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Everything posted by colin

  1. owens evans and parish would be a pretty good combo for the deep ball. jp would toss 30+ with that cast, but obviously it could tear up the team. i'd like to see moulds play like he did the second half of the year (including against carolina with jp passing to him).
  2. with a better line and OC willis could top 2k from scrimmage next year. he might be a marked man for the pro bowl
  3. i think we are getting hutch/bently in FA this year i also think we are going to sign another Olineman in FA. i think we need the best D lineman with our first pick because we WILL have a shot at a guy who would be a 1st rounder in previous years in the 2nd round at OT. that said, i think the brick might be a good enough player to chuck that in the water and hope for the inverse, that is being able to find a solid DT in round 2. brick someone bently CV/Preston Williams/Peters would be a pretty crazy line. there are about 25 Gs in the NFL who could look very very good in that line with that kind of talent at C and T.
  4. that and the lack of systematic effort to bolster our lines when they looked soft in areas (while he was willing to throw picks at WR, RB, and QB) was his biggest player blunder. his coaching selections were the big f up tho
  5. both are important great OL men and very very rare, rarer than great d linemen d linemen are much less consistent tho. a solid O lineman is fairly common, a solid DT is rare enough to cost about 4 or 5 bucks for one who plays about half the downs. an O line takes a lot to gell and play well together. a d line thrives on chaos and rotations work well in keeping them fresh without destroying chemistry. i think we need about 2 new starters on each line, and can get that this offseason. it would only take a couple quality guys to really improve both our D and our O
  6. the more i reflect on it the more i think JP has a good chance of being a quality NFL qb. he really did play against some tough Ds compared to holcomb, and i think if he is in a slightly dumbed down O where he throws long and runs more (two things he is good at and two things that scare the hell out of Ds) and mcgahee gets 20+ carries and 5+ plus passes a game we have what could be a pretty good O. the fact that we have a big back, a fast running qb with a strong arm, and are about the worst in the NFL in the redzone shows me that our game plan was putrid
  7. i'll go with losman because no one we sign will be much better and have the same upside. we ditched drew cuz he was a 9-7 QB (i think that sums up drew pretty nicely), no point to bring in another one, just roll with JP. i think he can at least be as good as what eli did this year.
  8. they hang around in games and then have enough mis match guys on O to win games. leftwich is garbage tho, he really is overrated
  9. nope dick was in pitts with their 15-1 team and number 1 D grey did last season all on his own. in 5 years gray makes the same mistakes he made in his first year. he needs to eat glass
  10. with tko in we destroyed the texans, got run on by the then super hot bucs and he went down against atlanta note that his achilies was hurt the whole time, so he was slowed down. our pass D was super solid for the first 3 or 4 weeks, it was our run D that sucked. TKO being off the team did NOT result in a better D
  11. jack del rio and leftwich didn't come to win to that game. the d was super solid for about 2.5 quarters, but then just started to fall apart, a lack of adjustments left them open to the tight ends. leftwich went the whole first half without making a play, he sat in the pocket like a goon and never threw the ball more than 12 yards. the pats were daring him to run and left the middle right in front of him open and he couldn't because he is hurt. gerrard is a better QB than leftwich in the first place, let alone when leftwich is hurt. the jags lost before they tossed the coin because they had the wrong players playing. the redskins showed a team that came ready to play. even tho they got dismantled on O, they stayed in the game and greggggg man boobs outclassed gruden on O. i'm sure mularky would be just steller in a play off game
  12. our O has been garbage for a few years now we have had spurts of a running game, but some of the same athletes who tore it up in 02 for us have stunk under clements and mularky (travis henry being one of them). with what JP has shown in his better moments, if we have an O that has some vertical passing, consistent running WITH OUR BEST PLAYERS NOT SHAUD, some new blockers, and quick reads JP could shine. right now we have a grab bag play calling bad package based O. our passing game is all about option routes and slow to develop short passes with lots of motion. this is the worst kind of O for any young QB, and an average nfl OC should be able to come in and run a much better O. there were about 5 Os worse than us last year and about 3 this year. we really need some coaches and i wonder if we will ever win with mularky here
  13. leftwich is just a poor man's bledsoe drew has done MUCH more with a decent bills O in 02 and did more this year in dallas than leftwich can. how tough he is is secondary to how well he can play, he is a quarterback not a tackling dummy. he stands still in the pocket, makes slow reads, and needs a guy pretty open before he can anything done. poor man's drew
  14. damn right garrard should have started the whole time leftwich is hurt and just useless, madden said he looked bad in warm ups, so he was just never ready to play, but moron del rio puts him in. it makes me sick that so many coaches just forget everything they know when they play the pats. the jags have always had a solid team but a pretty crappy O, and gerrard made them better (not a ton better). leftwich is a bust frankly, he is a guy EVERYONE just said is good or a warrior or whatever, but just can't get his team to score points, and they have a good line!! frankly JP on the jags would be better than leftwich. i bet they make him the starter and watch him suck next year too.
