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Everything posted by colin

  1. RUNYON might be the dirtiest player in the nfl. he makes tons of dumb mistakes and no self control penalties. bently > hutch (younger more powerful, 2 position ability). i like the backus bently idea. if we don't draft an LT, those 2 moves will upgrade LT, LG, C, and our right side is decent. it will give us leeway to ditch williams or keep him and move peters back to TE and REALLY have a mauling line.
  2. and look at the teams the raiders played afc west alone LT KC (holmes/johnson) denver (they run on most everybody in the regular season) you add a ted washington and a healthy edwards + a solid rook Dline (williams or ngata) and our Dline is back to where it was in 04. i really think this offseason we can add a bunch of big men who can play
  3. that's quite a strawman you've decided to argue against, tell me how it turns out. the piont i made was explaining how children in poor/low income house holds don't hear as many words in a day vs children in upper income houses. the reason for this is that there are greater numbers of less intelligent people in poor households than in wealthier households. this isn't to say that no one in a poor household is smart, but smarter people are more likely to be more successful and have a highe income than less intelligent people. thus over time smart poor people will leave the poor households and be counted amounst wealthier (than poor if not wealthy as an absolute measure) households. dull and stupid people have a tendency to drift towards poverty rather than wealth so you will have more dull and stupid people in poor households. any measure of exposure to stimulation for children in households with more dumb people will show less than in upper income houses. instead of intentionaly misunderstanding my posts or calling me elitist can anyone refute the substance of what i am saying?
  4. this the real issue. ford and gm are getting their asses kicked because they pay too damn much for wages and benefits. gm is in a 10 billion dollar hole a year vs Toyota (who produce most of their vehicles sold into north america in north america) on labour and health care costs alone. they are both (ford and gm) big dumb companies locked into horrible contracts with bad workforces. auto workers could easily be replaced by highschool dropouts for $12 an hour if there were no union contracts. don't feel bad for auto workers not being able to make as much as they are making now, consider them lucky for having made that much in the first place.
  5. out of all of the questions we have i think the one that needs to be answered the most is left tackle. the only guy coming out of the draft who is good enough to step up day one (as accurately as pre draft analysis can predict) is d'brick, and top LT prospects have struggled more often than not (Davis in zona, gallary, ogden was a guard first, mckinny, mike williams even the he is a RT). this makes me think we would be just as well off getting a guy with upside in the second round in this deep draft and taking the best defensive player on the board in round 1. so who plays left tackle? my hope is that peters can switch, we keep williams cheaper at RT, and get bently at C. any number of possibilities would work out very well at guard with that line up. it is easier to turn a D around (see what ours did in 03, and how it fell in 05), so spikes coming back and an impact lineman in the draft could be enough to get us back into the top 10, but i'm hoping all of our young talent on the O side of the ball will come into their own with a little help from the line. what do you guys think we should do at LT? there are guys out there or on our roster to solve any of the other single OL positions IMO
  6. didn't kobe get found not guilty of raping that girl? didn't she have sex with a bunch of other guys shortly after banging kobe?
  7. this sucks. guys who we took in as a head coach are getting put back into coordinator roles and doing (or will do) great. i really think ralph's cheap stingyness is going to catch up if all the top coaches get sucked into just a few places.
  8. to me it all comes down to his coordinators. if he brings in some exciting smart guys to run his O and D then i won't really dislike him here. i wanted haz because i thought he had some innovative teams and would bring a whole lot of fire and passion. jauron is the opposite of that, so in my mind he really needs some go getters as coordinators frankly at this point i think the statements by mort and all of them that getting rid of TD would be a step back look pretty true. it looks like we are taking a step back just like we did when we ditched drew, the problem is we are still waiting to take our step forward.
  9. what is so wrong with them selling their tickets? wouldn't you?
  10. tons of kids to life science majors just to get a B S C. university is for the most part a way to differentiate yourself from people who don't have degrees.
  11. that thing is going all over the net. it is pretty funny
  12. he has a higher level of qb talent (wheels and deep ball arm, ability to scramble, ability to throw on the run, has thrown some very difficult passes with high accuracy) than many of the young qbs playing well today. his problem is that he is green and gets dejected when he plays poorly. he needs to learn to bounce back from an INT and come out gunning. the thing is, our whole team was like that. MM and his loser crew moped and gave in at the first signs of a challange. i remember after the denver game they asked him when the game turned, he said after that tipped pass for the TD. THAT WAS THE BRONCOS FIRST TD!! so, jp might be a guy who gets beat too easy, but i think at this point we can assume that was a team thing and he can be re tooled
  13. whoa whoa whoa, let the other posters bid on that! i've heard how hot and thin (and ethnicaly diverse) nebraska girls are, and i want to sit on that beach and stare!
  14. part of it might be the moron coaches who gw brought in with him who had no experience before making crap evaluations still goes back to TD
  15. if we kept washington i'd bet with williams and washington as the middle our 4-3 bryce and schoble on our edges would have looked better than they did all the time. remember what washington did for the pats in their second super bowl year? given the roster we had that might have been us :<
  16. i said right there in my post he did well in STL, which is where he played right after leaving us. when he came out he was projected as a possible 2nd round talent who would slip because he had a 1 year obligation, so we took him in the 7th round. he is a super good guy type too, always good to have guys like that around. anyhow, if we kept him we would have spent 1 and perhaps 2 less draft picks on DEs who can't even really play on our left side. althoug bryce himself would be a solid starter and nothing more, he would have given us 2 more shots at some quality linemen for the other side of the ball, or perhaps more DTs if we were to spend those picks on the D line. i always liked him and was just reminded of him because he was on the NFL network
  17. turned out to be a solid NFL starting end, did well in STL and is doing well in seattle. 7th round pick. why did we let him go? oh, that's right. TD. we have let too much talent go in the past 5 years, we are like the raptors
  18. the biggest problem with our D is come the second half every team we play knows exactly what we are doing and where we will be. our secondray is not perfect, but in many cases it is set up to fail
  19. read my post before flashing your good guy badge. i said MORE LIKELY. poor households are more likely to have dumb people. wealthier house holds (wealthier than low income/poor anyhow) are more likely to have more smart people. i did not state smart = rich. and the best and brightest DON'T go into education. have you seen how horrible many schools in north america are, particularly compared to those in europe and asia? do you think this all just inspite of how smart and dedicated teachers accross the nation are? teachers aren't parents or miracle workers. they are civil servants who administer lesson curricula to children and young adults. it certainly doesn't take the best and brightest to teach children, but a poorly organized badly executed government boondoggle educatino of an education system can certainly make meaningful education impossible.
  20. i feel that way. that isn't to say i don't want sherman, i just think hazz would be a better fit. i think a tough strong head coach will be tempered by marv and will get this team to play. i think the personel moves of NO while hazz was there were terrible and inspite of this NO was a competitve team in a VERY tough division. (i see last year as a throw away). hazz did win coach of the year and did get NO to its only ever play off win. throw in his passion for buffalo and the bills and i think you have a guy who can be our cowher, but with more creativitiy.
  21. low income households are more likely to be filled with dumb slow ignorant people. it is not a politically correct thing to say, but most smart people find a way to not be low income and most dumb people are low income because they just aren't good enough to make more. tire factories need workers and mcdonalds needs people to mop the floor. attempting to meaningfully educate all these people together is insane.
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