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Everything posted by colin

  1. i'd say williams is a MUCH stronger prospect than Ngata. not that Ngata doesn't look solid, it is just that williams is a julius peppers type of talent. combine that with your point of the depth at DT (and that alone makes me happy to drop out of number 8 if williams is gone and ngata is there) and i'd jump all over williams and still think i can get solid DTs in the 2nd and 3rd
  2. on a serious tip, jp showed the big upside he was drafted for (great speed with that long run in SD, ability to throw on the move, ability to launch deep accurate bombs to evans) but has not shown the simple basic things you expect from a starting QB. he can't rally the troops, seems to be flustered and out of control, throws passes miles high past open guys, misses obviously open guys, etc. as fans we might not be able to tell if this guy is going to do more of the great things or more of the bad things, but if the front office who is privy to his practice and meeting behaviour think he just might be a bust they prolly have enough data say so. it might take a lot of time to learn if a guy is solid, but you can often find out a dud pretty quickly
  3. you really need to fix your sarcametor embarrassing really
  4. YOUR a traitor!! u support terrorists!!
  5. if JP or Nall can play better than JP/Kelly played last year (and that was pretty damn bad) and TKO is back and healthy then i'd say we are fo sho a better team. we might not win too many games (6 to 8 is prolly realistic) but we should have fewer blow out like we did against denver, new england, raiders, san diego, and the jests. with a little o line help and our new OC i think our O might move up about 10+ places, although it could do so and still be in the bottom half.
  6. the jp question comes down to the current FO's evaluatin of him. if they think he is crap in practice, if they think he hasn't broken any bad habits, if they think he is too injury prone, or if they think he just isn't a quality player then they have good reason to ditch him. the fan's argument of he has only played 8 games only holds water if he has shown ability to play well in practice. if he hasn't then hey may well be a total bust and someone the bills have to replace
  7. no if the new bills front office think JP is bad (and there are NFL scouts and what not that really don't think he will ever be good) then they need to make a change at the QB position. assuming they go somewhere else for the QB, if they think they can trade JP this year for a pick or player, it makes sense to eat the hit now. if they are certain that kelly will be the back up/starter and whoever they get in the draft is the new starter, then if they have the cap room (as in there are no more players they want to sign this year) it makes sense to cut him this year. why does it make sense to cut him this year even tho it costs more against this year's cap? because you pay now and have cap room later by doing so. if they keep him this year and cut him next year they will take a cap hit in 07, so any unused cap rom this year would be better used in cutting JP rather than just sitting on him and taking the cap hit next year. so while i still haven't said if i think the bills should or should not cut JP or draft a QB, they can if they want too and it wouldn't be that hard for them to do.
  8. riter's show has always made me laugh my ass off. he is also a pretty honest fan IMO, he was always with beldsoe as a QB, gregg williams as a HC for a lot longer than most fans were. instead of just saying we suck, ditch them all i think he is an at least realistic i liked the coach too, but not his whole show, it got too tiring. i liked it when he gave his insights, which is what he does on the riter show. that is good local radio right there
  9. i look at this as a big positive. he can put nearly 400 pounds overhead in competition, not in sloppy gym lifts or half bench reps. the fact that he is only 21, has competed and is a top 25 us SHW weightlifter. his numbers aren't good for a full time weightlifter, but he is much taller than most weightlifters and puts in a TON more work in non weightlifting activity. i'd bet your average elite level Super heavy weight lifter couldn't go through ngata's regular running, technique and drill work, let alone his practices. the coaching for weightlifting in the US is terrible. the top guy hammond is credited with the world record IPF squat (the strictest international power lifting federation), the number 2 guy casey is the son of who many consider the best US weightlifting coach (one of very few quality coaches in the states, by international standards anyhow) and has been a competitive lifter since he was a kid. you'll notice a massive falloff in totals after those two. for a guy who is a fulltime student and football player (one of the best players in the country at that), messing around with weightlifting and competing is a strong positive. i'd bet with some really focussed work and quality coaching ngata could get up to the 160 - 210 range in less than a year.
  10. wow did i say it was an economical savings? did i say it saved money against the cap? did i even say if i wanted him cut or not? no to all of the above. the bills CAN AFFORD to cut JP losman. if they want to go another direction it will only cost them a few hundred grand over this year's cap to cut him. also, it costs the same to trade him. so the bills can afford to cut losman. if they don't like him and want another QB who is there at 8, they can afford to ditch him now (clearing up cap room in the future) or trade him. so instead of the pretend strawman argument that you are arguing against, who don't you get someone to read over my posts nice and slowly for you so you can maybe someday understand the simple point i was making. k einstein?
