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Posts posted by colin

  1. 2 hours ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Reed came through big time in the playoffs which is why he got into the HOF.  Diggs has been at best average in the playoffs.



    This is it bro.


    two second half swoons, two zero contribution playoffs.


    he's not up to the moment, or at least he wasn't for us.  the contract extension was a terrible idea

  2. its just so crazy to me how they shipped out mayfield for watson.


    i could see them not wanting mayfield anymore, perhaps thinking they would have had to pay him a dan jones type contract (there is a strange path dependence to these things, if your team ditches you, " you aren't worth it" and you don't get big money, but if you want to keep your 4th year rook contract qb, you "have to pay him"), but in hind sight that woulda been a steal vs what they have done, and frankly i think baker would have been worth it (cap inflation adjusted).


    him having to sit for a year (almost), him costing those insane picks, and that nutso contract: any one of those is a great reason not to roll the dice to upgrade on what they had, but all three (and the character and criminal concerns on top of that!) of them make it just so shocking.



    this kind of puts into perspective the "overpays" that sf has had for guys (chase young was obv a bad move, but cmc was a good one), and the rams have like every other season.  those teams got serious high quality players with no hair on them, who came in and balled out in exchange for good draft position picks.  


    the concept of an over pay is so often over done, with russ wilson and this clown just destroying franchises.

  3. to me what stood out is his effortless smoothness.  really similar to dalton kinkaid.  neither have huge speed, but they aren't really slow either.


    they just adjust and move and catch naturally.  so many guys, gabe davis being a great (terrible) example, are like rushing and scrambling all the time, really frenetic pace type stuff.  kinkaid and coleman look much more relaxed in the process of getting open and catching the ball.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, ProcessImproverMan said:

    As someone who used to work with juvenile delinquents in an alternative school setting who got swung on, shoved, and other forms of attacks.....and insulted weekly by students with criminal records.....all for about $55k a year......I have zero sympathy for this "hardship" Jones is going through. As someone who is friends with corrections officers, military members, police, etc.....Jones doesn't know the meaning of "I have it rough."


    I will gladly walk through that line of insults if I had millions in the bank and could retire tomorrow being set up for life. He is getting paid very well to produce wins and good results. He isn't doing it. I've refused jobs I knew I wasnt qualified for despite the fact I would have gotten a higher salary. Some QBs walk away when they know it's over. Jones still wants the bag and should suffer the consequences of his poor play and choices. 



    I'm not with you on the not going for jobs you "aren't qualified for" because unless it's some kind of actual safety/harm to people thing (if it is, then kudos to you) we all have to stretch into things to get better, but o/w this post just hits the nail on the head.


    The grown men heckling outside the stadium are sad and obv not classy, but so what?  it's not materially less sad to stand around and clap for the guys when they are winning (it's way classier tho).  the whole point of being a fan is to live vicariously and get a little stupid and crazy.  fan is short for fanatic after all.


    i live in NJ and know tons of giants fans (some jets too, yuck lol).  so many have seasons tickets, work hard and have done well in life and really live the work hard play hard mantra.  they go to the games and lose their minds regularly.  going into the meadowlands is horrible.  traffic sucks, its super expensive, it's gross, and if you care about the team it hurts to watch them just absolutely suck like they do.


    I'm not defending these people really, but this is just they way it is, and you don't sell 80k tickets in NJ at high high prices and gouge for parking and drinks and food and merch without these people.  and getting 9 flipping figures to play bloody football comes with all kinds of stuff, and being torn down by the fans of your team when you flat out suck is one of those things.


    i care enough about my team (who doesn't even care if i live or die) to post on this board since the day it was started and i care enough to get upset when they play badly at times in a game they end up winning, so i can't really look down my nose at people who do what these giants fans did, as classless as it is.

  5. What stands out to watching this game vs watching the bills are two things


    1: both of these teams have such smooth execution.  They are lined up and schemed for a particular purpose and the execute towards that purpose really well as teams


    2: the teams are like chess pieces who are extensions of their coaches -- meaning they are doing what they are set up to do, but they are just not dynamic at all.  The bills on O especially are set up to attack everywhere, a big part of that is Allen, but it really feels like we can kill you 5 ways on any play while these teams are like one read, one snap and go.


    On D our team obviously lines up to confuse in the back end and everyone goes screaming after the ball once it's snapped.  These teams seem more "all in" on what they are trying to do, with less room for secondary tacklers and such.


    I find this stuff interesting to contrast to our team

  6. 8 minutes ago, ProcessImproverMan said:

    Watching the Browns offense crash and burn is so fun after what they did to Mayfield (let him go after beating a hated rival in the playoffs and playing a whole season with a torn rotator cuff pretty much) and did in signing Watson. That franchise deserves every bit of negative voodoo karma 


    That's a great point.


    They let a better QB walk who was such a better human being (lol, imagine saying that about Baker!).


    They also paid a fortune for Watson, a d a ransom of picks.


    I b word a out how our fo signs and drafts a bit, but holy cow are they taking a dump on the fans on the other side of the Erie.

