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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. My votes were for a TE, coaches (OL) and QB.


    First two are self explanatory, and I'm beginning to think that Edwards would be excellent in a Frank Reich role. He's too fragile, and lacks the fire to be a week-in, week-out starter for the Bills.

  2. I dont think it is unreasonable to expect any competent coach to come in and turn things around quickly if he has identified the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and knows how to properly address them.


    This is what I don't understand. The Bills always seem to get head coaches/ O&D coordinators that

    subscribe to the square peg/round hole school of thought.


    The idea of adapting their schemes to the strengths of the players they actually have never seems to occur to them.

  3. La Hac and Grovers are cash only? Wow, I didn't know that. Viola's is certainly cash-only. One of my best friends, a doctor in Amherst, loves Grovers...and uses plastic to pay for most everything. He must ATM-up before hitting Grovers.


    A friend & I went to Grovers two weeks ago - those burgers are everything people said they were! Bill came to $26.00 & out comes the Amex. "Sorry no credit cards."




    Luckily we had $30 in cash between us.


    Strangely enough, LaHacienda does take personal checks.

  4. They don't take credit card. :lol: I tried going there with my wife last time we were there, but we had no cash. :worthy:


    Grover's in Amherst mentioned above is cash only, as is LaHacienda in the Falls. A bit OT, but is refusal to accept plastic at popular restaurants a WNY thing or is it like that in other places around the US?

  5. Klye never threw more than 13 t.d.s in a year.I'm not saying that Losman is Steve Young,what I'm saying is you look at Steve Youngs first couple years in the leaque,even after playing in the USFL.He was putting up some bad numbers and they were not winning alot of games.Went to S.F.49ers sat behind Montana and develope into a great QB.Put Losman into a team with better talent and coaching,maybe better QB.Also Boller never had aQB rating of 80 and only completed over 60% one time"rookie year".Got worse every year.I know you don't like Losman but from his first year as a starter to his second year as a starter he got better in every part of his game"com.pct.,yrds, t.d.s,lower int.sacks went down,fumbles and most importent wins 5 to 7."So I don't know about you ,but that means he was showing improvement.he has played 9 games since.Who knows if he could've worked out his problems if he could've played all year.Like Edwards after 4 bad games, they stuck by him and let him work through the bad games.Maybe because it was the Chiefs they figured it would be a good game to get him out of his funk.


    T h e

    s p a c e

    b a r

    i s

    y o u r

    f r i e n d .


    P l e a s e

    p a y

    m o r e

    a t t e n t i o n

    t o

    i t .

  6. Geez Louise.


    Look folks...there are SO many flaws on this team that any QB going to have his respective weakness magnified. With an O-line that can't protect the QB or establish a running game, a subpar receiving corps with the #2 WR out, no quality tight end to offer an escape route on blitzes or good pass rushes, a defense that can't get the ball back or shorten the field via turnovers and gives up long drives at key points of the game...the QB is in over his head. Montana, Elway, Brady...they'd all be hosed.


    When Trent is shoveling $#%# against the tide with this team and not connecting on his checkdowns as he's getting pummelled and there's no run game to keep the defense honest, people are gonna say "Dammit...throw the long ball and stretch the field!!"


    When JP is forcing an ill-advised pass or holding the ball too long, people are gonna say "Dammit, read the defense better and get rid of the ball and hit the hot read!!"


    There are aspects to both their games that, without a good supporting cast, are very exploitable. Maybe the Bills record wouldn't be worse with JP under center, but I'm hard pressed to believe it would be better.



    Kelso, +1. Interesting that both are now accused of "holding the ball too long" etc., etc.


    Edwards is more suited for the Bills' intensive porpoises. I bet JP would thrive next to Fouts in the Err Coryell scheme.


    Thanksgiving disclaimer: As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

  7. Sorry to interrupt the other points in the thread, but I would like to say one thing:


    I knew we were in trouble when TD hired Greggo, and allowed him to blow up the #2 defense from the previous year due to arrogance (GW's). If we had kept the late '90s (dare I say Wade's/Ted Cottrell's) defensive system & players, and focused on improving the offense, the team would have been far better off. But no, we had to go to the smoke & mirrors defense of Jerry Gray and (to a lesser extent) Dick LeBeau. Now we are in a modified cover 2, which needs perfect execution, especially from a light & quick front four to succeed. When they (front four) don't succeed, we see wide open receivers splitting the zone with no defender within 3 yards.