  11. for mickey and anyone else who might not understand: spitzer goes after some high profile targets well, but backs down quickly (out of court settlement) and looks the other way (NYC transport union) when it doesn't suit is political agenda. companies that are looking to move won't move to NYS if they think the administration plays favorites and likes to go witch hunting on a regular basis. it doesn't really matter either way tho. the only thing upstate has going for it is that it has a few schools that graduates people who move far away and still support the bills.
  12. you have trouble with numbers don't you? check our cap room (it's a number so you might need help reading it) check what it costs to cut losman (note that it would cost the same to trade him, a much more likely option since someone will send a pick for a cheap 1st round QB) WOW! the cap room is GREATER than the cost to cut losman. if we cut moulds we will have even more cap room sitting around. with the lack of top end FA this season, if the bills want to ditch losman and don't spend all their cap money this season would be the best to do it. so you see, the bills CAN afford to cut losman RIGHT NOW. the bills can afford to cut losman and still sign more people (particularly with contracts with signing bonuses and low first year salaries) and the bills can afford to trade losman. you and your glory hole partner sactobillsfan should read the number instead of some one's statement about a number to understand it. the bills CAN afford to cut losman without any restructuring and without cutting anyone else. what are you studying at WVU? besides linear family tree algebra that is.
  13. meh i don't hate drew. if the bills couldn't to it i'd like to see bledsoe win a super bowl. on the other hand, i do hate the cowboys, but i also kinda hate the giants and kinda hate the redskins. hmmm
  14. c'mon, do think any of this is true? adams is and has always been a penetrator inspite of his size. he refuses to stay home and soak up blockers. williams, while he could do both, was a super nose tackle and controlled the line when asked to.
  15. this is totally wrong. the bills could afford cutting JP in a snap -- check the cap numbers he won't cost much to cut. i don't see why you people think kirwan is a moron. he said it isn't out of the realm of possibilities that the bills would take a QB, and it isn't. it is at least possible that the bills will grab a qb at #8, particularly if leinart or cutler fall that far.
  16. bunk is just plain disruptive, i'd like to grab him and a bigger heavier DT as well
  17. well, i like the move on D. our D was great against Carolina last year using a poor man's cover 2 (only team to shut down smith). the move to cover 2 and getting the new quicker guy to replace milloy lets us take advantage of the best thing about our D -- the super fast secondary. if we nab 2 more DTs by the end of the draft I will be pretty happy about our chances at a top 10 D (assuming spikes is back). we have no downgrades at Oline and our skill positino situation is better than last year. i think we will be better than last year fo sho
  18. i think we'll get a solid DT SS OT OG C with each of our 2nd and 3rd round picks. if we can swap our 8th for a 20 ish 1st as well as 2 around 50 (viking picks) i'd like to see us get bunk mangold (or failing him that 2nd rated guy, spencer i think) max jean gilles one of the top rated RT guys who will fall one of 3 or so SS guys who will be there and solid in the 2nd. another stout DT we could get 3 or 4 bigmen on day one who would play and improve our team year one. combined with our skill and secondary core players, our team could be young and solid real quick
  19. if he is healthy he could play LT or RT. so if peters is good, we have our LT of the future and a solid guy at RT. we can draft a guy who can play RT for us in the 2nd or 3rd.
  20. looking back lawyer was the worst signing of the donahoe era. top pro bowl safety money for a guy on the downside who wasn't even close to a hawaii trip. there were a few guys better than him we could have jumped on.
  21. i'd say gandy is at least as good as shelton. also, i think brees and pep each had a very solid O around them and a truly great offensive weapon to exploit, AND are coming off injuries. i think they will both not be that great for their new teams
  22. guys you don't need a super specialist at DT, you can have 300 pound guys to stop the run.
  23. the whole cartoon dog football player thing on that site is gay as hell
  24. x-actly he is a smart educated guy who has been around for ever. i think when guys meet with him they are impressed because he is smart but not aloof and knows football from the ground up. i never met him but did see him speak and what strikes me is that he seems to not really try to impress people with everything he's got, so you walk away figuring he knows a ton of more stuff he hasn't mentioned.
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