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Everything posted by colin

  1. if he reacts to a huge chunk of adversity like his mom dying by working harder and being focussed, he might just be the anti mike williams. i am worried he is a giant fatbody, but pat williams and ted washington had similiar knocks against them and they gave the bills a run of some of the best DTs an NFL team has seen.
  2. i'm not at all sold on losman, but smith is REALLY bad looking right now. if the bills want to ditch or trade losman they can do so now or next year with little trouble, smith is locked up with the 49ers with HUGE cap costs if he goes. the 49ers have chased out a young QB and 2 quality linebackers with their new coach. they might become the new bungles. smith has a weak arm and small hands too. he isn't even equipped to play in the NFL.
  3. speed on O might keep the D spread allowing willis to run. i expect us to use 2 TEs and Hbacks instead of fullbacks in our O. more speed = better
  4. 2 quality interior linemen will make our O line solid (say drafting 2 high round guards, or signing one and drafting one). 2 DTs who can play will make our D line solid. we aren't very good, but most teams in the NFL including a lot of playoff teams have bad lines (TB and washington have bad Olines, seattle has tiny D line of not very highly rated guys, carolina had a HORRIBLE O line that is now middle of the pack, and so on). the only way we are going to win as many games as we lose this year (even if we pump up the lines) is if we have very solid QB play. either JP turns into what many posters here think he can be, nall ends up being the steal of the year, or we draft someone and that someone tears it up.
  5. i like what you've done there, but i'd take more DTs higher in an ideal world. if we like justice, i'd see us trading down and getting mcneal or eric winston AND a 2nd pick+ and perhaps grabbing mcneal max jean gilles gabe watson watkins dvorak (his name as far as i am concerned) wich IMO is better value. at least 1 QB and perhaps davis will be there at 8. i'd take davis if he is as good as he looks, but a QB or davis would command some solid trade value.
  6. the thing to me is that the nfl provides the value to the franchises, not the other way around. in my business you see this kind of thinking all the time. someone gets put in a good seat, so they get a bunch of P&L by their name, and they think they are the schit. they start to think they should get paid a ton more and that someone else building a business and earning less P&L is not important. the thing is anyone can sit in that seat facing valuable clients and make that fat P&L, it is the totallity of the business effort that brings value to that seat, which was once an up and coming struggling seat as well. the dallas and washington and so on teams are worth more than buffalo and clevland, but that is because they are the big market guys in the NFL and the NFL requires all the smaller market teams to keep the value in the big market teams. any single owner could just as easily sell their team, borrow some cash, and own one of the big market teams. snyder and jones are just as replacable as anyone else is. in my view, the current potential downfall of the NFL is because of the idiot owners who signed the agreement without understanding it. that said, this is all just potential, if the NFL keeps on rolling and total revenue keeps on growning the salary cap will be easy to pay by all the owners including ralph.
  7. our D getting healthy and a breakout year for our O, particularly at QB, will get us a 10 win + season. it certainly isn't likely, but if nall is the answer or if jp losman pulls a drew brees and suddenly get it, then we certainly have a shot. if we grab some impact guys in the draft (vernon davis would be the best fit for this scenario) then we migth all of a sudden score points and win games our secondary can still be solid, if tko comes back we have strong quality LBs, our D line won't be great but i could be a bit above average with a DT pick up, and our speacial teams are great and our coaching has improved a bunch. if willis pumps out 16 quality games, lee evans continues to break out (he could well drop in 12+ TDs) roscoe, our new WR, royal, everette, reed all improve and conribute AND our QB looks decent we have all it takes to be decent on O. although it isn't exactly a sure thing, we have a good chance of improvement. our coaches and GM last year all sucked balls, and our OC got canned and replaced by a chump meathead. if all that happens is our coaches know what the hell they are doing then we will be a better team, but a decent season will come down to QB play and i don't think JP is gonna get it done.
  8. i think the best shot of us trading down will come if we have a QB sitting there at the 8th
  9. x-actly if justice has a good shot at being a 10 year nfl starter then him at 8 is no reach at all. we could have justice/peters gandy whoever/preston villarial/preston peters/justice as our line, much better in at least 3 places from the start of last year. we could also call them the justice league
  10. i'd be happy with a solid OT and OG in round 1, or perhaps DT and OG, or whatever (assuming a trade down) there are about 4 Gs, 2 Cs, 3-5 OTs, 6 DEs, and 2-5 DTs worth taking at some point in the first 50 picks or so. if we trade down and get more picks i'll be happy. we don't have to get bunkley and whoever, but if we get a quality guy with each i'd be thrilled
  11. we are enamoured with the ppl who we are familiar with, but no matter who it is i like the idea of trading down and getting the best bigman available with each pick in the 1st round. we could grap Safety/LB as well as more big men in the 2nd and 3rd too.
