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Everything posted by colin

  1. that guy would be a slam dunk in the 2nd! if he was there in the 3rd i'd be all over him.
  2. the sandiego story has me thinking we should get vernon davis
  3. normally i'd yell no to a TE, but i think there is a chance we can take davis and make it work. if we get a tackle and a C/G in FA, then unless d'brick is sitting there we really don't have a guy worth taking that high on the o line. if williams isn't there then the question is: do we jump all over ngata? well, if we have the same Dline coming into the draft (with no one else to sign just sitting there) then yeah we take him. if we grab 1 or 2 of the 5 or 6 DTs in FA this year that would really improve the bills, then a guy like davis might just make us a much better team. moulds will be gone. with evans and parrish out there stretching things a tight end who is a deep threat will take a ton of pressure off of JP. davis can also block, so we can run and pass out of similar formations, something we really haven't been able to do since 02
  4. we lost a couple of upper mid level to lower top level vets on D and went from 2 to terrible (pat williams and edwards), losing spikes put in the hurt locker but i am assuming he will be back (perhaps not week 1 at full speed, but he will get there). so we should be able to add a few guys to our D and get them back up to very solid. now we still need youth and we are dying for a few quality big men, but if we grab one of the better DTs in FA (maybe even 2), 2 solid Oline players, and cut moulds (money to pay for everyone) then we can absolutely draft davis and still spend the rest of our picks on 1 D lineman 2-3 olinemen a safety an LB a cover corner (nickle/dime guy) so who we take in round one depends on who we get in FA. if we land a DT and some OL help, adding a player like davis will really help our young qb and add a dimension that has been lacking from our O for some time
  5. i could see him with san diego if they cut mcCardel i could also see Bmore or jacksonville going after him. phily is still the front runner
  6. i don't think he is worth that much. i have got to assume someone will pay less, the jests can't afford him for one year and thus might cut him if no one pays up, so why pay big when he might just hit the market? if you trade you still have to negotiate a deal
  7. isn't that the guy who's ancestors were royalty and got offed by ida amin? a guy like that prolly has a really different mindset and IMO DEs who get mad sacks and cause disruption are often their own man (bruce and reggie, hayly, even howie wrong were all different than a typical baller)
  8. i saw the footage of the reps on TV. they were quick but not really sloppy and he didn't really bridge or get too much of a bounce. in the probowl the NFL guys do half reps, in the combine they have to lock them all out. this guy with 44 had a fairly narrow grip and did 44 reps with VERY long arms. at 308, thick and very lean for a DT, along with being a good player from a big time school he might be the kind of guy who would really rush the passer well from the middle. miami used to have those two tackles (bowens and that other guy, can't remember his name) who were strong as oxes and not super sloppy. they could both stuff the pile and play 1 gap or get up field. i like this kid, perticulalry if we are in a cover 2 with some decent secondary
  9. after cutting eric and mike, and if london restructures/maybe milloy too we have plenty of cap space now and in the future. we should keep nate and sign bently and at least 2 more big men in FA (DT, DE, OG, OT whatever). that and a good draft will make this team better than it was last year.
  10. yeah, he did bad on the road against miami, new england, and cincy. also, you've looked at every other DE in the NFL and have determined that they all sacks against quality OTs and got there in one second, and are good against the run, and never mess up. you're pretty sharp, are you a rocket scientist?
  11. runyan is NOT a character guy. he is a dirty dirty player what in the world makes you think he is a character guy?
  12. i'd take hope and dump milloy that'd give us vince hope mcgee clements we'd also draft a future SS on day one. that is a very solid D, epsecially for cover 2 (remember what our team did against carolina and steve smith using a cover 2 type D)
  13. the big problem was TD either didn't have or wouldn't stick to a strategy. he brings in GW (who is clearly a great D guy and a decent players coach, but lacked as a head coach) and then allows a green and terrible staff to be built around him (obviously TD protected himself with young coaches, but he should have forced SOME king if decent vet staffing to start with). he traded for bledsoe, drafted reed, henry, and williams and ended up with a great O for 02. he then dismantles it, goes heavy on D in FA, and lets the O walk and drafts another RB and another 2nd round DE (his thrid in a row) so he seemed to have his o set at skill positions anyhow, but then he goes after a new QB, RB, and 3 new WRs (evans, evrette, parrish). the bottom line is he didn't know what steps he would take to get the bills to where he thought they should go. he stumbled around and put cash and picks into nothing. this also showed in his coaching moves. he is just a good contract guy but a terrible GM
  14. the bills will want to see where they are in contract talks if they are close they might turn down any offer. signing nate gives us 3 very very solid starts in our D for coverage (mcgee, nate, t Vince). it also lets us cut milloy and draft a young guy and/or sign a cover SS in FA. cutting milloy, reneg/cutting moulds + williams and renegotiating london (along with cutting turds like wire, posey, etc) will allow us to sign bently at 6 bucks per and an LT as well. so you might look at nate and think he worth a certain contract based on how he played against teh raiders, but he may well be worth that to our team
  15. the point is new england sees the value of big men and drafts accordingly. they let woody go because they had a replacement and felt he was expensive. we let jonas go because we thought he was expensive, but had no replacement. by not drafting any linemen day one besides mike will since we put ourselves in a position of needing big guys and having to pay too much for them. the iggles also had a habbit of taking big men every year, they did ok
  16. i'd rather keep moulds at this point, but if ditching him got us bently, i'd do it.
