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Posts posted by ConradDobler

  1. This is perhaps the most encouraging thing I've heard Trent say in quite some time, per Gaughan in TBN:



    "Lee's one of the best go-ball route-runners in this league, I feel like. He runs them down, he pins the guy, he gets open downfield. We just have to protect. I've got to be able to let it fly. I've got to be accurate with it."






    Maybe Gailey can get through to Edwards after all? (or maybe I'm trying too hard to find something to be optimistic about?) I think all along Trent's problem has been confidence and a sort of psychological hesitancy. If Gailey can be Trent's shrink and get his confidence level back up, who knows, maybe he can still turn him into an NFL QB. He has the prototypical size. Let's hope Gailey tutors Edwards the right way and unlocks his dormant potential ...


    Or am I just another irrational die-hard fan trying too hard to find a shred of hope as the season approaches?


    In my own crazy little world, it looks like he's pinin' for JPL.

  2. I LOVE iTunes. I don't use it quite the way you do, but I love how it keeps my entire music collection organized and labeled. I use a Squeezebox Duet (www.slimdevices.com), which has software that reads my itunes, to an outboard DAC and into my preamp. It's completely changed the way I listen to music. I haven't played a physical CD in over two years.


    I don't have the energy to start a vinyl collection from scratch, but I am a believer in analog :)


    Thanks, AJ. I did it in the other direction, collecting vinyl and assembling a system since the 1970's. Heathkit, FMI, Dayton Wright, Quatre, Linn Sondek, Oracle, Ampzilla, Magneplanar, Quad, Beveridge, Atma-Sphere, VPI, Mark Levinson, Alon, MSB.


    My little source (iTunes on an iBook G4 using Pure Music) has changed my life. That cost about $500.00 See above for what the rest of it costs.

  3. QUOTE (ConradDobler @ Aug 8 2010, 01:28 PM)

    B Rob, you have to realize Jeremy has been sent over here from Entercom (Specifically WGR 550) to piss in our collective cornflakes. Look up his history of negative, sarcastic one or two line posts. He is just a pathetic corporate troll.


    They better be sending me my paycheck


    Game, set & match. Go play tennis with your pal Schopp.

  4. I am sorry to inform you that since you have yet to master the art of paragraphs I am unable to take your opinion on football seriously.


    Really dude.


    The Philster is a very good poster over at the Billszone. I can read what the guy was saying. Sorry that his sentence structure was not up to snuff but I enjoyed the post.


    This board seems to be eat up with poeple like yourself. Get your post total up and add nothing to the conversation.


    Thanks for the post Philster and taking time out of your day to offer a good opinion on this board.


    B Rob, you have to realize Jeremy has been sent over here from Entercom (Specifically WGR 550) to piss in our collective cornflakes. Look up his history of negative, sarcastic one or two line posts. He is just a pathetic corporate troll.

  5. With this O-Line, I'm afraid we'll see more than 1 starting QB this season.


    Let's hope Chan can coach TE, Brohm and Fitz all to new heights. We'll need more than one to shine.


    Channel the Kelly years. Jimbo did better with Andre and McKeller, Reich did better with Beebe and Lofton. How did that happen?

  6. It's training camp day 2. Let's see who is the starter against Miami when the bullets fly for real.


    A question for the more knowledgeable here, when does Chan have to announce the starters against Miami? The way things are going, it will be at 1 minute before game time on opening Sunday, and everyone here will have either collapsed from stress, prematurely drank themselves into oblivion, or spontaneously combusted.

  7. Well, if you're to believe 'hush, hush' inuendo, #12's poor judgement in a tryst with another players wife supposedly forced a departure that haunted the Bills for years. Another #12 scorned the city and the League for 'greener' pastures, as well as 1st overall pick Tom Cousineau. Losing Joe D before FA actually became the rule hurt very bad at the time as well.. Joe Cribbs backstab wasn't overcome 'til the USFL folded..


    Just sayin'


    Can you spell out the Joe D. thing a little better? The bolded part is what more people need to understand. This gets lumped into the "Ralph is Cheap" pile and was actually Cribbs' agent (a silent partner in the USFL) playing the NFL with both Cribbs and a running back from Detroit whose name I er, Billy Simms? also did the same thing.


    That said, the folding of the USFL was the best thing that ever happened for the Bills. Kelly, Hull, Drane... how many others? We got Cribbs back, even.

  8. Naw, it's cool. I thought it was funny, figured it was just a glitch...


    I lived in all three actually, Town, City, and North Tonawanda. I graduated from Tonawanda High in '97. Moved to Florida in 2000. You?



    Ah! '73 for me. Away for a while, but ended up back here for family. At 54 I'm starting to get feet of clay.

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