    8 minutes ago, ProcessImproverMan said:

    Watching the Browns offense crash and burn is so fun after what they did to Mayfield (let him go after beating a hated rival in the playoffs and playing a whole season with a torn rotator cuff pretty much) and did in signing Watson. That franchise deserves every bit of negative voodoo karma 


    That's a great point.


    They let a better QB walk who was such a better human being (lol, imagine saying that about Baker!).


    They also paid a fortune for Watson, a d a ransom of picks.


    I b word a out how our fo signs and drafts a bit, but holy cow are they taking a dump on the fans on the other side of the Erie.

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  7. The special teams coordinator should be on notice.


    Some horrible coverage lapses on d, and the o made money but imo it was mostly Allen being a hero.


    I think Brady went to the well too much a the first down runs, they were getting jacked up.  A lil play action mighta broken it early.


    I think it's fair to criticize a sloppy game where they came out flat, that's a coaching shortfall 

  8. D was cheeks for first three drives, was good after.  Secondary play wasnt great, line was sick.


    Penalties killed us.


    On o, we ran way too much into a wall, the cards called a great run d vs US but they had no answer for the passing, not the best  of play calls by Brady.  If we mixed in like 4 play action plays on first a d second down instead of runs we walk way in a laugher.


    Work in progress 

  9. if he gets hurt for too long or too often then this is a bad move, if he stays healthy it's prolly a solid one.


    he has some real ability and a lot more upside, and he's a physical monster and an intimidator.


    methinks w the young tackles coming up, the brain trust is thinking about when they have to move on from dawkins, and being in as much of an advantage position as they can be.


    say what you will about how kc builds their team vs ours, one thing reid never lets happen is he won't have a team without premier talent at the OT position.  there is some wisdom there.

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  10. I think josh is better than lamar (i think he's a bit better than mahomes too, I might be biased!).


    The only real knock on lamar IMO is his playoff games.  his passing and d reading flaws are more than offset by his green light while still protecting the ball, and his insane play making ability during the regular season.  in the playoffs, it just seems like he gets bottled up and performs worse than he does in the regs.  I see him as the QB equivalent (and perhaps the baltimore O) of our D.  just top level overall stats and results for the reg season, but the short comings that get papered over in the regular season get exposed in the playoffs.


    for our d, i think there are some key personnel issues, but mainly its our play calling/scheme strategy, particularly when going up against teams in the playoffs, or for the second time (i.e. KC).  there might be some of that with lamar and the raven's O, but he's pretty freewheeling and creates his own shot (similar to josh) but just like our D did vs him in 2021, if you can keep him from running past you and make him read the d and make accurate on time passes, he's historically faltered in the playoffs.

  11. I think our TE and RB production is going to be near the tops in the NFL (combined).  Our WR production will be maybe middle of the pack.  Josh's legs will be the xfactor and provide key 3rd downs and of course touch downs on top.  I think our OL will end the season better than the OL did last year.


    Put all of that together, and I think we have a top 5 possibly top 3 O.  doing it with different combinations of TE and RB as well as mixing and matching the WRs will be the real strength.  if we are not predictable on O then it's a horrible challenge for the opponents.  if we can manufacture some YAC, we have a real shot of being a consistent 30+ point a game O.

  12. his attitude was what it was, but it was well known when we traded for him, he had his own issues in mini.


    IMO, he wasn't removed for his attitude.  he was junk the last 8 or so games of the past 2 seasons, and was not even jag level in our past two playoffs, where we got bounced both times at home in the second round.  not catching the big balls that hit his hands, not scoring TDs, that's why he's gone.  you can perhaps argue that his negatives from his attitude were weighted vs his lack of production, but if he had a couple big TDs in each of the last two playoffs (not much to ask a 30mm type player who's got josh allen chucking him the ball) he'd be back with the same attitude.  


    if he had a stellar poyer type personal impact on the team, maybe he'd have been kept around, but not at what he was being paid.  maybe at like knox money or something.  he's just not good enough.


    my biggest gripe as a bills fan is the front office has inked up miller and diggs, two guys who's age vs production made their contracts bad moves, as well as guys like knox and milano (knox was above average for a year or two, milano was great for longer, but both cannot be relied on to be healthy).  the NFL is a young man's league, and more cheaper younger players are necessary to build chip teams.

  13. we are not going to look as set at the wr and offensive sets as we did at the beginning of last season.  remember diggs putting on an absolute clinic vs the jets day one in a game we lost due to allen turning the ball over 4 times (and i think davis was basically the reason for two of them)?


    a mix and match wr group, supplemented by what i expect to be top 5 TE and RB production is our key to getting our wins early in the season.  the d remains to be seen, but i fully expect it to be solidly top 10 and possibly top 5 (we were like 8 last year after some shocking let downs vs the jags, new england, and so on).


    imo we will make our money with play action and allen going off script.  we have what looks like solid wr blocking for the first time since allen got here.  i've always thought allen with a legit running game (away from his own legs) is a scary sight, and i think we have that more than ever this season.  especially early, because the past 2 seasons cook was on the bench for the first 7 or so weeks.

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