  15. leftwich is garbage the back up is better than he is, he is hurt slow and throwing poorly i always thought he was over rated, just a poor man's bledsoe
  16. hmm i think a cut and re sign or a renegotiation of his contract and keeping him at RT is likely i think we take in some young O linemen and have peters/Gandy at LT and bring in hutch/le'charles. the main thing for me is that we can get better value with a top DL in the 1st and solid OL in the 2nd and 3rd than the other way around
  17. when given the choice he always went for upgrades at RB and QB, WR over lines inspite of having spent recent picks (Drew was a pick, then he signs JP, travis was a pick, then he gets willis, moulds was a big FA contract and he got reed, evans, AND roscoe) he let JJ and pat walk without a real replacement for either, he was unlucky with mike will's injury but WAS luck in JJs injury (luck to not have kept him before he got hurt, if he played in 16 games and was one of the better LTs in the NFC we'd be fuming)
  18. tcali is the smartest man alive. he is the only one who is smart enough to know that aaron schobel is garbage and that all of his sacks come against garbage teams in garbage time, even tho he tore it up on the road against NE and cincy. if he were a soldier he would be the only one in step on parade
  19. i dunno, i think he is a good player without the tools to be a top guy at the next level. don't think he is worth a 1st. hawk and that kid from bama are leaps and bounds ahead of this guy IMO. i could see a kid like him take over for london in our D with the athletes we have at LB.
  20. i'd take brick or super mario from NC state at 8th. the cost of picks goes down very quickly, top 4 or 5 are pro bowl type contracts, after that they fall off to the point where at about 15 or so they are cheaper than a typical starter. 8th can very well be a sweet spot to get a guy with the skills to go high and not pay too much. i'd bet lenard davis or mike williams would be 10-15 picks in this years draft, and they were both signed to huge top pick contracts, we might get a real star at number 8
  21. solid thread right here i disagree with notion of the good old days and character. previous NFL teams might not have had as many single players acting silly and getting so much attention (like TO etc.) but they had TONS of dirty players who intentionaly made dirty play after dirty play trying to hurt people (rominowski types) and back when integration was new there was some not exactly racially sensitive stuff in a large number of teams. anyhow, i think you CAN make a dig at TD about our lines. while he did put picks and FA money into both lines, he also put picks and cash into QB, WR, and RB. when he felt he could upgrade those positions, he put more picks into them. when some of his line moves didn't workout he just let them sit. two of his moves that did work out (sam and Jonas) he let crumble by letting pat will walk and jonas walk too (without a good replacement). the bottom line is he did make some attempts, but erred on the side of skill players over big men, and that is why we suck
  22. did jim williams get ejected for taking swings? damn, that guy is about the top rated DB in the draft. i wanted him to get drafted high letting another big man fall to us sucks
  23. is this guy even a top 5 lb in this years draft?
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