    That is my gripe with Donahoe. He let a top defense evaporate.

  8. Well people that see Lynch as much more than average are novices at best.

    In most cases they are kids taking in by and giddy with catch phrases like "beast mode".

    But everyone is a kid at one point or another.


    And you are going to last as long around here as you did with your old screen name. Keep crusading, Skippy.

  9. I've had this clipping from the paper hanging on my fridge door since sometime in the mid 1990's. It's a letter to the sports editor written by one Brian ******** from Cheektowaga. It's titled "Dumping on the Dolphins". I hope the ladies and gents here like it as much as I do:


    " As a longtime Bills follower, I

    spent the past few months listen-

    ing to national media people an-

    nouncing the demise of the Bills.

    It is true we are rebuilding, but it

    is a wonder to be 8-4, despite in-

    juries and inexperience.

    I watched with great pleasure

    the dismantling of Miami at home

    by the 49ers. I now will enjoy writ-

    ing the obituary for an organiza-

    tion long overdue to receive it.


    In 1985, Miami lost the AFC

    Championship game.


    In 1986, Miami finished 8-8 and

    out of the playoffs.


    In 1988, Miami finished 6-10 and

    out of the playoffs.


    In 1989 Miami gave up 69

    points in two consecutive losses to

    finish 8-8 and out of the playoffs.


    In 1990 Miami wound up 12-4 but

    lost to Buffalo in the playoffs

    44-34, giving up 434 yards.


    In 1991, Miami at 8-6 alowed

    61 points in its final two losses to

    finish out of the playoffs.


    In 1992, Miami lost the AFC

    Championship Game to Buffalo,

    surrendering 358 yards and com-

    mitting five turnovers.


    In 1993, Miami entered Decem-

    ber 9-2, and gave up 33 points per

    game in five straight losses to miss

    the playoffs.


    In 1994, ahead 21-15 in an

    AFC semifinal, Miami allowed San

    diego to move 60 yards for the

    winning touchdown.


    I can't wait to see what hap-

    pens this year. Despite spending

    millions of dollars, this remains a

    group of underachievers who fin-

    ger point when faced with adversi-

    ty and lack the fiber of a champi-

    onship team. It amazes me to

    watch probably the best coach of

    all time tolerate selfishness and

    lack of discipline and character."

  10. Here's mine, 'cause I was there!


    1. Bills 34, Dolphins 31 OT- October 25th, 1987- Joe Robbie Stadium

    1987 would mark the first time since 1966 that the Bills would

    sweep the Dolphins, and the first game of that season series was a

    memorable one. The Bills were down 21-0, but battled back and won the

    game in OT on a Scott Norwood field goal.


    IIRC Robb Riddick (one of my all-time favorite Bills) scored 3 or 4 touchdowns in this one

  11. Dan Manucci - no one wanted him to play


    ...and yes, I know Cribbs left of his own accord, but would we have fought more to keep him?


    We DID fight to keep Cribbs. His agent was Jerry Argovitz, who was a silent partner in the USFL. He pulled Cribbs and Billy Sims to that league with his conflict-of-interest dealings with the Bills and Lions. Cribbs "almost" signed his contract with the Bills several times, only to come back with another set of demands. Same for Sims. Detroit sued the pants off that Texan SOB.

  12. So tell me... JP would have been cool as a cumcumber.


    Dick's own words:


    "I wouln't say that we were in panic, but things were pretty crazy."


    This from "The Mortician."


    Sorry for slacking JP, but demeanor is critical during the game and especially crisis... It separates the real leaders from the chumps.


    Crossed lines here, EII. I was disagreeing in the strongest way with the newbie's post "If Edwards had not been hurt in AZ the Bills would be 6 - 0 right now." JPL did not lose that game, the defense did. Last I checked, Trent doesn't play defense. And I'll go on to say that as long as Mr. Losman is a member of the Buffalo Bills, I will hope and expect for him to play lights out and lead this team to success any time he is under center. If and when he leaves the Bills after this season as a FA, I wish him well, and will root for him to succeed in every game that is not played against my Buffalo Bills. I have my favorite and not-so-favorite players on this team, but for a so-called Bills fan (not talking about you, BTW) to revel in JP's struggles is counterproductive, and even dare I say, traitorus.

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