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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" - Arthur Carlson
  2. "Your majesty is like a stream of bats' piss." - Monty Python
  3. Excellent points, agree 100%. Thanks for the well written reply. If you're ever in WNY, let's get together and talk cars.
  4. The problem motors aren't the venerable Chevy 265/283/302/305/327/350/400 cast iron smallblocks, they are a new design improperly built due to bean counters. Remember Vega? No doubt there. Every manufacturer has their share of lemons due to poor design or workmanship. Ramblers used to be pretty good sometimes. The Olds Rocket V8 was spectacularly solid, then GM converted them to diesel and they exploded. To later posters, this could be an example of a conversation in the MNF booth with whoever the featured guest of the week is. Maybe Tom Tjorborrenson going at it with Theissman.
  5. Yup. The sound of all that piston slap will send the enemy scurrying for cover
  6. Games 3, 4, & 5 were played by replacement players (strike year) which includes the Indy 47 - 6 blowout. I was at Joe Robbie for game 6 (34 - 31 comeback victory). That was sweet. They were down 21 - 3 at the half.
  7. Christie? In '88? I was there with a terrible hangover, and couldn't stand the cold rain into the 4th quarter, so we stood in one of the corner end zone tunnels coming from the upper ring for probably the last few minutes of the 4th and into overtime. My memory is of a fan seated above me repeating (like a prayer or invocation) "Just one time, baby, just one time." He did that at the end of regulation when NORWOOD kicked the tying field goal to go into OT, and then again when Scotty kicked the winner. Lucky for us that whatever deity this gent was invoking couldn't count.
  8. Coaching, coaching, and coaching. In the past 5+ years, whenever a seasoned veteran was either hurt, or lost to free agency, it seemed like the rookie/less experienced replacement was thrown to the wolves with opposing teams feasting on their rotting carcass. (NB: maybe with the exception of Crowell last year, but the defense still sucked with or without his contributions.) This year seems a bit different, as the current coaching staff seems to be able to acknowledge a players strengths and weaknesses, and set them up to succeed, instead of doing that square peg/round hole thing that the Mularkey/GW crowd seemed so adept at.
  9. Yeah. And is it just me, or did Lindell's kick seem more accurate than many of (mention name of past Bills quarterback here) passes as far as being catchable for a member of our team?
  10. Sorry to bring up nonrelevant 26 year old facts/opinions, but who here would like to trade Duke Preston for Jim Ritcher? Ritcher was an Outland Trophy winner who couldn't block for s#it in his first few years with the Bills. It took Jim Ringo a whole lot of work to turn him into what we eventually saw in the late '80s - Super Bowl years. I know the league is different today, but people/players are (sometimes) not. Some take longer to develop, but fortunately some coaches see a certain potential to stay the course. I am not blameless either, as I had been calling for Josh Reed's head for three years. I see things differently now. Still would rather have Larry Centers or Sam Gash over Shelton, though.
  11. I! thought! it! was! The! Buzz! written! by! Mary! Kunz! Goldman! (Apologies to out of towners, a column in the Buffalo Snooze written by an 8th grader, only slightly more lucid than Jerry "WNBA" Sullivan.)
  12. Isn't Minnesota known for pumping in extra noise via their sound system when their opponent's offense is on the field?
  13. What was he challenging, the spot of the ball? Was he expecting the refs to give the Dolfags a fumble recovery that never occurred? Genius my @ss!
  14. If you look closely, you'll see them holding his arms before the ball ever arrived. He had to break the holds to deflect the ball.
  15. Another thing to watch is Kyle Williams' deflection of a Brady pass in the 1st Q. May have intercepted it if TWO Patsy linemen weren't holding his arms down. If I see much more of this crap in the upcoming weeks, I'll lose it. A lot of holding that wasn't mentioned in the other threads can be seen, also.
  16. Good one, although seeing that smoking, drinking and amphetamines are already spoken for, I would have jumped straight to "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue".
  17. Dick Jauron does not sweat, he perspires. And he does not perspire.
  18. The penalty called on Gandy wasn't his fault unless he was told to report as tackle eligible. Someone likely failed to line up on his left (a WR or TE).
  19. And there goes the rum and Coke all over my screen. PS and in the Josh Reed thread the poster meant fifty - fifty, as in per cent.
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