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Everything posted by colin

  1. He looked small and slow before last night, but he looked fast and powerful all of a sudden. I think this gives room for the idea that Brady needs to figure out what the hell he wants to do. There has to be a better way to use the pass catchers we have as well. Let's hope the geniuses in our coaching staff find inspiration and get it sorted.
  2. That is a good point. On the broadcast they said the ball has to be totally vertical to be a tuck, and it came out just prior to that. I think past the apex (maybe say just above shoulder level) it should count as a tuck/fumble.
  3. Ya, some of the incomplete pass while getting hit and intention grounding stuff overlaps. Imo, to be an incomplet forward pass in a fumble type situation, the inus should be on showing it was a forward pass, so we'd have to have a couple elements of a pass, body rotation, arm forward, etc. Call it a fumble and then look to see if there are the several elements.
  4. I mean, for a coach that's kinda the perfect working definition of not smart.
  5. Trying to win in the NFL with a garbage kicker and the dumbest situational corch is a big up hill climb. End of Houston, hail Mary drive d, 13 seconds, Denver, etc. MCD is just not a smart man
  6. This is a majestic necro thread resurrection. McDermott is an idiot, I think that case has been well made
  7. Dumbest silliest goofiest bills win I've ever seen. It really feels like we never won these gong shows. I'm glad we did, and overall I think you can say we are the better team and outplayed them, but my goodness was I mad at mc corch and his squad! This is the jets after firing their HC, we should have just walked in these losers.
  8. You have to assume the jets will sell out to stuff the run here. Something quick and clever to the outside a Allen, maybe a lil wheel routes option, might just win this here
  9. This is the most disjointed bizarre game of all time
  10. This is the silliest ass game ever
  11. Unprepared undisciplined and bad situation coaching too. Does anyone still defend MCD? This jets team is a flipping mess. They are a dumpster fire and they are out playing is
  12. This is an outright badly coached team
  13. These idiots can't run a screen to save their lives
  14. Rapp finally out the hurt on the other team, and legally at that!
  15. Here comes the mc clap special!
  16. So we are blocking and running well, and our last two drives end terribly w penalties and long passes to the junior varsity wrs. Brady is as stupid as mcd
  17. What angera me about the last drive on O besides bass being the McDermott of kickers is that we show just no answer at all for a blitz.
  18. Ya, that's the crushed spirit bills I'm getting used to seeing
  19. Consistently poor situational coaching. MCD is a dummy, it's just that simple.
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