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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. Way to call the defense, GREGGO! I wonder if he came into Washington beating his chest the way he did here? "I don't care what happened last year, my Tenessee defense was #1 in the league." Man, that guy was such a tool. Glad he got Gray too. The scum also rises.
  2. I've only got VHS EP speed here to watch this, but isn't there an open receiver just a bit downfield from where Peppers vacated, that could have both taken an easy thrown pass over (Peppers) head, and negated the pass rush to boot if KH had only looked to his right?
  3. Yeah, Wyche is a question mark. He was pimped last year as the answer to JPs youth/inexperience and basically slinked (slunked, slank ?) off into the night, with very little culpability thrown his way, although I bet there was some mention here on TSW.
  4. I remember reading somewhere that Kelly and his agent (not Jerry Argovitz) were at OBD ready to sign his original contract, when the secretary buzzed in with a phone call for Jimbo, with a higher offer from the Gamblers. Probably an urban legend. If only we could blame them for Hank Bullough.
  5. It also didn't help that Cribbs' agent, Jerry Argovitz, was a silent partner of a USFL team. I believe that he was indicted for this. Argovitz also represented Billy Sims, IIRC, and used the same tactics (agree to a contract and then ask for more) to get him into the USFL.
  6. And don't forget "The ball went right through Eddie Robinson's hands, he had a sure interception" plus all the sound bites of Kevin Gilbride. I hated it when we ended up with those three losers.
  7. Pyrite Gal used to be Fake Fat Sunny. The poster (IMO a guy) derives his user name from the opposite of the nickname of someone in the Bills front office. Back in the TD era, TD somehow was connected conceptually to either Eminem or his persona "The Real Slim Shady" - hence its opposite "Fake Fat Sunny". With TD gone, that moniker would no longer suffice, so from one of Marv and Ralphs first press conferences, where Ralph referred to the two of them as "The Golden Boys" (a take off on TVs The Golden Girls senior citizens) "Pyrite (Fools Gold) Gal" was born - just another opposite. And it's Occams Razor - not Shaver
  8. Could someone please tell me what OTA stands for? I'm usually pretty good at this alphabet soup stuff, but this one has me stumped. Thanks!
  9. Uh, could you please clarify this somewhat? It does roll off the tongue a bit akwardly. Did you perhaps mean "QZ abd PWND had ab aooarebt dusoute about the QB"? That makes more sense to me.
  10. Another good one is "They Call Me Dirty" by my namesake and Vic Carucci. Although Dobler also played for St. Louis (Cards) and N.O., it covers his years here during the Knox era pretty well.
  11. I'm not sure what this means, but after seeing this thread yesterday, I found a copy of "By A Nose" while cleaning out some old boxes in the back bedroom. Serendipity? Evil Portent?
  12. My problem (won't call it "hate" - that's reserved for Miami/NE) with Flutie was his effect on our OL. Offensive lines thrive on discipline. With him running around back there, play call be damned, they really couldn't block as a unit, because Flutie just improvised. I think some of the problems RJ had were due to this lack of OL cohesiveness caused by playing in front of Flutie. Besides, he was too short. In order to throw 20 - 30+ yards, he had to get the ball way, WAY up in the air, which let the DBs close on the target before the ball arrived.
  13. He had 3 more years after Buffalo: 1986 SF .......... 14 152 590 3.9 5 35 346 9.9 0 5 30 1987 SF .......... 11 70 300 4.3 1 9 70 7.8 0 1 12 1988 IND/MIA.. 13 5 21 4.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0
  14. Cribbs, like Thurman, also ran behind a pretty good OL made up of Devlin, Borchardt, Grant, Jones and somebody else (cough). He hit the hole quickly, but if he was even touched behind the LOS he often went down in a heap. Did have a pretty over-the-shoulder catch 'n run from Fergy in the flat, though. Still liked Robb Riddick better, even though he never came close to the production Cribbs had. Cribbs: Season Team Games Rush Yds Avg TD Rec Yds Avg TD Fumbles Points 1980 BUF 16 306 1,185 3.9 11 52 415 8.0 1 16 72 1981 BUF 15 257 1,097 4.3 3 40 603 15.1 7 12 60 1982 BUF 7 134 633 4.7 3 13 99 7.6 0 5 18 1983 BUF 16 263 1,131 4.3 3 57 524 9.2 7 6 60 1985 BUF 10 122 399 3.3 1 18 142 7.9 0 5 6 I believe that he spent '84 in the USFL under the influence of Jerry Argovitz, the Svengali dentist from Houston (his agent) who was later indicted for also being a part owner of a USFL team. Not to muddy the waters too much here, but the above is another reason that Ralph had the cheap tag put on him. Cribbs would make contract demands, and the Bills would agree, then Argovitz/Cribbs would raise the ante. This went on until the Bills said Enough! and Cribbs went to the USFL, and Ralph got called cheap. It went this way with Kelly and Cousineau, too IIRC. Edit: Cousineau went to the CFL.
