were going to get the most cooperative response.
  16. Just for the record. You think douchebags should be hauled away.
  17. Just remember, if it weren't for Illegal Immigrants, there would be no Texas.
  18. Witness to dispatch ..................................... Hispanic - Suitcases Crowley's report of witness..............................Black - Backpacks Gates Story. ...................................................Black - Suitcases Now what does it all mean?
  19. Curious......the caller never mentioned race beyond that one might be hispanic and might live there. Crowley wrote in his report that Whiten reported two black males with backpacks.
  20. disqualified....you didn't read.
  21. Or that there is a Players Union with Practice regulations......
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