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Everything posted by colin

  1. DEMECO RYANS i don't see how this guy is getting to the second round, and i don't see us taking a CB that high
  2. if krumrie has the SLIGHTEST thing to do with our selects of anderson and banaan, and letting pat and ted washington go (was he here when that happened), and over looking all the DTs that have come through here for FA and drafting then he can go
  3. marv was at least involved in the game paterno just stumbles around like a little ugly senile troll
  4. hey, it's the only nearly positive thing i can think of we have a young QB who took over for drew bledsoe and a young coach who survived TD getting tossed. the patriots went from 5-11 to superbowl champs, so that means... maybe?
  5. mankins looks like an S&M homo with his stache
  6. hmmm i'd say who we take if ngata and mario are on the board might come down to FA. if we have solved he DT situation in FA, Mario is great, if we have grabbed a good DE in FA (abraham is gonna be out there) then ngata would be the best guy for us (or whatever DT/OT looks to be the best). one thing i expect is ryans and hawk going in the top 6 or 7, and williams in the top 10 for sure. i also think a couple corners will work their way into the top 20. we might be able to trade down if someone is nuts over mario, if it nets us a couple more shots at good OT and DT, i'd take it
  7. so who is a good announcer? I like Al micheals, i think he and madden go well together, and i didn't like madden back in cbs/fox
  8. holy crap dude, that was nuttin but da troof
  9. about half of his cap figure is spent money, it will count against our cap weather or not we cut him. the remainder of about 5-6 bucks is what we are working with. we might be able to blend and extend him, or we might just cut him and resign him. i'd like us to cut and re sign moulds as well as mike williams
  10. i think there are some good prospects at OT and DT this year, we need at least 1 and more like 2 of each. i say we should pick based on who is available, but in the first and 2nd rounds there should be at least one solid guy at each of those positions when we are on the board, don't want to trade up unless we are getting a super player and it doesn't cost us a shot at a DT/LT this year. could be a pretty exciting weekend in April
  11. haslett capers and martz = not RJ that is a good staff
  12. that's pretty kewl the more i read the more i see that demarcus ryans is rated as the #2 D player behind hawk also, that williams guy from va tech will prolly go top 7, corners are VERY hard to come by in the nfl at this point my hope pick is mario williams, of course my last hope pick when we were in the top 10 was peppers, so let's hope my bad luck ends
  13. employee of the year gets to make a draft pick
  14. you know what i'll take haslett i'd wouldn't be mad at capers either is parcells gonna get fired?!?!!?!?! i'd take him in one second
  15. you sure? i mean he did say it REALLY loudly
  16. jp can rip off a big run for big yards (had a couple, one in particular against san diego). jp can avoid the sack, and takes care of the ball MUCH BETTER than holcomb (with his sacks standing still and his droppy dropsies). jp can toss perfect 40+ yard bombs and hit guys in stride or in the end zone (evans 3 tds against miami, 2 tds against kc). jp has a bunch of holes in his game and our o line is crap, but if you give him a chance to succeed and dumb down the O just enough for him to learn (like good coaches do) then it wouldn't take much for JP to greatly out produce holcomb. by dumb down i don't mean only short passes, keep long ones in, but less motion and complicated reads, more designed runs, roll outs, and out pattersn. jp is far from great, and i was NOT a fan of his to start, but the kid has shown he can do some good things, let's take advantage of that, not set him up to fail
  17. i disagree sterling sharp told me this team is heading in the right direction
  18. the quality of the NFL players gets better each and every year. there are plenty great teams and players, and there were garbage teams since forever. the cap and FA make it LESS of a case of haves and have nots, the chargers went from crap to solid to not quite making it over 3 seasons. the only thing we don't see is a team that is so stacked (old cowboys, 49ers, etc) that they just walk over other teams while running simple plays all the time. the NFL is more sophisticated now. the one thing that has dropped off is consistency, prolly due to coaches moving around and being specialists (the best coaches now in many cases were the best coaches 20 years ago too, dick v, marty s, parcells, billacheck, etc).
  19. the way i see it, jp should NOT have had the starters job come week one. he just wasn't ready and the team knew it, and he was erratic. holcomb should have started for a couple/few weeks until jp looked good in practice or holcomb got hurt, or holcomb started just totally sucking ass (sooner or later it would happen). you have to go with your best chance to win. after the 5 or 6 game mark, we'd have won 3 or 4 and then put in JP in a much less pressured situation (this is pretty much how manning got involved last year, and how big ben got in, when maddox went down). frankly i think we did the exact worst thing we could have done. gave the starting job to the kid who wasn't ready, pulled him and put him back in a few times, then put in the vet back up. i also think our O was NOT suitable for our team or our young QB. the dumb slow to develope plays, the lack of running especially late in the game, and the lack of the deep ball early (it makes laugh how solid jp is at the deep bomb and how they didn't bother with them in the first 7 weeks or so) just shows we have coaches who don't know what the hell they are doing. i really really hope all our coaches (with the exceptions of april and perhaps some other position coaches) get the axe along with td. with a couple big men and an average or better coaching staff this team might be able to do something.
  20. yeah, that freaked me out too. with bush and leinart gone, we'd have our pick of d'brick and edwards and young. i could see someone at 4-7 moving up to 1 to get bush, and houston moving down, they would have to move back up to stop us from taking d'brick if we were at 3. damn, we could have gotten 2 or 3 more day one picks out of the 3rd spot :<
  21. wow, that's a pretty solid sense of humour you have there. did you mix the blues in with the pinks?
  22. c'mon, don't banish a brotha for making jokes!! i'm hoping for a good new year for all bills fans, even the sumo wrestling ones!!
  23. i got all hot in my pants when i first read that, but yeah it does look like sucklarcky might stay. i hope ralph says "mike, with the great new linemen we are drafting do you think you have the tools you need to win?" mularky staring off into space says "huh? what? oh, yeah, um yeah, we have what we need to win" the ralph says "good, i think you'll be a great coach" pause "PSYCHE B word!!!! get out of here, haslett is coming in and you are a piece of dog turd"
  24. whorecolmb is garbage. seriously, he was worse today than any qb has been in buffalo since billy joe the saddest thing is, even tho his whore ass stank, we had a good chance to win it with almost a minute on the clock and his homo rag arm couldn't get the ball down the field. mm and td need to be shot out of a cannon
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