  15. Canada does have the Trailer Park Boys. "Sunnyvale Bills" has a nice ring to it. Ricky for GM!
  16. Didn't we also have an older DE (from Dallas, IIRC) named Arthur something? I remember Swizzle - Stick saying "This dog can still hunt" in reference to him.
  17. What are the girl's thoughts on all this? "Ooooh honey, you're more worried about college than about me?" If so, time to take a hike. Tell him not to let the little head do the thinking for the big head.
  18. Politicians, Accountants, and semantics. (Or Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.) Littmann said the Bills may lose XX million dollars next year. What he didn't say was that they would be XX million dollars in the red. Anyone here from NYS knows the drill, "Politician Z lowered taxes by 10%" No he didn't! He took a 25% tax increase and changed it to a 15% increase (which is what they had in mind all along). For the Bills to go from a ~ $15m profit to a ~ $5 - 10m loss implies a swing of (minus) $20 to 25m. Not likely.
  19. "That's Hard-Hat! HARD-HAT!!!!!!!" Thanks for this, RkF. It made my day.
  20. This seems like fun! 1) Bill Polian - for not locking up Will Wolford when he had the chance. (IIRC BP was quoted "We don't negotiate contracts during the season" He snoozed, we lost.) 2) Ralph - for firing BP (credit also given to Jeff Littman by previous poster) 3) John Butler - for giving away the farm to all the "fine young men" (John Fina, Glenn "Porky" Parker, Lonnie Johnson, ad infinitum) See #1 above. 4) Ralph - (again) for the handshake deal w/ Jim Kelly, who I believe could have survived (at least) another season if not for #1 above. Which brings us to... 5) Todd Collins - (dance, dance, dance...) and now... 6) Doug Flutie - who IMO further ruined the OL (how the heck can you have blocking schemes for your QB if you have absolutely no clue as to what he's gonna do?) which takes us to 7) RJ - (let's grasp for straws!) and now 8) Ralph - for interfering in the QB selection which leads us to the firing of 9) Wade - just put the %%#$ headset on willya? Great defense back then. What a waste. so 10) Ralph - hires 11)TD who brings us 12) GW - "I don't want to talk about last years' defense, mine is better" who then jettisons Fat Ted, Cowart (although injured) and brought in marvels like Eddie Robinson and 13) Jerry Gray, 14) DB even though the OL has been in disarray for many years (see #1 Above) so 15) TD decides that the Tennessee model doesn't quite cut it, and invents Pittsburgh north, with 16) MM and 17) TC plus Gray trying so valiantly to drive square pegs into round holes. I swear if it wasn't for Bobby April, I'd probably go jump off a bridge somewhere.
  21. The way that.......Jim Rome......breaks up his..... sentences.....into four or five word......fragments.....as if we are all......too stupid to......comprehend.....anything longer than that.....gives me a raging.....desire......to jump through the........radio speaker.......and strangle him.....
  22. Yeah, Buffalo lives under different rules. For $720K you can buy 3 beautiful houses that need nothing and park a new Benz in the driveway of each to boot. In fifteen years you'll be lucky to get that $720,000 back, and the Benzes will have taken a shot, too. My example 1600 sq. ft in Tonawanda, $79,000 in 1992. Today, $75,500. Taxes have gone up 40%, though.
  23. I agree. If only Cowher coached for the Hags I'd root for PGH in a heartbeat. Mr. Jaw reminds me of a bully cop. OTOH I can't stand Seattle due to their repeated stompings of us (ALWAYS in the Kingdome) after Chuck Knox went there, combined with their taking out of Robb Riddicks knee way back when. Guess I'll just get drunk and vomit on the TV.
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