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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. I have just been handed a transcript from WGR host, "The Bulldog" .


    "Uh, I,I,I,I,I mean...really? No, that's right... I respect that... I agree... ahhggh.. ugggh...i want to stick a fork in my eye... aaah, I,ugfhposkleifjals..... yeah,farfinuken... I respect that,... my favorite cheese is cheddar... that's right, Mike".


    How can this stuttering, stammering fool land and keep a job in broadcast media?

    I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, indeed

  2. Pretty accurate. I've always thought that people would be amazed when they realize a lot of the behind the scenes aspects of the Jauron regime. Not too much has come out, but between little things (how the weight room was a spa) and the quotes from the players; it is mind boggling that Jauron lasted as long as he did. I'm not sold on the idea that Gailey will bring the Bills to the Superbowl or even the playoffs. But, I think he is underrated as far the league is concerned. And furthermore, I think he might be just what the doctor ordered for the Bills at this specific moment in the franchise's history. Just like the organization, Gailey has underachieved the past couple years. He is looking for redemption just as much as the organization is. And I think that level of humility will go a long way. It will provide the necessary patience the team needs to find prolonged success. I'm not saying I wouldn't have preferred Shanahan or Cowher (in reality I would have preferred L. Frazier as HC and Gailey as OC); but I don't think the other candidates for the job would have come with the humility needed.


    Either way, great article. And good, professional quotes from Donte. I jumped off of the Edwards bandwagon long ago. But, out of the other 3 mediocre QB's that Gailey tutored (as listed in the article), Edwards is by far the most naturally gifted in terms of QB skills. If the O-line can stay healthy and provide minimal protection, I think he will play better than the fans anticipate. Or at least that is the kool aid I'm drinking.


    And I would say the AFC East has ONE established QB (Brady). The only thing that Sanchez and Henne have established is that they are the number 1 QBs on their respective teams. Other than that, what have they done?


    Thrown a LOT of interceptions to the Bills. Long may that flag wave.

  3. I do that anyway. Jill and I do shots of crown every TD the Bills score. And when they don't score for awhile, we say stuff like, "Remember that TD Roland Hooks scored against the Patriots in '79, we never drank to that one!" and then do one.


    I was there. (Hic) :beer: Sat at the opposite endzone because it was in the sun, warmer. #25 won that game for us.


    (Edit to add) Fergy helped a bit, too.

  4. Heck, everyone thought the Baltimore Colts were safe and the Cleveland Browns. You can't judge these things, people with money and power make decisions behind closed doors and they could care less what the taxpaying fan thinks.


    I for one never thought the Baltimore Colts were the Cleveland Browns.

  5. Holy crap.


    Just Holy friggin crap.



    A few hours ago I started this thread which linked to a picture of a BABY smoking pot. Yes, a BABY smoking pot.


    And why was this baby smoking pot? Because the baby's mom is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOser.


    And why is the baby's mom a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOser? Because the baby's mom smokes pot.



    I run a few errands and deal with a few clients and three pages later the thread has turned into two things:


    1. A link to babies drinking as if two wrongs makes a right and


    2. Arguments to LEGALIZE pot. I suppose this is so even more babies can smoke it and we can be even bigger losers as a society and be so softened up that our collective heads are soon rolling down collective flights of stairs?


    Bolded: Given that statistics point to drug use beginning at ever decreasing ages, wouldn't it be possible that the infant got the mom hooked on this stuff?

  6. I did notice on that play that he had 3 receivers all on the left side. He dropped back and then very quickly threw to ML as he was bailing out. It was hard to tell if any of the receivers were open on TV. But honestly, I don't see how any of them could have been open yet.


    I don't have this recorded, if you do please go back and look. Did TE do any reads? It was a very quick throw, so maybe not a checkdown. Were any DL/LBs/DBs/Hot Dog Vendors coming free to force the throw? Or was it a called play? Get the ball to the RB and set up the blocking to get the yards. Marshawn almost did. If they did this in regular season I'd be screaming bloody murder. Preseason, not so much.