  12. huff would be graded as high or higher than taylor. huff is the highest rated DB in the draft, he can be a corner or safety in the NFL. 8 is in no way a reach for the top DB. i'd rather we trade down and pick up bunk, a top rated interior Dlineman, an o tackle, etc.
  13. they still have staff held over from the old regime and have access to all the tape they need. modrak will have a well formed opinion of JP. they may well have seen something in nall to think he is a better prospect than losman. marv and jouron might be new in their current roles, but plenty of other people have been around for a while will tell marv and co all they need. gms and scouts can watch ncaa players on tape and project their quality with great accuracy (sure there are busts, but there not many 5th round guys who are of the quality of 1st round guys and teams can see this). just because we as fans think we might not have seen concrete evidence to say that jp will never be good does not mean that he ever will be good, or that there aren't other players who are better prospects as the bills QB. jp losman is also somewhat frail for an NFL QB and has been hurt several times (school, last year, 2 years ago). all he has going for him is his speed, 2 or 3 good quarters and hope.
  14. the point that this post and many other posts that espouse "we can't cut jp because WE don't know if he is good or not" misses is that while WE the fans might not know, it is very possible that team managment does know. if he is sloppy in practice, doesn't understand the plays, has filled is teamates with doubt, shows no signs of learning, or just doesn't show a strong enough interest in improving the things he isn't good at then the management knows all they need to about him. it might take a while to really determin if a QB is good, and that means lots of games, it can be determined if he isn't good much much faster. a few starts and 2 years in the organization is plenty of time to pull the plug on a guy.
  16. no no, they did. the put a bit of a wrinkle in by keeping an LB over smith which worked very well (check the stat line, the bills might have done the best job on smoith all year). came down to the wire and that is who gave up the go ahead TD
  17. over huff no less?!!?!?!?!? these guys suck so much they might put hoover out of a job
  18. i personaly like the your an idiot the best. as far as the interior line, we need AT LEAST 1 more bigman who can play, but i think we should be able to grab 2 in the draft. with the LBs healthy and our secondary intact (along with our high motor ends) i'm not that worried about our D. we had grey who IMO was never a good DC and we upgraded over him to a guy with a scheme that fits us better, AND we have near the talent that we had when we were 2 in the NFL. i think back to the carolina game where we ran a BASIC BASIC cover 2 D and nearly shut down the panthers inspite of our O sucking eggs and givng them the ball back all day. i think (sadly) o line will continue to be the biggest problem, but could well be better than it has been in a while late in the year if we have some new young guys
  19. now i deserve to be tarred and feathered for a post saying something besides "TEH OLINE YOUR GHEY IF YOU DON'T BANG THE O LINE DRUM AND THE OLINE DRUM ONLY! GET R DONE MARV" but we had a bad line in 02 and a great overall O because of our weapons (and QB play too, but let's pretend we have that now). if we have a chance of super chargin our weapons with a guy like walker, and even perhaps with a vernon davis in the draft (or merc lewis in the 2nd?) it might be the best move to make now. we do need o line (and some D line) but adding the best young talent to our team possible would really put us on the path of being a strong team for a while. i think we need big men, but we need great players in every position and if we have a shot at one we should take it.
  20. a lot of depth at LB in this year's draft. i say we grab big men, and a safety if one falls to us lower than we think he should be, and then a LB who also falls to us 8 or 9 picks (trading moulds, perhaps trading down) should get us 4 - 6 or so big men and about 3 other guys
  21. why is moulds blamed for fathering kids out of wedlock? shouldn't the women involved be blamed for mothering children out of wedlock? they have the choice of preventing the pregnancy and failing that aborting it. call me a cynic, but i think the women who had little moulds' are making a whole lot more income from payments from eric for his children than from any other source.
  22. as much as i hate unions, strikes, socialists, and needy people in general the french youth are probably better off with the socialism. since in the euro zone they can work any damn place they want, if they wanted work with the threat of being dismissed (or even something as simple as an employment contract) they could go to the UK or germany. these kids get a nice hand out to eff around and be idle if they are out of work, they get a nice cushy job for as long as they want if they manage to land one, and they get to go abroad and work if they actually want to succeed. an aside: it is funny how even tho the EU allows it the euros really don't move around in pursuit of better work. these people are not mobile
  23. wow, they are really loading up to take a shot this year aren't they?
  24. one thing that always angers me about these mock drafts is that we fricken lost to 3 of the teams picking ahead of us. badly
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