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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. With all of the negative posts out there, I just wanted to say I love you guys.


    I ran out of liquor. I owe Mead some wine. I'm gonna watch and suffer. Hope it turns out fine...


    Sing that to "Bad to the Bone"




    Moving back to the Bill's most recent HOF QB.

    Kelly came to a Bills team which had a top-five offensive line, (name them) a top WR (in 1986, who?) and a solid TE (again, in 1986 who?) before he got here.

    The D had a veteran leader NT, Bruce Smith and Darryl Talley.


    Yeah Smerlas was a veteran leader NT. Offsides!


    1. Would Kelly have had the same storied career if he had come to the Bills in 1983, before those pieces were in place?

    2. Can anyone provide examples of a team which sucked on both lines, and turned things around by drafting a star college QB into the mess?


    You must have been born in 1982 or later.

  3. Note: Interesting question, If you had to take Gailey's current Bills and play them against DJ's Bills of last season, who wins? I believe DJ probably kicks Gailey's ass, hehehe


    Fitz would beat your buddy Trent 10 out of 10. Give up, fanboy. I see your whole agenda. Once the Bills cut Trent Edwards you are on the attack mode. There are a lot of reasons that this team is not winning, and Trent was one of them. Fitz does better, and will let other players show their talents. Please go be a Jacksonville fan.

  4. Polian was not promoted to GM after Bledsoe's heart attack. He acted in the role of GM along with Norm Pollom until Bledsoe's health allowed him to return. He was promoted to GM after Bledsoe was fired at the conclusion of the '85 season. One of the things that sealed the deal for Bledsoe was the god awful trade for Vince Feragamo.


    2) What did he do with Chuck Knox?


    Again, nothing. Knox left when his contract expired (after a 4-5 season) to run the Seahawks, who were offering a bundle of $$$$. New opportunity, bigger challenge, more money. It happens in every profession


    Nice posts, I agree 100%. Good to see a new poster with a factual view of the past instead of the Ralph is CHEAP! mindset.

  5. So many better places for wings though. Unless you are going to the Anchor to say you've been there, go somewhere else. Mamosers, Barbill, etc.



    Mamosers and Barbill? I'll definately put that into consideration.




    Dre, I agree with what yall said. Ignore the Anchor, maybe try Duff's as it is midway (and easily accessable) between the Falls and RWS. I also heard that Barbill is good, but just to let you know it is cash only.

  6. Well, I can show you what ends up happening when he lines up like that. Take a look at this shot. I circled Maybin getting buried (literally) by Matt Light because he tried to bull rush him. Also notice that ALL THREE of the other D-lineman (Ellis, Stroud, and Williams) are stacked on top of each other surrounded by Patriots O-lineman. That's not good. Something has to change with this scheme (it's not just the players).


    Take a look ---> http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/1699/maybin2.jpg




    The Steelers scheme under Lebeau is a huge reason why the defense is so successful. I only use them as an example because they are the best in the business at the 3-4 scheme.


    Lebeau was running a 4-3 under Greggo.

  7. Fitz at least tries to make things happen. If a receiver is getting open, even if the pass bounces at their feet, they at least know the QB was throwing the ball to them. That receiver will try to get open again, because the next pass may be better. Not throwing to receivers will cause them to not even bother.


    I'm on the evaluation page. Fitz is a known quantity. He at least attempts certain passes that TE didn't. See what you can do with the rest of the offense, and then ease Brohm in later this year.


    Plus, sign Fitz for a couple more years as a #2. He understands the game.

  8. I'm not nearly as impressed as some of you folks with Ryan Fitzpatrick, footballs slipping out of his hand, one hopping balls, can't hit the broad side of a barn half the time and leading us in what, losing?


    Its time to evaluate Brian Brohm...


    But you were fine with Trents 1 TD pass in two games. Fitz threw 7 in the next three games. Same OL, BTW.

  9. If this regime doesn't turn it around and the team suffers several dismal losing seasons in a row, I'm saying Ralph is now too old to do anything about it. The Bills can win four or fewer games for the next three or four seasons and if Ralph stays alive there will be no consequences for failure.

    Good point, MPL! Do you have any other original thoughts?

  10. Already did Conradturdface,


    My daughter lives in Jacksonville and although she's not an avid football fan, my hope is she eventually will be,


    As far as my Bills go, born in Buffalo and will always be a Die hard Bills fan regardless of how screwed up we may be.


    Dog, this guy dragged the Bills down to his level since he was drafted. Now that he is on another team I will damn his very existence. If you want to cheer for him, that's OK by me, but not when it comes to playing the Bills. Your previous post makes you a Trent fan, not a Bills fan.

  11. TE is going to help the Jaguars not only this Sunday against the Bills, but also going into the future. Trent Edwards (thanks to Gailey) now has a good understanding of how certain plays set up other plays. Just because Trent never received good enough protection in Buffalo to use the information on the football field doesn't mean Trent Edwards won't put the knowledge to work helping another football team.


    Releasing Trent Edwards the way the Bills did is one of the worse, most unprofessional moves I've ever seen this or any organization make. TE wasn't a trouble maker, a cancer in the locker room, or a player who lacked motivation, just the opposite. Trent Edwards is a goal oriented individual with one thing in mind,to win a Championship.


