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Posts posted by hootie1

  1. Does anyone else get the feeling from reading Chris Brown's blog that he is in JPs corner? It just seems like if he decribes a mistake that JP makes in OTAs, he minimizes it, while also playing down anything good that Holcomb does. He does not sound too thirlled with Nall, either. Do Brown's opinions ever forcast which way the team is heading? I have not been reading him long enough to know...

  2. Last two starts he was 50% and 37%.  Yes, the 37% was NE but it was at home, Holcomb, on the road against NE was at 60%.  He had three games in the latter part of the season after he became the starter again where he was in the mid 50's so you are right, he was a little better.  Still sucked though, both of them. 0:)


    Here is a cool stat, well maybe not:  Inside the 20 JP threw at a 31% clip, Holcomb, at a 70% clip.  Were the red zone plays that different?


    I beleive JP will improve his accuracy, he has to.


    JP was injured in the New England game, and stayed in. If I recall correctly, the injury happened fairly early, and could have affected his accuracy. He didn't play the next few games after the NE game because of the injury, so it wasn't minor...


  3. If you read this quote from Peter King's mailbag, you'll see that some Dallas fans have been reading this thread...


    "EVEN THIS COWBOYS FAN LAUGHS AT MY PICK. From Elizabeth Pugliese, of Washington, D.C.: "I have been a Dallas fan practically all my life. But Dallas in the Super Bowl this year? No way. It will be another disappointing year. They forgot to address their most glaring need: an actual quarterback. Drew Bledsoe cannot get it done in the clutch -- or any other time. It is not just his lack of mobility (moving in one game does not make him a mobile quarterback); he does not make good throwing decisions, he can't throw accurately enough to ensure that the ball gets to the guy on the route, etc. Then there is T.O. It is all the same hype from when he went to Philly. When he is not getting the ball, regardless of what Bill Parcells has said, he is going to throw temper tantrums, then short-arm passes to prove how important he is. No way. I'm not even holding my breath for the playoffs this year."

  4. Well, i dont like that willis isnt there at camp. I'm just not throwing him under the bus and wanting to get rid of him because he did miss a camp.


    When its all said and done, he missed a camp that he didnt have to go to. I dont like it, but whatever. Other vets missed camp too, but because they arent from the U, they dont get any flak.



    I'm not throwing him under the bus either, but if he's not careful, he may be throwing himself under A TRAIN...

  5. So if i got this right...willis get interviewed by a special needs "reporter" in stephen A smith, and acts like a jackass. But when a real reporter with a interviews him wilis acts like a normal human? Hmmm, think stephen A asswipe had anything to do with it?


    Also, the team excused him from OTAs. So willis got permission to miss. Kinda flies in the face of what the willis bashers were saying, huh?


    ok, back to your regularly scheduled throwing willis under the bus.



    This quote from Chris Brown's blog makes it sound sike the coaches did not approve Willis' absence...


    "Thought you might be interested to know you can find Willis McGahee talking football on the NFL Network Wednesday night through Friday night in studio for the NFL Total Access program. I believe he'll be there in person today and tomorrow and they'll re-run his Thursday appearance Friday evening.


    I'm a little concerned that this won't exactly endear him to the coaching staff. I understand these OTAs are voluntary for veterans like himself, but to see him spending his time like this is a bit strange to me."

  6. Unless I am mistaken, Carson Palmer was also handed the starting job over a proven vet, without any public fallout from his teammates. One could wonder, as others have in this thread, if this was becasue Carson was well liked by his teamates, while JP had alienated his.


    Alternatively, it could have been that Marvin Lewis had better control of his team than did Mularkey, which I think is probably a given. One could even speculate that Kitna handled being passed over better than Bledsoe, and that this too contibuted to the different outcomes.


    However, despite the fact that poor coaching definitely contributed to the veteran revolt...you still gotta wonder what they really think of JP! But I must agree with those who say they have seen nothing to dislike in his public statements since coming here.


    You want to know what they mean by "attitude?"  The fact that JP was named starter without a competition.  That rubbed the veterans the wrong way.  JP did nothing wrong.  He studied hard and tried to do his job, but he got tagged as TD's "golden boy."  You remember high school...it's the same thing.




  7. If part of football character includes giving no ground and imposing your will on the other team, taken to extreme, I could see it resulting in actions like Butlers. Maybe his problem is he has too much football character- a warrior mentality that got out of hand!


    No flaming from me regarding Butler as though I do not hold your opinion of what the cheapshot he made means regarding his overall character, it is mostly because he seems to have led a life filled with other actions that generally can go with (but are not proof-positive of) what a fan should consider to be high character acts (he has demontrably worked hard, achieved academi excellence, has done a number of unpaid educational activities and has participated in charity events for kids.


    He coo;d have done this things for machiavellian reasons, but a number of folks who are well known) UVA prof and governmental commentator Larry Sabato or )qould likely kill him if he stepped out of line) like the father of the girl/woman he dates have gone on record for his over-arching character.


    His low-character transgression was punished and he apologized so I for one and willing to trust but verify as a fan and simply will be less forgiving if he fouls up again and he owes no further explanantion IMHO even though he has inserted himself into the public sphere as an NFL player.