  17. this is a frickin good and salient point that is from what, last season or the last 2 seasons?
  18. my personal fav draft has williams or d'brick there for us at 8. while ngata looks solid, i think there will be a few guys just below him available for us in the 2nd, and we will have a shot at another decent DT in the 3rd, or more importantly a solid OL prospect or 2, or one and a safety in the 3rd. I expect us to get 4 new starters (or VERY high on the rotation at DT) on our lines (2 each) in day one of the draft and FA. if we can nab an LT like backus (moving gandy to LG) and bentley in FA, we can keep williams if he is cheap or just cut him and spend all of our picks on D. i'd like williams watson Safety OL/MLB in day one if we get our OL in FA. this, along with decent coaching and JP coming into his own could set up a VERY solid core for our team
  19. wow 1gap, you are a horrible analyst. if you even START to look at other college programs you will see them AT BEST being a bit behind miami in terms of the quality and quantity of 1st round picks. if you inlcude 2nd and 3rd round picks you'd be even further behind. it's just funny how you defend your wrong position by pointing to the players taken and just making up stuff (nice call on bubba franks by the way! favre can't count on him, cripes). ray lewis, shockey and vilma having down years and being dissapointments? i'd ask you to watch the pro bowl today, but i can tell you don't follow football. i like reading people's opinions of what teams should do or what young guys coming up are good, but your post is so horrible i want to put needles in my face and dunk my head in lemon juice.
  20. ok but i don't think trading clements for a pick is better than keeping him at 5 per. if that de is there i'll be happy, but i do think we need to keep clements and get some more DTs higher in the draft, tho i like your safety ideas. we only want to lose 1 at most, not 2 starters in our secondary. keep clements, lose milloy, keep vince but have him play a true FS is better
  21. i know, thanks for that link by the way, I did read it. this medicine is available WITHOUT prescription. the law mandating pharmacies carry drugs "in accordance with the usual needs of the community" does not enumerate a list of drugs that do or don't have to be carried. so do they have to carry something that CAN be perscribed that is available WITHOUT perscription? how often is this pill really perscribed anyhow? do women often have unprotected sex and then run to the doctor and get a perscription and THEN go to walmart? considering they'd be able to get it without perscription at the hospital, or would get their perscription at planned parenthood and then just buy the pill there, why would they go to walmart anyhow? you should be able to see that it can easily be argued that walmart would not be expected to carry the above pill. these things ARE GREY, that's why these laws lead to so much controversy. as far as your assertion that i don't want walmart to carry this pill, I really don't care. why would you assume i did? and i've stated before, walmart doesn't make "moral" decisions based on its own morality, but on the percieved morality of its customers. they don't carry things that they think will cause their core consumer group to disassociate themselves from walmart. they don't carry certain items that would sell because they might cause a stir, but the do carry others (violent video games for example) that people might object to on the same "moral" grounds as other items that are not stocked. it is just the result of their cost benefit analysis, all business do this. anyhow, the only "moral" argument you might make is that walmart can do what it wants with its own business, although one might say that walmart is already in bed with the government so they did the deal with the devil and thusly must pay the price.
  22. wha?!?!? you mean removing regulations can be a good thing?!!? what about your hand waving about what history has shown us and the like?
  23. lefty talk radio COULD be a huge hit if it punchy and dared people to listen (like limbaugh who gets some big ratings from people who hate him). the thing is its roots are in public broadcast radio which is boring and keeps people away in droves. i don't think any of those people mentioned above will hold an audience very well
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