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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. Me. And many others. It counts for something.


    And it also counts for something that in 2006 he really started to play well, particularly after they opened up the playbook. It was remarkable because the OL at that time was truly bad. He was being protected by Terrence Pennington, Melvin Fowler, Mike Gandy and Tutan Reyes. Now, that's bad. In the second half of the season, two things happened and Losman played very well. Number one was that they put Peters in at right tackle and he immediately became the best OL on the team. The other was that they opened up the playbook, and that attitude and style fitted JP and he improved greatly.


    So naturally, the next year they closed the playbook down. And Losman was never the same again. Bad coaching contributed to his regression. A lot. A real lot.





    And I'd like to know who pulled the trigger on that.

  2. Coach Chan was in Brohm's hip pocket (so to speak) for the entire mini-camp. For the Brohm supporters, or the Brohm nay-sayers: Is this good or bad ?


    It's neither good or bad. CG has plenty of Pro film on Trent and Fitz (neither one was at the camp, remember). Browns a rookie. Of course you take a long, hard look at a 3rd year guy.

  3. It was love/hate with Josh. If you remember, people were calling for him not only to be cut, but to be cut into tiny pieces. Bad dropsies early on. Later on, too. He at least was our best (only?) blocking receiver the past few years. What year was it that he got hurt, and just happened to be one of Trent's go to guys? The offense went deeper into the toilet when Reed was out.

  4. T.O. threw another QB under the bus in my opinion and I hope it was his last. :thumbsup:



    I'd just like to point out that Josh Reed, who was a consummate team player, was standing right next to TO kvetching about Trent. One guy complains to the boss about a fellow employee, you listen. Two guys with the same complaint, you listen a lot harder.

  5. We've had how many fresh starts with new regimes now? OK, Buddy... OK Chan... That schedule looks incredibly tough this season and we still have many issues to iron out... but you believe we can turn it around... Show me....


    When Jauron came to the Bills, the Chicago fans registered here on TBD and warned us. Excuses were given by Posters here for DJ - injuries, fluke plays, ad infinitum. The Chicago people were right.

    I hope it's not that way with Chan.


    Every year:


    - You lose some players

    - You gain some players


    But when you change regimes, you hope to gain better players, lose the stiffs, and build a system that plays to the teams strengths. IE, Let OJ run the ball instead of using him as a decoy. That's what I'm looking forward to again.


    I can't help it, I'm an eternal optometrist.

  6. Change it my man! Surprise us! God, I wish you guys had been around a few months back when some of the members on here were burning me like a witch.........for being an XTC fan! :thumbsup:


    I honestly didn't see that thread. If I had I would have jumped on in defended you. :nana:

  7. Meester Dobler, that album (your avatar) is one of my all time favorites. Is it XTC Appreciation Week around here or something? I'll need to change my name to Skylarking.


    Thanks, Nod. I just figured I'd give member XTC a bit of support to ease the sting of his rookie hazing.

  8. Ben Roethlesberger is that guy that invites himself to your backyard BBQ. Nobody really likes him, you don't want him there, but he shows up anyway. Then, during the BBQ, when you're having a nice round of Jarts, Big Ben is that guy that thinks he's suddenly an Olympic hero and decides to get a running start and chuck the Jart as though he were throwing a javelin, only to have it soar over your fence and shatter your neighbor's kitchen window. Then he gives you that blank stare and is like "oh **** dude... I gotta go"



    On a scale of 1 to awesome, just how good is CJ Spiller going to be? For all of the running backs we've drafted and acquired here (many of which have been very good), none have been that shifty/burner type of back that can single handedly make plays when nothing is there.


    Who will emerge as the starting QB? YE OLE's money is on Brohm.


    I'm old and stupid and drunk.


    Click here:

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vc0cmAEd2kc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vc0cmAEd2kc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  9. Hey Thanks! But where were you back when they were ripping me a new one over on the "off the wall" forum??????????? :thumbsup:



    I tried to explain that XTC were not just another "new wave band" and they went insane on me...as if I had a Flock of Seagulls avatar or something! :worthy:


    Here ya go. You're new, they bust your balls. I saw XTC open for the Police at UB for their "Drums and Wires" tour (Police "Regatta de Blanc" IIRC).. I bought Drums the next day, and stayed with XTC through Oranges and Lemons. No Police albums ever.

  10. “Remember the golden rule,” Edwards said. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”'




    He may not be much of a QB, but that right there is enough to put him ahead of Pig Ben.


    Yes. In the "turn your head and cough" line.

  11. We've got a cat too, actually...my parents were never cat people, but we found her in the middle of an intersection close to our house, trapped in a pant leg that her previous owner had tried to use as some sort of sweater. We tracked down the owners, and it turns out the pieces of sh*t were tired of the responsibility so they drove her far away from home and just dumped her...so we kept her.


    Funny thing is, the dog and the cat became inseparable. I'm away at school, but my understanding is that the cat is absolutely beside herself.


    Firstly, sorry for your loss. But to add...


    That poor cat feels the same as you and your parents, possibly because she can sense the sadness in the home. Make sure she gets a lot of attention and consolation. Remember they can't talk it out like we can.

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