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Everything posted by colin

  1. merry christmas all. before tcali set me straight and told me that aaron sucks (and tcali was dismissive about it too, which is a bonus, can't blame him tho, must be hard to always be right), i used to think aaron played the run well. he gets good leverage on his man and makes plays on the edge. the problem is he gets up field so damn much (prolly 60% scheme, 40% his tendency) and gets out of the play a bit. if TKO was behind him it would still result in a massive hit and a short gain, and some fumbles too. we miss TKO
  2. i used to think aaron was good, but tcali was pretty awesome and smart and showed me he wasn't he used his dismissive and rude style, which i really liked
  3. we won for the same reason we won a ton of games last year: D and ST made huge plays. our D was not overall that great, but Mcgee came up with that last pick and TD ST was very strong all game and finally broke one parish is turning out to be a very good punt returner too. our run game was crap, but our WRs made some big plays too these points are all obvious, but they do show that we have some talent in some places that can make a big difference, not that we have coaches that should be kept around. essentially when Mcgee and co. play big time football we win games, inspite of our coaches not because of them. happy too see the win, but i still want these jerks out of town
  4. yeah yeah, our line has bad talent, but mcnally hasn't done jack and he deserves criticism like all of our crap coaches. by the by, moulds scored on that last play (he was not down and the ball broke the plane) but useless retard mularky decided to hurry up and run a bad play instead of challanging.
  5. i am now officially on the fire mcnally bandwagon. he sucks our guys CONSTANTLY have penalties, blown assignments, and a lack of effort. those last 2 plays had a DT unblocked on a belly run (!!) and had our LG and LT miss their guys on a simply pass rush. mcnally has schit the bed
  6. looks like aaron got his 11th sack this year on 3rd down in our own redzone. of course tcali taught me that he only gets garbage sacks against bad linemen (like levi jones) so of course i can just ignore that sack.
  7. 1st we need an all new coaching staff (special teams being the exception) i'd sign bently and possibley hutch in the offseason. if i don't get hutch i'll grab another guy, possilby an LT. i see if i can cut and re sign mike williams draft a day 1, 2nd round at the latest, LT. Draft other OL day one as well. putting a couple new QUALIT guys on our line will help everyone
  8. i'd go for hutch and bently, perhaps another top G in place of one of them. if we ditch MW that is another guy we need, don't know who is there at RT. i'd like to draft Ngata, and abraham would be the next peice in our D with spikes back and keeping clements, a dline of kelsey aaron abraham adams ngata edwards grady or some other FA DT would really set this team off
  9. even tho it is physically delivered and consumed (and there are specific costs to that) gas, oil, and any meaningful resource trades on a world market. any increase in supply will tend to put downard pressure on the price. the US could produce 10 times what it uses, producing (enough) more will still put downard pressure on prices.
  10. you know what, if you want to pray for this kid and his family then that's great, but why do you feel the need to brag about your goodness on a message board? you can pray without logging in to the net and telling everyone about it. if you are going to piss on me for not being on your soap box, you better be on a soap box every single time a tragic news event happens. feeling special because you piled on the latest cause de jour, or looking down on others because they didn't say the same thing you did (and again how exactly is typing on this board going to help anyone?) has got to be the worst form of newly popular smugness. you might as well be the guy yelling at someone for not having a yellow ribbon on the back of his car the day after you get yours.
  11. tradesports lets you trade contracts on outcomes instead of straight risk with a central book. it gives you a much better value, and a good shot at flattening out your position during the game (for example, when the bills score on the opening drive you can dump your contract or even go short to bet against them cheaper.
  12. I can't see the betting pages from work. it's too bad the guy's kid died, but it COULD WELL move the lines. does waving the good guy badge on a message board really change anything?
  13. this could alter the chances for indy to make the superbowl anyone see any betting lines move much? that's a pretty tough thing to deal with when your team is going for the superbowl
  14. he tossed 3 TDs in one quarter, and has put up some quality bombs this season. he can run very well. i think he should be good, our O as a unit is pretty god aweful, let's get some pro level coaches and a couple linemen in here and see what happens.
  15. he made it tarik glen levi jones BIG PAT WILLIAMS!@@!!!!!11111!!1 got the shaft hard
  16. i'll take our team right now with a good productive off season martz as OC, assistant head coach haslett HC someone good as GM i'll be happy and the bills will be good and exciting.
  17. he has been up and down for sure. for me the thing is he was just god aweful in the first 4 games. after that, he had some sparks and has thrown 3 TDs in a single quarter. he is also the second most athletic QB in the NFL. mix in the fact that our O is about the 4th worst in the NFL (read that as meaning bad big men and HORRIBLE coaching), i'll keep losman
  18. yeah, he isn't the best ever BUT what i want to know is why he could not be good here at all. i think he will improve and get some things done
  19. you know, i'd really like to hear some concrete reasons or examples why haslett sucks. does anyone know what happened with la'roi glover, johnson, or Roaf? haslett managed to take NO to the highest level of achievement they have ever had. Ditka couldn't do anything with them either, and haslett was saddled with Ditka's drafts (turley, ricki williams, some real disruptive goofs). i honestly think guys learn from mistakes and haslett would be better here than in NO, and in NO he wasn't that bad. I also think haslett would get our lines up big time.
  20. wade builds all his Ds the same way (atlanta being the exception, but they are a dome team and he worked with what they had). He gets one giant quality guy in the middle (and often has a solid backup), and he has massive and mobile ends (both of his ends are smaller faster DTs converted, olshansky and castio, both are great). He also gets at least 1 or 2 quality play making LBs. He just builds his team from the middle of a 3-4 line and one or two play making LBs and that makes the rest look better than they are. meriman seems like a super charged bryce paup. i really think with a new DT and with edwards and Spikes back (not to mention crowell replacing Posey) we could have an upgrade in D similar to what SD has had this year
  21. i agree here is my list Hutch Bently in FA Grady in FA (wow, if only a guy like pat williams was in FA this offseason!) draft Ngata, Draft a SS and LB early Cut and resign williams if moulds must go, replace him with stallworth or wayne. Draft an LT with our 2nd keep clements if we can, sign a guy like Abraham in FA, complete our pass rushing line. job #1 is to get a new GM and new coaches bam, there we have a team with 2 good lines and plenty of young talent to work with
  22. i think our D schemes are horrible. troy has dissapointed this year, but he is still a decent cover guy. ever since grey got here our corners play 10 yards off and our safties are ALWAYS chasing guys who catch easy balls in the soft spots of the zone. i really think our coaching has to be stripped. these same guys decided pat and antoine were expendable, and made bledsoe look horrible while he has a legit shot at the pro bowl this year.
  23. that's a good point we never do simple stuff like stunts, disguised coverages, cloud coverage, rolling coverage to a player as an adjustment in the game effectively. even when we put 8 in the box we seem to always blitz milloy on the outside and let anything up the middle or a cutback go for big yards. speaking of which, is there a player who blitzes more for less results in the NFL than milloy?
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