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Everything posted by hootie1

  1. I expect we'll see Ted cottrel come in soon...
  2. And wasn't it Van der Jagt who said the Colts would never win the big one because Manning was a choker? Oh the irony!
  3. Saw Dungy interviewed post-game. He said that peyton called back the offense because Tony told him to in his helmet set. punt team only ran out becasue they were "overenthusiastic."
  4. Or marv decided on further review that MM had to go, and they are letting him resign to be nice and/or save money
  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2289987
  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2289987 Mike Mularkey has worked out a contract settlement with the Buffalo Bills and is out as head coach, ESPN.com's John Clayton has confirmed.
  7. Well, quitting for family reasons sounds a lot better than I quit because they emasculated me by making me fire all my coaches and run my coordinator choices by them... It also sounds a lot better than I was fired, which is what I think may really be happening here, if it's true that the BIlls are indeed already looking at HC candidates
  8. I find this hard to beelive. Has Mangini been seen at the airport? If its true that the BIlls already have a new coach, this adds credence to my idea that MM is being let go, not resigning, and that this "leak" about family concerns is just to save face...
  9. Maybe this leak is a face saving way to let Mularkey go. Perhaps Marv never really agreed with Ralph that MM should stay, and now he's getting rid of him. Saying it's because MM wants to go is face saving for both MM and Ralph
  10. Did you watch the Steelers last night? After the successful gadget play, one of the anchors commented that gadget plays work when everything else is working well too. And it reminded me that in 2004, some of the gadget plays we ran looked pretty good. But if you can't run, and you can't pass, gadget plays just come off looking like desperation moves, and we all became disenchanted in 2005. How much better could MMs offense look, gadget plays and all, if the O-line could block?
  11. Sam wyche for OC. Already here, so some continuity. Friend of Mularkey, so he's a "Mularkey guy." Health prohibits him being head coach, so no gunning for MMs job.
  12. That's interesting. It speaks to how marv defines character. Ray Lewis is not the first name that leaps to most minds when folks talk about character guys. But if you define character in a football sense-working hard, being a team player, leading others- than Lewis makes sense. Another poster had raised the issue of how Marv could talk about character when he had lied about his age, and I think this answers that question. Marv sees a difference between football character and general character!
  13. I also thought it had to do with MM's coaching staff. But I was struck that Wilson chose to mention their comittment to JP at the PC...
  14. Ralp first tells us that he and Mike are trying to come to agreement on what is best for the team. Then, in the later PC announcing that they have come to agreement, we hear from Ralph that "Mike and I think J.P. (Losman) is going to be very good given some experience." So, could that have been one of the sticking points?
  15. Not sure about the absent father thing. My sports illusrated just came, and there is an article about Dungy that says he deliberately did not work the kinds of hours that many other head coaches did, so he could spend time with his kids, and that he had trouble getting hired because he told future employers that his family was more important to him than football.
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2257971
  17. It would not have come to that if the offense had converted even one more first down in the second half.
  18. Moulds may have lost a step, but he still draws double teams. Evans is an emerging talent, but look how his production dropped off when EM was no longer regularly in the game. And decoy issues aside, I'd still take MOulds over Reed, Aiken or Parrish when the game is on the line. so, how about it? would we have won if EM had played through? I'd say we had a lot better chance, and I blame MM for what happened. Its his job to manage the players' personalities, whatever they may be, so that we don't have a game day blow up that results in a probable side line distraction and an unplanned change to the game plan right in the middle of a must win game. I've have been of two minds over whether to give MM another chance or not, but not now. Regardless of what EM did or did not do, it never should have come down to what happened....
  19. Exhilarating is the word! I always tell folks that the comeback game was the most exciting day of my life. My husband gets offended because he thinks our wedding day should be on top!
  20. Love this line...can I use it?
  21. good to know! I had not realized that.
  22. I am working on a novel, and the main character is a Bills fan. I want to include a description of the comeback game, with mention of a few key plays. Which would you all include? I have not seen the game since it happened and need some help! The one play that stands out in my mind is the onside kick. Doing that so early in the second half was just so "go for broke" that for me, it was the hallmark play. Do you agree? What other plays would you include?
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