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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. So a guy (in Lee's case) is traded 4 times (I think Montreal-Cleveland Cleveland-Philly Philly-Seatle Seattle-Texas) and becomes free agent and choses to move back to a place his family was happy before, and he's a villian? I don't get the logic.
  2. Pick any novelty 12 days of Christmas song. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me......
  3. I think the key word she mentioned is Charter. There are a lot of good Charters. But chances are with an entirely new or young teaching staff (like many charters), and most likely an inexperienced principal, a pretty lady that lives in Amherst doesn't stand much of a chance in a Charter filled with high-risk kids.
  4. I'm with you on this. Maybe we should start talking up mops.
  5. I'm not sure how the numbers go, but my inclination is that job openings have to be a heck of a lot stronger just to account for people entering the job market for the first time who are never counted as unemployed. The population isn't getting smaller. (I think that is a fact too)
  6. I'm not sure. The maximum benefit in New York is probably close to $400/week. The average benefit is probably close to $300. But the moral hazard seems to me a temporary risk. With unemployment so high I think i would suspend any assumptions about moral turpitude. The macro rate isn't coming down soon. A fall in consumption could drive it higher.
  7. Although extending unemployment benefits so far out seems to smack me a bit wrong. That is money that goes right back into the US economy at local levels. It all gets spent.
  8. Liberal and Conservative are meaningless labels that exploit you lemmings. Liberals and Conservatives believe in 99% of the same stuff. It's the proportions they differ on. Just think about it. You can't really talk about Liberality or Conservation without portions and proportions. If it makes you feel special to be a Conservative. That's swell. If it makes you feel special to be a Liberal. That's swell to. You still agree on most of the stuff. It is the portions that bother you.
  9. Is there any logical discrepancy with wanting the Plame leaker and the WikiLeaker leaker prosecuted (on legal grounds), and at the same time believing the press is free to use whatever they have. (on 1st Amendment principles). I don't see a problem with this stance.
  10. Interesting. But I think you are abstracting this to think Kennedy wanted/believed this in principle and not as a pragmatic posture. The highest tax rate in 1960? 90% or higher. Today it is around 35%. 15% lower than the Reagan years. If we tried to go back to the Reagan's tax brackets people would be screaming communisism. At least the board knows where to turn if we ever need to keep discipline in a Greek Hoplite Phalanx.
  11. Hardly the case. BTW, I am not sure I'm at all decided about the best course with this. I think however that eventually a repeal is inevitable. I also don't think it needs to be a logistical nightmare - but I could see it becoming one. I talked to two colonels (army) in the last week. When DADT came up it, they seemed to shrug: "The army I joined isn't going to be the one I'm leaving, and the army that the recruits are joining won't be the one they leave either. That's military life." (paraphrase) Admittedly, and somewhat embarrassingly, I'm not above having some prejudices against a repeal. But at the same time, I haven't found a well-honed logical reason for not resolving this.
  12. I wasn't referring to you. Sorry if you thought so. I'm not a neo-Nazi either. Just screwing around. But I always ask if I'm allowed to transport fertilizer as part of my rental contracts.
  13. Mythologically speaking, you don't see Gorgons nearly as much as you used to. Word.
  14. Cue Orchestra .... To hell with your Ma, I'll do your Pa said Barnacle Bill the Sailor.
  15. This is so stupid you could press Antrel's face into some dough and make Dodo-bird cookies.
  16. I always wondered what hotbunking really meant.
  17. "I thought they were all Muslims?" - G.W.B.
  18. Of course Obama wants to repeal this thing. But he didn't fill out 400,000 surveys by himself. Pentagon leadership says it is no big deal. Most of the Officer corps has already been to college and probably doesn't give gay issues too much thought as it is. In practice most people have a hunch about who is gay around them and neither they nor the gay person is likely to much press the issue. If you find out someone is "really" gay. The response is usually not "that's it! I can't work with that wiener-grabber!" but, "I kinda figured." Either way the military leadership response amounts to: "Print the literature and we'll make it work." No recommendations to re-create the Sacred Band of Thebes, however.
  19. Actually the Pentagon doesn't predict a mess at all if it were repealed. In relative terms the Support Plan is pretty thin and comes down to training the officer Corps and not anticipating any new "partner" benefits which would be a Congressional matter. Support Plan For Repealing DADT BTW ...the Marine Corps doesn't like the idea - only 53% think it won't be a problem.
  20. Interestingly enough.... the Pentagon's own report goes into the 1948 Racial Integration History experience, as well as the experience of the more Weiner-Grabbing Friendly Armies of the world. Ch. 8 + 9 http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2010/0610_gatesdadt/DADTReport_FINAL_20101130%28secure-hires%29.pdf
  21. He was a long a part of the hockey landscape here. Requiesat in Pace.
  22. I know it has become fashionable of late for many people to call themselves Libertarian. Generally most Libertarians have been skeptical of most government secret classifications. This is true of CATO, the ACLU, and the Libertarian Party have all against State Secrets and state secret legislation as contrary to transparency. Up until now, groups such as the CATO Inst. have been pretty positive about Wiki-leaks. However, responses in the last week has been somewhat muted/guarded. Generally I'm interested in perspectives on this, as many people in this forum call themselves Libertarians. Any links would be helpful as well. Libertarians?
  23. Good answers. If it is parallel housing, that would be significant. I hadn't thought much about partner benefits.
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