    However, I do differentiate between Butler as a person who I think does not deserve additional grief and who owes us no explanation from the corporation known as the Buffalo Bills.


    They are in  the public sphere big time, and I think since they set the standard that they were going to get high character guys, the corporation owes its customers an explanation about how drafting a man suspended for a low-character act fits with their marketing promise.


    Though I think Butler owes no additional apology or explanation than the apology he already made accompanying his admission of screwing up and his suspension by UVA, I think the corporation known as the Buffalo Bills does owe its customers an exaplanation of its thinking and how this squares with their previous words.


    The good thing for the Bills is that I think they have a credible explanation for this much in line with what I said above.  However, like many corporations I think they may well hide behind the punishment Butler got and deserved for the cheapshot and the sense he owes no explanation to pretend that the corporation owes no and actually would benefit from being proactive about this issue and explaining how this fit with their marketing promise to their customers.


    I think the Bills are foolish to confuse the forgiveness Butler deserves because he was punished, apologized and has no past history of idiocy like his cheapshot with the fact I think the Bills set the charcter standard for judging them.  While you and I who are addicted to TSW may know the Butler bsckstory that indicates he deserves at least a trust but verify attitude, i think most fans who remember this or care about it will only see the videotape of the hit or remember it and connect it to Butler.


    I hope the Bills are smart enough not to try to hide behind Butler having apologized to not fess up to the fact that their promise of getting high character guys does not scan with the videotape of the cheapshot.


    The Bills do not need to explain for Butler's act, they need to explain for how their self-announced standard is met by a fuller study of the Butler story.


  8. levy addressed his definition of character in one of his initial press conferences, saying that he did not mean personality, but rather football character. He described this as someone who works hard to prepare off the field and always hustles on the field. It has struck me in the various descriptions I have read of Donte Whitner that he has "football character" in spades.


    As for Travis Henry, the season he played on a broken leg, he established to me that he has football character. And whining? Would a guy with "football character" just sit back and say "sure, give Willis the job?" I think not.

  9. My understanding is that the issue is the estate tax, not whether the heirs are interested. The heirs would have to pay 50% of the value of the team in taxes to the govt., and there is not enough cash in the estate to cover that. Therefore, his kids will be forced to sell the esate at his passing to cover the tax liability, whether they want to or not.

  10. For all you guys that insist on the sancrosanct Sunday afternoons in front of the TV, I have three words. Tape the game.


    My kids play soccer on Sunday afternoons in the fall, and I can only imagine what would happen to their fragile psyches if I skipped their games to watch my beloved Bills. But with taping, I can do both, plus fast forward through annoying commercials.


    As for women and the draft, I gotta believe it's a guy thing. While I consider myself knowledgable about football, and do read the pre-draft college player evals etc, watching the draft itself is about as excitng to me as watching water drip on a rcok.


    And by the way, what's a honey do list? If it is what I think it is, I can only imagine my husband's reaction if I put such a thing in front of him!

  11. Seriously, we just don't have very many players on this team who we should be proud to call Bills.  Moorman is the best representative of what I want a Bill to be that I can think of.



    I think Takeo also does a good job representing our team and what we want them to stand for, on the field and off

  12. Sports-hernia vs. hernia

    In the groin area, there is something called the inguinal ring, which is basically an opening created when several muscles and tendons overlap, but not completely. Tears of the any of the muscles/ligaments that form the inguinal ring can lead to groin pain, and are called sports hernias. If the damage to the ring is sufficient to cause the ring to expand in size, the abdominal contents can pass through the ring into the scrotum, which is the more familiar hernia.

  13. Previously, when I logged onto TSW, each topic had a red flag beside it if there had been new post since the last time I was there. Today I logged on, and no red flags! Now I realize how helpful they were, and I want to bring them back. I assume I must do something to my control settings, but can't figure out what. Anybody know?

  14. http://www.superbowl.com/news/story/9185158


    "In other football news, Harvard grad Marv Levy is now the Bills' general manager and Yale alum Dick Jauron the Bills' coach, giving Buffalo an all-Ivy front office. Pip pip, you chaps! On an exclusive basis, TMQ has learned that the Bills will replace their locker room with a lecture hall; players will be required to write term papers; the traditional Gatorade shower in the moment of victory will become a fino sherry shower served with priscutto and melon. Fans will cheer, "Please see fit to exert reasonable effort!" After bad calls the crowd will shout at the officials, "We beg to differ!"

  15. I think that given all that happened last year, penciling in Holcomb as the starter going into mini-camps may be best, both for JP and the team. For JP, he's told us he plays better with a chip on his shoulder, and this is supported by his improved performance after his benching. It would also give him the opportunity to win the job, and thus win over his teammates. For the team, this would send the message that jobs are earned, and that the Bills want to win now.

  16. JP is a cocky little brat who has a great arm, a crappy attitude, and some terrible stats to back it up.  With that being said, he needs to be coached in the right system to turn that cockyness into confidence.  I'm definitely not ready to give up on the guy yet.



    I know that cocky was his rep coming out of college, but I have not found JPs public statements since arriving here to be cocky, nor have I heard of a crappy attitude. By all accounts, he was working hard...

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