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Everything posted by colin

  1. the bills are a call or two from being alone for 1st in the AFC east we are also putting in the right quaterback at the start of the season from being at least 5-3. we are not a perfect team, but the teams that are getting love all around the AFC: Jax Cincy Pitts NE SD KC are all very beatable and have the records to show it. a healthy bills team is hard to beat in buffalo, we may well go 7-1 at home this year
  2. minny would sing owens. GB would sign him if favre would come back because of it. i could see hotlanta signing him, and he might put a team like Pitts over the top. he'd also tear it up in chicago. i wonder if the ravens still want him.
  3. anyone notice no one is allowed to play a football like game near mike vick? if you touch him or make him feel bad about himself you get 5 flags. it really is annoying as hell.
  4. when the jests used 5 linemen against pitts in the play offs last year they nearly beat them too. sad thing is, the bills can be beaten the same way. we have superior talent at starting tail back, wr, but our qb, oline and TE are not as good at all.
  5. i second this, although seattle is better than perhaps all of them.
  6. if the chargers deal rivers he comes with a contract and his bonus has allready been paid, so he is extremely attractive compared to typical first round contracts. the word i have heard is that the chargers want a top 5 type pick. if you are a team that wants a QB and can't get leinart and don't like vince young, you can get rivers ready to go right now and with his bonus paid. i think the saints example was a good one, although i could see clevland going for rivers. if they get rivers, they get a guy ready to play right now and 2 top 5 picks are sitting there ready to catch passes. they also don't get killed with the bonus. balitimore might go for him, but they might have to give up a 1st and a 2nd to get him.
  7. true dat i am thinking of the best outcome of what i think is likely to happen. if crowell and spikes are in there (crowell is gonna be very good IMO, and spikes at MLB is scary) a young guy with upside could just role play and not be exposed IMO. we will need a new SS if milloy goes, so he might stay a year while we groom a new guy, but if we lose clements we could sign a decent SS for a couple bucks a year (2 or 3 mill should get us a guy who do things milloy can't anymore) and with a new DT or 2 our line play improvement would more than make up for our loss in secondary. i should add the caveat that under no circumstances should wire be on the field unless a team is kicking.
  8. we need at least 1 new stud DT, but we would improve our Run D if the DTs didn't rush straight up the field every down (god knows that's what our DEs do EVERY PLAY) and our LBs and SS didn't get right on the LOS like they are gonna force a fumble 8 yards in the back field every down. our run D is more aggressive than they have talent to back up. some is scheme i bet, but it looks like big sam was doing his own thing that means we are great for 2 plays and give up 15 yards on others.
  9. the big thing is how much adding a guy can provide. removing 2 big men (big pat who is very good, edwards who is ok) has destroyed our D line. adding in 1 or 2 big men will bring us way back up, so the immediate impact of a DT is greater than an LT IMO. i have been wondering about our roster, i think we will make some FA splashes this offseason. 1. i could see milloy and london getting the axe, they are not what they were before. 2. i could see us having crowell at WILL and Spikes at MLB, we may or may not remove posey but he does the dirty work and angelo and tko are play makers enough. 3. I think we might go after a top flight D line FA, if any DTs or DEs are available we might throw some cash at them and bring out D back up to super goodness. 4. The more i think of it the more it seems that we will tag and trade clements for a 1st. so for the draft i expect us to have 2 first rounders, and take the highest ranked DT or LT available (at least one of the best of either will slip to us) first, and prolly the best upside having corner/fs (that one guy i think from va tech who is a FS/corner might end up being another sean taylor). this should let us land interior linemen and linebackers in the 2nd and 3rd rounds (2 3rd round picks should land us something good). i am hopeful that TD can manage to sign a big FA or 2, restructure Moulds and Williams and get a good combination of new blood. i think the LG from seattle is a FA and would look nice in blue, but it would cost us about $5+ per year for him, although he is awesome (michigan guy, hutchinson i think). if TD thinks he can find value at corner, and we have 5 first day picks (2 3rds, 1 2nd and 2 firsts) we might land 2 or 3 big men, 1 corner and 1 LB/strong safety. i think we should be able to get a strong safety who is an immediate pick up over milloy in the 2nd round. we have the potential to really upgrade this team in the offseason.
  10. how high up in the rankings can miami finish? i'd like to see them get a shot at playing usc or texas, just to see how they match up. ncaa needs playoffs
  11. meh i'm not happy with the moves TD has made (not overall), but he should only be canned if someone better is available. anyone but bledsoe was wrong, anyone but TD is wrong too.
