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Everything posted by Nixon

  1. Wow, thats a surprise! I thought John Adams was a gym rat!?!
  2. Click for Sammy?
  3. With Kramer doing color commentary.
  4. You forgot Mumbles. You know, Shannon Sharp.
  5. On the otherside of the spectrum, you cant get any better than this... Listen to a couple of the tracks. Try Rocket 88, it will get your foot'a stomp'in
  6. Chicks dig it!! Just have a quiet romantic candle lit dinner with Lana, and Andrea Bocelli.
  7. I think you should contact Gloria Allred, and have her sue the school and the teacher. You'll be on the "Today Show" withing days. Hell, maybe even David Letterman's show!! Cha-Ching!! Money in the bank!!!
  8. Wouldn't that be cheating on his resume? Maybe he should list his temptations, too.
  9. Post of the year. Bravo, Bravo!!!!!
  10. Either he deleted it, or one of the mods. It was a couple days before Thanksgiving, at least 7 pages of people calling him an ****. It had the makings of a classic, in a BF kind of way.
  11. You're the one that started a thread about cheating on your wife. And you call me an idiot? Now thats funny.
  12. Cool! Just think of all the new candidates for you to cheat on your wife with if you get the job!! Good luck!!!
  13. I'll agree with you, only to say that his cord has stretched to the nth degree. Maybe, rather than him complaining about things on this board, he should go down to the nearest animal shelter and help neuter cats, no?
  14. Listen Skippy, For you to say "the total disaster he is" is complete ignorance." Is he doing a perfect Job? No. Can he do a better Job? Yes. Will he do a better job in the next 2 years? I doubt it. So take you partisan ass, and shove it. And I mean that in the nicest way Mrs Lincoln.
  15. Again, demonstrating your ignorance. Please continue, I'm enjoying this.
  16. Yep, everything is his fault. Your incompetence is overwhelming.
  17. She's running out of those baby making years. You'd better get moving.
  18. First off, and most important, thank you for you Patriotic service to this country. Words cannot describe how proud I am to have you as a Bills brother and a hero to this Country. Secondly, I would suspect, that if you sent this board your address, people would send you copies of Bills games for free. Godspeed.
  19. Stella Niagara Military Academy: Sister Mary Margret. She always made learning fun, but could be a mean a SOB if you pissed her off. We used to call her Sister Knuckles, because her hands looked like a boxers hands. Ugly son of a gun too.
  20. Are you saying that the Rutgers job would be just as good as Penn State or FSU?
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