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Posts posted by colin

  1. right when they say holcomb gives the bills a better chance to win holcomb takes a horrible sack (of course it was off side so it didn't count) but it shows how he just doesn't have any guts, he is affraid to throw it sometimes.


    willis looks fine by the by

  2. god mularky is a sheet head.


    effing shaud williams show.


    our last 3 rns have been without willis on the field, and he was out for last 3rd down as well.


    god i can't wait for mularky and his band of retards to get the eff out of town

  3. i'll take haslett




    that was under haslett.


    sure the wheels have come off, but the idea is they always come off.


    haslett would get some linemen in here and get a bit of a pissed off attitude as well.


    he would also pour his heart out into the job, something that will inspire players.

  4. i could see us cutting and resigning him to a lower incentive laden contract.


    if we add hutch and bently (or even one of them really) in FA AND keep mike we will have a VERY solid run blocking line and much better than we have had in about a decade in pass blocking as well.


    if we also draft Ngata, keep edwards and sam, and get grady or someone like that in FA we will have a MUCH better D line as well.


    we could go from bad to very good on both of our lines this offseason and really set the table for our young talent to shine.

  5. if willis didn't come off the bench to rescue the bills O last year mularky would be about 10 games below 500 right now.


    the funny thing is they took 4 games to start willis.


    this year they start losman, instead of holcom, and losman was clearly not ready.


    MM is the guy on both those choices and he just blew it. that mixed with a lack of adjustments shows me a coach who has no effing clue what he is doing.

  6. Like a lot of their fans, I'd love to see them give McPherson a shot, just so that they know what they have in him.  He may surprise them.  He was pretty highly thought of around draft time back in April.



    brooks is such a whore.


    he holds the ball ALL DAMN DAY!


    deuce and horn and stallworth are some studs, and they have ALWAYS had a great line, but NO really F'ed up IMO with brooks.


    they could have signed a few guys at different times that would have made them much better.

  7. I mentioned saunder the other day in another thread and got no play on it.  I'd love  Al Saunders here.  That coryell system is top notch and saunders touches on it have been magnificent.  Just look at the #'s trent green has put up the past few years with well below average wr's. Imagine what a system like that could do for the likes of evans, and especially mcgahee.  What I like about Saunders the most is his commitment to the run game.  The chiefs are the #1 in term of redzone td pct since 2001 primarly because of their commitment to running the ball.  They also lead the league in total yards ypc.  Passing yards, yards per completion, rushing touchdowns and redzone td pct since 2001 to now.  The only downfall is that offense pretty much needs top notch linemen, but well Saunders would know that and I'm pretty sure make it a priority.

    I'm wishy/washy on Kubiak but he has spent years behind shannahan and obviousily knows the system. The system is commited to the run game and great for mobile qb's  Young/Elway/Plummer.  There's a lot of similarites between Losman and Plummer so on the surface it would look like a great fit.  The system has also done great with any rb, mostly due to the zone cut back blocking scheme they employ.  Davis/Gary/Anderson/Portis/Bell/ and Warrick Dunn in Atlanta.  On paper it would seem to be tailor made system for us.

    Monte Kiffin is a great defensive cooridinator.  He's been consistent for well over a decade. Like someone else pointed out though he makes more as a defensive coordinator there then some head coaches make elsewhere so he probably wont go anywhere.


    These would be the top 3 coordinators on my list but I'd prefer Saunders over all of them



    you just sold me on saunders homie.


    i'll take him or haslett


    i know people hate on haslett, but he bleeds buffalo red white and blue and would bring some nasty line play here.

  8. if young or leinart are on the board when we pick we could trade for some bigtime value.


    i think we should go for the most picks because there are a few DL and OL talents coming out and picking up a few of them will help.


    our needs are more the interior (if we keep mike will) of both lines. 4 or 5 picks on those and at least one big time FA signing will put us way over.


    as long as we get a crafty GM in here we are going to get some super solid big men.

  9. I'd take


    Warren/Grady in FA at DT (resigning edwards will be good too)

    Draft the best DT we can (a couple this year who should be pretty good)


    Sign AT LEAST one of Hutch, Bently

    Draft AT LEAST 1 LT and 2 other linemen in the draft

    Keep williams and renegotiate a bit, or just cut and resign his ass.


    if we have Gandy, Peters, and a Draftee or two we will have LT solved for a while.


    Hutch or Bently will (or both!) will solidify our middle. Preston or a draft pick will work out at RG.


    Williams is still a solid run blocker and OK enough in pass pro to hang on to (obviously he was picked too high and at too high a price).


    we could turn both our lines around in a big way this offseason.

  10. let's see,


    if i were a gm and had a big strong RT and a big massive TE, and i wanted to the run the ball, what would I do?





    I know!


    put the RT at RT, and the TE at TE!! that way we have our best players blocking for our best weapon!!


    the odd pass to the TE will keep the D honest too!


    nah, that would never work



  11. one thing you can say about haslett and NO:


    they ALWAYS have kick ass lines.


    god, they have had more talented big men come through there than anyone. it's just that brooks is a frikkin retard


    i'd take haslett and bently from NO, it would be an upgrade and he knows a bit about the lines

  12. you put a stud infront and beside him and he can make nice plays.


    you take that away and he ain't much.


    he plays better with good teammates, but doesn't really make his teammates better (in play).


    I like him as a guy for the team tho, let's get spikes and crowell in here and draft a kick ass couple linemen and get this D back in top 10 and he will be fine.


    not a probowl guy tho

  13. if we get 3rd or 4th we might get young and/or leinhart to fall to us.


    we could trade that pick for someone's whole board and a pick next year.


    a decent GM with that kind of draft and the guys we have now (and the cap cash) could spin up a team better than we have seen since 1999 here.

  14. hmm


    when travis was in this terrible O, he sucked hot but hole. when willis came in he tore it up (albeit in little hard runs, not on big runs).


    now that JP is learning, moulds is out, our entire right side is hurt and our playcalling is sh--, he isn't getting it done.


    frankly i think if we have mike williams at 100% we can run wills for 100+ every game. now we just can't.


    when we ditch kevin costner's tinkle drinking twin and tom "i drive better after i've had a couple" donnahoe we may well see mcgahee and crew look like an NFL team

  15. i dunno, when mike williams has been in and healthy mcgahee has been able to put up yards in an O where travis got shut down and one of the worst Os in the NFL.


    get a coach who knows his head from his ass and we might have someting on our hands.

  16. i think the way you draft for need is in a broad area:


    we need secondary


    we need pass rushers, run stuffers


    we need to upgrade on these positions: blah, blah, blahblah


    on D or the online your whole is greater than the sum of the parts, adding a solid guy almost always pays dividends.


    new england is the best example of that. a couple guys go down on D and they suck, a coulple guys come back and they are solid of the past few weeks.


    we saw how a couple guys super charged our D from 02 to 03 (spikes adams milloy, posey is meh), and how losing a couple guys destroyed our O and D (from 02 to 03, from 04 to now on D).

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