  7. TE was also playing WITH starters.


    My opinion is that Ftiz looked better. He started a little shaky. He had several 3 and outs. But watch the drive that starts around 4:20 in the 3rd quarter. 85 yards capped off by a really nice play to get a TD completion to David Nelson. At the start of that drive he completes several passes for 8, 11, 13 yards, something like that. 3 or 5 first downs. Then Simpson or maybe it was Bell run for 45. Then Trent thows the TD.


    The next time we got the ball on the Redskin 35, he completes a 5 yard pass on 1st down followed by the TD run. Real solid QB play on both drives. He didn't throw an interception. 9/13 (64%) 61 yards TD


    Trent did have a very nice first drive. But came up with only a FG. Then the pick and then 2 3 and outs. 5 /9 (55%) 54 yards INT


    Nod to Fitz


    Bolded: Because he checked down on third and long after Stupar's hold. Wasn't that the play that Marshawn was injured?

  8. Trainers where great last night!!


    they got to the feild fast, when guys where down. they worked on the injuries steady on the sideline, got guys back in the game.


    they got air and water to maybin fast when he was beaten by 2nd and 3rd stringers.


    all and all trainers where a bright spot.


    Please go away until you learn how to spell.

  9. There were plenty of mistakes, but we got shafted in Washington's PR for the TD. Our gunner had him dead to rights and was clearly hit from behind, above the waist. Washington's first TD was also questionable, but the ball would have been spotted at the goal line.

    I wasn't too happy with the Bills' 4th & inches non-play, but that doesn't mean we'd do the same thing when it is regular season.


    Three more weeks of kissing your sister.


    Okay, let me have it.

  10. Cookie Gilchrist


    belongs on the list.


    What could have been. :(


    Props to Matter :ph34r:B-) for starting this little diversionary thread the night before our first 2010 PS game. And thanks to everyone in this thread for helping to keep my mind off of 7:35pm tomorrow. :D I really think that if any individual can prove a certain level of Bills' fanhood he or she should get a ration of drugs or liquor (electroshock or psychotherapy could be added at a nominal fee) for such stress.


    Edit: I don't mean to sound negative. I am just so wound up I am ready to go outside and gnaw down telephone poles like a beaver (to quote someone famous).

  11. Do "Reset Safari" full boat. (Click on Safari in the toolbar) Delete cookies, history, everything. You'll have to re-enter your passwords, preferences etc., but it should do what you want. If more troubleshooting is needed, go to the Apple forum on Craigslist. Those people have serious Kung Fu.

  12. how does DAC sound? I would love to hear some newer stuff in analog. Do you have an affordable DAC player you can recommend?


    Hi Pete,


    A DAC is a Digital to Analog Converter. Personally, I do not like the sound of CDs played with a CD player. What I do is put the CD tracks on a hard drive and use a purposed older Mac laptop as the player. I upsample the files using an application called Pure Music, and then output it via USB with a dongle called M2Tech Hi Face. The rest is into my stupidly expensive stereo.


    The advice I can give you is the part before the "stupidly expensive stereo.". Put files on a hard drive (don't forget to back them up) and learn how to play them. It sure beats getting up to change an LP/CD and you hear many songs that you would NEVER play. The funny thing about iTunes is that it plays the songs that you think of or talk about.


    I've been involved with high end audio since 1975. My creepy friends (equally old) now wonder how all the old speakers, amps. etc. would have worked with such a great source.

  13. So if people into this kind of hobby are "audiophiles", does that make people who like to drive really fast "pedalphiles"


    Yes. What I've found is that you can enjoy a killer music system running at 10/10 for hours. If you have a killer car, and run it at 10/10, you will soon be arrested. I've had both and prefer music. And yes, I was arrested. And probably still am :)

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