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Posts posted by colin

  1. that's pretty kewl


    the more i read the more i see that demarcus ryans is rated as the #2 D player behind hawk


    also, that williams guy from va tech will prolly go top 7, corners are VERY hard to come by in the nfl


    at this point my hope pick is mario williams, of course my last hope pick when we were in the top 10 was peppers, so let's hope my bad luck ends

  2. Yeah - its a sweet deal - you get 30% off on Bills Jerseys and an invite to sit in on all of Ralph Wilson's meetings with senior management. On employee appreciation day one lucky member of the grounds crew gets to select the next inductee to the Wall of Fame.



    employee of the year gets to make a draft pick

  3. jp can rip off a big run for big yards (had a couple, one in particular against san diego).


    jp can avoid the sack, and takes care of the ball MUCH BETTER than holcomb (with his sacks standing still and his droppy dropsies).


    jp can toss perfect 40+ yard bombs and hit guys in stride or in the end zone (evans 3 tds against miami, 2 tds against kc).


    jp has a bunch of holes in his game and our o line is crap, but if you give him a chance to succeed and dumb down the O just enough for him to learn (like good coaches do) then it wouldn't take much for JP to greatly out produce holcomb.


    by dumb down i don't mean only short passes, keep long ones in, but less motion and complicated reads, more designed runs, roll outs, and out pattersn.


    jp is far from great, and i was NOT a fan of his to start, but the kid has shown he can do some good things, let's take advantage of that, not set him up to fail

  4. the quality of the NFL players gets better each and every year.


    there are plenty great teams and players, and there were garbage teams since forever.


    the cap and FA make it LESS of a case of haves and have nots, the chargers went from crap to solid to not quite making it over 3 seasons.


    the only thing we don't see is a team that is so stacked (old cowboys, 49ers, etc) that they just walk over other teams while running simple plays all the time.


    the NFL is more sophisticated now.


    the one thing that has dropped off is consistency, prolly due to coaches moving around and being specialists (the best coaches now in many cases were the best coaches 20 years ago too, dick v, marty s, parcells, billacheck, etc).

  5. the way i see it, jp should NOT have had the starters job come week one.


    he just wasn't ready and the team knew it, and he was erratic.


    holcomb should have started for a couple/few weeks until jp looked good in practice or holcomb got hurt, or holcomb started just totally sucking ass (sooner or later it would happen). you have to go with your best chance to win.


    after the 5 or 6 game mark, we'd have won 3 or 4 and then put in JP in a much less pressured situation (this is pretty much how manning got involved last year, and how big ben got in, when maddox went down).


    frankly i think we did the exact worst thing we could have done. gave the starting job to the kid who wasn't ready, pulled him and put him back in a few times, then put in the vet back up.


    i also think our O was NOT suitable for our team or our young QB. the dumb slow to develope plays, the lack of running especially late in the game, and the lack of the deep ball early (it makes laugh how solid jp is at the deep bomb and how they didn't bother with them in the first 7 weeks or so) just shows we have coaches who don't know what the hell they are doing.


    i really really hope all our coaches (with the exceptions of april and perhaps some other position coaches) get the axe along with td.


    with a couple big men and an average or better coaching staff this team might be able to do something.

  6. Notice that we are 3rd if we lose to Cincy...Wow.



    yeah, that freaked me out too.


    with bush and leinart gone, we'd have our pick of d'brick and edwards and young.


    i could see someone at 4-7 moving up to 1 to get bush, and houston moving down, they would have to move back up to stop us from taking d'brick if we were at 3.


    damn, we could have gotten 2 or 3 more day one picks out of the 3rd spot



  7. i got all hot in my pants when i first read that, but yeah it does look like sucklarcky might stay.


    i hope ralph says


    "mike, with the great new linemen we are drafting do you think you have the tools you need to win?"


    mularky staring off into space says

    "huh? what? oh, yeah, um yeah, we have what we need to win"


    the ralph says


    "good, i think you'll be a great coach"




    "PSYCHE B word!!!! get out of here, haslett is coming in and you are a piece of dog turd"

  8. I'm glad this game proved we have a decent if not good back-up QB. I really do not understand any Bills fan that thinks Kelly Holcomb should be our starting quarterback in 2006. He drops the ball every time he is hit, except that one time he wasn't hit. He makes some excellent soft throws when soft throws are required or adequate, and he makes an equal number of soft throws when soft throws are unwarranted and/or disastrous.





    call him whorecolmb, it feels good!

  9. whorecolmb is garbage.


    seriously, he was worse today than any qb has been in buffalo since billy joe


    the saddest thing is, even tho his whore ass stank, we had a good chance to win it with almost a minute on the clock and his homo rag arm couldn't get the ball down the field.


    mm and td need to be shot out of a cannon

  10. our d has been playing well, will is showing a burst, the wrs are making plays.


    you know whorecomb looks to me like a poor man's bledsoe, he stands all day, makes the odd bone head play, but instead of having a strong deep arm he has a nice touch on the check down.


    what an upgrade!

  11. holcomb is garbage as a starter.


    he is old and slow and weak and does NOT take care of the ball.


    that tipped pass in the red zone with willis open and that int are some good highlights of why if this O is better with him than JP, we need to change our O.


    i'll still keep him as a backup tho

  12. tough to say for sure, but i suspect that this will hurt rivers' trade value.


    rob johnson ended up with a big contract because he did some amazing things in a couple games.


    the reverse could apply to rivers, his arm looked just TERRIBLE. he couldn't make any damn throws, he threw an out that gates had to break up early that i would not expect a high school starter to throw, JUST SLOW.


    i really wonder how that guy went ahead of big ben?

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