  12. It isn't that simple tho. France invaded algeria and has had a long standing history with the muslim world. France also does things like ban muslim head scarves in school. sort of like jim crow laws and racial tension in the US, but different.
  13. if the young guys who are showing promise right now pan out, and mike williams stays a bill and can get healthy and play consistantly, those are solid drafts
  14. i'd say colts from the AFC (can anyone beat them at home in that dome in the playoffs?) vs Dallas, Carolina, or Seattle (the chickens are an out outside shot). I'd say dallas/carolina are a toss up, it should go to whoever is healthier and i expect the game to be in carolina. dallas vs indy will be interesting, whichever QB wins will go from a choke artist to a HOF champion
  15. the bills will beat the cheifs because they think all they have to do is play 4 quarters to win. kelly is starting because JP is not ready yet. with roscoe healthy we have the WRs to do some damage against KC, and I expect our D to play well enough to take the ball away a few times and give it back to our improving ball control O. our special teams and home advantage put us over the top. after seeing how they played on sunday night, the only people who have given up on the bills are the fans, not the team
  16. if they do put JP in, I want to see him run the ball a whole lot more. i am not really a fan of his, but the kid can motor like a freak!! i don't care if he passes for the same garbage 70 yards a game, if he runs 12 times for 80 yards we will have a poor man's vick and that's good enough for me right now.
  17. PER stats are ghey as hell. the don't measure production (12/15 for 150 yards and 2 TDs is a higher rating than 23/30 for 300 yards and 2TDs, even tho 300 yards is a much better performance by a QB) correctly, and the over emphasize passing TDs. i'd rather have a QB who gets plenty of yards and then bang it from the 1 than a guy who gets some red zone TDs but an O that stalls all the time in the redzone (like ours). I'd also rather have a guy miss two passes and then bang in the third one for a TD in the redzone than a guy who makes 3 completions for 6 yards each and then we kick a FG from the 2, but the PER loves the dink and dunk. anthony wright being 16 on that list and vick being 30 is the certificate of retardation. if vick was on the ravens that hapless O would be hard to contend with and with that D (or perhpas last year's as they have slipped a bit) the ravens would be a horrible team to deal with because of the other skills vick has. that rating tells us nothing
  18. nice board people, seems to have more humour and wit than the other 2 bills boards i post at. anyhow, the key differnce between palmer, manning, manning, and even carr and harrington is those guys were all drafter VERY high. they were all drafted with the expectation that they would be a franchise quarterback and soon. they all signed massive contracts with huge bonuses, so the team literaly couldn't afford to keep them on the bench not contributing for longer than perhaps one year or so. JP was the 4th quarterback taken in the first round of that draft. manning and rothlessburger obviously started, and manning took a while but is playing well now. the second QB taken in that draft is sitting on the bench and no one knows if he is any good, but he isn't playing because we can all be just about certain that he isn't as good as the guy who is. we aren't paying JP so much that he has to start, he isn't really consting anything more than holcomb is. JP is also not the same kind of prospect that the guys taken before him are, the knock on him is his lack of maturity and the fact that inspite of his physical gifts he is FAR from polished enough to be a first year starter (and from the looks of it he isn't ready to be a second year starter either). chad pennington was seen as a dissapointment for the jests, who kept vinny for a while longer and left chad on the bench. chad eventually played, but it was his 3rd year. mcnair spent plenty of time on the bench coming along slowly, and joe frikkin montana didn't start till his 3rd year or so. so sometimes starting a player too early destroys him, and sometimes guys struggle early and then blossom into fancy little QB flowers, but you can't just say that since you have a 1st round QB he just HAS to play now, inspite of how much he struggles. there is some big time on the job training when the guy is sitting on the bench and practicing. look how good crowell looks right now, he didn't even have a sniff of a chance of starting at the WILL spot if spikes was healthy, but he has come on strong. at some point he will have to go in, but when is that? I think we might have to play kelly against KC, and until it looks like we are mathematically eliminated, but if jp has shown something that makes him look like he won't suck as hard as he did at first (he really was the worst QB in the NFL for 4 games) then perhaps he should be thrown in now. the god awful game planning and o line play we often get doesn't help him either, if clements has him running plays that give him no chance at all then he won't develope, and he showed zero signs of improvement in his first 4 games, so clements might not be a good enough coach to bring along an unpolished and immature player like JP.
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