    The Buffalo Bills deserve to have Trent Edwards and the Jaguars come into Buffalo and kick our ass and it might not be Trent on the football field , but you can bet Trent Edwards played a role in our teams demise on Sunday.


    The way I look at it now, Trent Edwards is just helping us move one step closer to the first pick overall in the draft...



    This proves that you are a Trent ball licker and not a Bills fan. I hope Trent plays this Sunday and we break both of his vaginas, one of which has to be amputated. You should leave this board and join Jacksonvilles, and cover yourself with a tarp, twirp.

  12. blame DJ for drafting a 19 year old Sophomore. maybin should be in his senior year @ Penn tate this year not the NFL.


    they will not cut him until after next year that is IF he fails nest year.


    he just turned 22,its not his fault that the bills picked a 19 year old kid to come in and play in the NFL.


    He was 19 last year and is now 22 years old? So it's 2012 now? Was there a lockout in 2011? Is Ralph still alive? I must have fallen asleep. Damned Quaaludes.

  13. You know what is hillarious. I am sure you and guys like you said the same thing when TD and Greg W were brought on. Then the same when RJ was cut. Then the same thing when Mularkey was brought on board, and again with Marv and with Brandon, and Jauron and on and on and on. You guys try to play this cool, educated fan and everyone else is hysterical and wrong. Well each time you and guys like you have been wrong. It is as bad as it seems and has been for years. Unless Ralph dies soon, it will be that way for years to come.


    So here we are AGAIN, ANOTHER rebuilding year, ANOTHER GM/ HC that we have to give 'time' too. Only after Ralph finally passes will we hopefully get a real owner that wants to win which = Much better front office, Better coaching, talent evaluating and most imporantly TALENT so we can actually finally rebuild instead of re tool to suck each year.


    I agreed with you about Trent. I semi agree with you about Maybin. But tell me, after Ralph dies and the Bills have a new owner and the team starts out 0-4, will you be demanding another new owner for the following year, ad infinitum?

  14. Thank you for the intelligent response, really.


    Chan Gailey and Buddy Nix came in here with a plan. Both of them have done/seen it done before.


    The end of your post I guess you are implying that CJ Spiller was the wrong pick. Really? Who else would you have chosen? The next tackle, Anthony Davis? Bryan Bulaga? Both are stuggling, with the right tackle and guard position respectively. We always talk about best player available, thats how good teams get to be great teams. We were a ok team with Jauron. Cj helps this team mightily, especially since Marshawn is gone. Mike Mayock, best draft guru imo said that if a team needs a guy to pick up chunks of yeardage at a time than you draft Cj Spiller. Guess what, we are that team. He is a special player!!!


    As for offensive line. The most important part on an NFL team. We are wayyyyyy behind the rest of the NFL with our lines. But im just going to talk about the offensive line for now. I feel like Demetruis can be a starter. I feel like andy levitre can be a starter. But thats about it. I love Eric Wood but he is not meant for the right guard postion. You think Big, tough guy, why not? He struggled with one on one blocking in college and thats excatly what you do at the guard postion. ONce Wood goes to center and Hang becomes are 4th man in the interior, we will be good with 3 positions. As for RG I like Urbik. A guy with a grown mans body and has grown man stregnth. You need that to play guard in this league. And finally, the missing link. We know Cornell Green is not the answer. And we have a glaring weakness at RT.


    I can go on and on about every position and what i think but bottom line is i trust chan and buddy. Chan never saw trent in live condition for himself. Once the bullets flying we have no pass protection and chan didnt see that in training camp. Thats why with this o line we need a mobile qb, and thats why fitz does ok.


    Anyone disagree?


    I think the sudden retirement of Brad Butler did a lot of harm. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills kept Fitz as the starter, and drafted a QB to be developed (or bedevilled), with at least two OL, unless they do something in FA. Then there's the defense. Next, how to ensure world peace.


    Wasn't that easy? :lol:


    Seriously, I'm on your side. I don't mind the KELSAY EXTENSION????!!!! WTF!!!???? sort of posts, because I don't understand that move, also. Then again I'm not privy to the plan.


    I'm just getting sick and tired of the nattering Nabobs of negativism that criticize when the Bills decide to switch from using Windex to Glass Plus to clean the lavatory mirrors.

  15. I rarely make moral judgements on this board, with the only possible exception being some Mike Vick posts.


    These posts have nothing to do with morality, they are really about judging, and offering opinions. Often the only appropriate reaction to the farcical situations that the Bills and their fans seem to end up in, is irreverence.


    I think I am being a realist. Not even one of the Bills players is from Buffalo, they have no reason to feel loyalty to the city. Given the history of the team for the last decade, any reasonable person would not want to be chosen by the Bills. That's not "self-loathing", that just understanding that from a players perspective, this is a bad organization to play for, and that seems to be something that SOME posters on this board don't understand (I don't know how they couldn't notice that, but some don't seem to).


    That's been happening for a lot longer than the last decade, and not just with the Bills.

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