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Everything posted by colin

  2. I'll assume you and GG were just debating the economic theory involved, but it did get hard to tell who was schilling for thier side of aisle and who was looking to make and read points (not saying it is you two, but the way these debates splinter up it gets tough to follow). Getting lost in the minutia is fine, i do it all the time. anyhow i think there are two important points in tax cuts and revenue: 1. There is a deadweight cost in taxation. Just taxing parties will reduce total output. with 100% government efficiency we'd still be worse off as an economy with taxation (assuming the economy doesn't need the rights enforcement that government provides at all). 2. The balanced budget multiplier is ZERO. what this means is that even if the money multiplier is true, since the "new" money spent into the economy by the government came out of the economy in the first place, you remove as much of the multiplier effect as you have added. the common argument against point 2 is that the government will take money from people who are less likely to spend it. the problem with that is the money would be invested, which in turn means it is used and eventually spent. unless it is stuck under a matress it will end up as part of the economy.
  3. Bal, Ind and Chi on the road look now like our toughest games. I think indy will come way down after this season, but I still see that as a loss. Chi COULD come down, they have had these super hot years with no O before and fell apart quickly afterward. I think Bal will get a high pick (vince young would super charge that O from terrible to about average!!) and even with reed and lewis out they have a top 5 D this year!!! If we go 1-2 out of those games and stay in them all I'd be happy.
  4. marvin was a decent DC in DC, he was a great DC for the ravens. he has been on teams that needed leadership and hard work to become champions, he understood Xs and Os and and done some things. Mularky is a clown ass OC, and is now a clown ass HC who took the OC job from the clown ass he hired. mularky is also CLEARLY out coached on a regular basis, lewis hasn't been. mularky has got to go.
  5. hmmmm the seahawks got smoked by us in a road game that we gave them every chance to win (3 picks?). we owned them. we are down one good DT, and our great LB on D. Granted our Line is downgraded and hurt, but the seahawks got a couple young guys in the D stepping up this year and are now the top team in the NFC. we get back to where we were, but with a better O line and younger O, with one solid offseason. we get a coach in here who knows his ass from a hole in the ground, we are good
  6. god, are we ever predictable with our packages on different downs and distance? every G damn third down is shotgun, with shaud williams. every single one. we came out in a run package on 1st and ran an obvious and slow to develop run, we get stuffed and we go into shot gun where our routes and protections are exactly the same all game. these coaches are nerds who can over study for the exam, but once something changes a bit they panic and blow it all. they just suck
  7. the problem i have with that play call is WE ALWAYS DO THIS SCHIT IN THE REDZONE!!! we have thrown to offensive and defensive tackles and run shelton or draws to shaud MORE than we have pounded willis. we just have bad bad coaches. sure that play was not a horrible never ever ever do it call, but taken in the context of the rest of the game and our team mularky clements and grey need to eat glass
  8. i feel special yet dirty all at the same time. like back when i was an alter boy...
  9. why the hell don't you guys like berman? he is an anchor on a pregame show, do they not cover their material well enough in the 1.5 hours they have? he supports the bills, why is his welcome worn out? some of you guys need paxil or something, jeez
  10. mularky picked up the bits after gilbride was run out of pitts and TD is dumb enough to think he and clements could do it here. we have TC/MM who are gilbride knock offs and grey who is a cheap clone of gregggggg williams. we have downgrades of bad coaches who didn't get it done for buffalo. they all have to go
  11. i'd keep edwards, he will stay cheap. all we need is new coaches and the following: keep M williams at a big pay cut or ditch him cut moulds if he isn't cheaper let TT walk trade clements if we can, or let him walk unless he is at a decent price (prolly just means let him walk). sign Hutch AND Benlty in FA, 5-6 mill a year each. Draft a 1st round DT, at least 1 day 1 OL (LT should be there), and one first round safety. move vincent back to corner to replace clements (we should have a guy ready to fill in for vincent), and we are only off one player in secondary. spikes fletch and crowell are our LBs, keep sam, any FA who can jam the run, edwards, 1st rounder as our DTs DE is fine. milloy, rook, our current guys at Safety line will be some mix of our new upgrade FA guys and what we have now. if moulds walks we get wayne, or stallworth, or some big WR to replace him. that roster with new coaches can do damage in the NFL
  12. it means he seemed like he MIGHT have something interesting to say and then just showed he doesn't have a clue by not knowing what a salary cap is
  13. is there a reason we got rid of the conditioning coach anyway?
  14. first and 3 and your RB had 11 TDs the last year, and a first year starting qb on the road, and a 20 point lead. why run?
  15. yeah. that post really just put adam in the same place as the guy who when you discuss an election result mixes in a "alien CIA ops control the results in iowa" comment. *steps slowly away from adam, dails 911 on the cell phone*
  16. i heard he eats them all before the whole gameplan is written, that's why we are good in the 1st and sh-- in the other 3 quarters
  17. holl crap dude, you took the post right out of my computer. adam, i was thinking you might have a clue what you were talking about, but as the above poster just showed you, all teams are on the same level as far as affording players. do you watch football at all, or just post on the fan sites?
  18. I didn't write those options. who is running the software on this board, TD?
  19. So who will it be? Grey and his pretend to be an nfl DC face are on (or under) a bus out of town too.
  20. could we even get a 3rd for a tagged clements?
  21. no way. we pass more than we can pass block. the coaches know that. obviously we don't have great players, we have near the worst o line in the nfl, but our coaches are idiots. sitting moulds? first and goal up by 20 and we pass? why? we NEVER run in the redzone. 3rd and 10 and a first down wins the game and we run a draw up the gut. did we EVER double chambers? we had a 21 point lead and scored zero points in the last 3 quarters of the game. we have been hot in the first quarter and sh-- in the next 3 all godddamn year. that is bad coaching. we have bad coaches.
  22. the problem is we fall on d AND o to the same sh1t every damn time. a blitz in the middle against our O will ALWAYS beat us because we have 4th rate coaches who can't adjust. our D is easy to figure out, when the blitz they show it, and we never bump WRs even on the goal line. grey only knows the plays that greggggggg williams taught him. we really do have some of the worst coaches in the NFL
  24. ok guys, we have lit them up a bit, but we are getting too far from the run game. same old sh!!t it seems, we really need to run some
  25. sure, but they just don't look prepared sometimes = coaching
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