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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. “Everybody, the line, the backs and just getting everybody on the same page,” said Fitzpatrick. “And there were just certain looks the Ravens gave us schematically we thought we’d be able to do some good things and it worked out like we thought it would throughout the game.




    Trent used to say the exact opposite when Dick was around.


    Was it Trent?


    Was it Dick?


    Both. Good riddance, too. Trent was never going to be successful due to his limited skills. Dick was never going to be successful due to his stubborness. Gailey cut Trent 4 weeks into the season for underperforming. Maybin is in serious trouble. At least we have a coach that tries all combinations. When has been the last time that we saw over 500 yards of offense, a return from a 10 point defecit to force overtime, and a 350+ yd. passing game? Yes, the defense sucks. Get the D in order and score just 24 PPG and we'll win a few.

  2. Man, you guys are really mean. There's really no need to name call like this.


    It's my opinion the Bills are better off losing out and getting the top draft pick. Maybe your opinion is different, that's fine - but don't act like I'm the only one that thinks like this, or that there is no merit to having the number one pick.


    And you are consistently negative and campaign the same god damned point into the ground with each and every post.

  3. if we draft a defensive back in the first three picks, I am going to laugh, cry, laugh, and cry the rest of the season.



    Dude you know Youboty, and Florence,and Whitner,and Scott(I believe) are FA's right? Your gonna see a DB in the first 3 picks.






  4. OMG I thought I was the only one who thought this. I've been wanting to say that for weeks! It's funny how mpl suddenly dissapeared and this napolian guy appeared. Same style, same mo, same frequency. Good call!


    But back to Fitz, I have to say he changed my mind today. I've been wanting Brohm to get his chance but Fitz has been playing well, steadily getting better, and he had his breakout game today. Good for him! and the Bills! Finally we break 300 yrds passing. I feel the curse has been broken today. And I am willing to back Fitz until he shows me different.


    If only this game will quiet the doom and gloomers for awhile. Not likely, but one can dream can't he?


    MPL ban date and NaPolian join date are the same.


    Fitz WILL give us fits. But still it is nice seeing a 300+ yd. passing game for like three years. And 500 in Offense? Yikes! :blink:

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