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Everything posted by colin

  1. that's a pretty good response. who did i insult personally? i made general insults. fluie is garbage
  2. 2 things right here: 1 "Hated the bills" are/were you a flutie fan or a bills fan? 2 "he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since." no, he played QB (at an average level AT BEST) for a very good team. he didn't lead jack chit. did fiedler LEAD miami to play off victories?
  3. you ain't the only one. i hate flutie. i didn't hate him when he came to the team, i thought he would be a great back up and could even be a start for a while if need be. it was clear early on that RJ (just like i see it the same way with JP) is frail and will get hurt, so a solid back up is a must. anyhow flutie came in and played fine, not with the same production that johnson had but good enough. the thing is the jerkoff flutie first fans got wet in the ass about a little mullet loser (their self projection of a hero) running around and making bad throws that eric moulds rescued (just like garcia with ownes, an all world talent WR rescued a crap QB) and having the D and christie win games for us. flute lost a damn play off game the year before (a great game on the road, but a loss) but he has the balls to say thet he would have won one that he would have won a game that was lost on the biggest gadget play in the history of the NFL? aside from being a C@nt flutie was at his absolute best an average stop gap QB, he isn't as good as say jeff garcia (the other CFL cast off who had a great WR to make him look good) who can't do enough to win a starting job in detroit with 3 super talent WRs. flutie was mobile and hard to sack, but he had a rag arm, was a joke to shut down (crowd the box and you stop the passing AND the running game, he can't throw the long outs either), and was a HORRIBLE red zone QB (he got sacked for fumbles and throw DUCKS in teh red zone). flutie is not and never has been a good QB (if you think he is observe jeff garcia, who is the same QB flutie is but a lot better -- still not good). flutie fans (as in flutie first bills second) are whores and i REALLY hate them. oh, the one thing i like about him (sorta) is that he crossed the picket lines.
  4. keep troy, if someone goes down he is still a decent corner
  5. that was a very exciting series, i like the way the sabers play. hope they can keep up the high intensity for 2 more rounds.
  6. i think if he gets his conditioning right he will have bigtime speed this year. the 40 tims and how fast a player is in a game have a bit of a difference beacuse: 1) players get tired, some players slow down more than others (see jerry rice who stayed fast vs the 2005 bills who got lethargic after about 10 minutes) 2) over the course of the season players get beat up and hurt and slow down, different players will slow down more than each other. this is why body type is so important to nfl teams when the scout young ncaa players. a buff player might be stronger and faster than another guy, but after 4 quarters of getting beaten on he might not be able to bring it like a naturally big man. same thing with speed, your fast little guys (evans, steve smith, moss and moss and moss) tend to be able to burn all day, leaving guys in their dust in the 4th.
  7. of course i mean whitner! YOU SCREWED UP THE QUOTE FEATURE SO DON'T SLING MUD AT ME!!!!! yes whitner, i do think bunk will be better than mccargo, but there is the chance that bunk might just not care or get hurt again.
  8. huff is fo sho the bigger name, he is a bit more athletic and would prolly be a better corner (he might be a slot corner and FS in base D for a bit for the raiders and then move to corner). they have similar (great) ball skills. mccargo is a MUCH better tackler, and is much stronger and IMO more explosive in terms of blitzing and going from in the box to good depth off the snap. i think mccargo is a better guy for our D, but either of these guys could end up being really good.
  9. the women have the choice to have the kid or not once the are pregnant. willis didn't do anything wrong.
  10. OGT you are making good sense, stop it! i think the point that everyone should note is that ngata, bunk and whitner would have been gone by 15. those were the 3 players the bills really wanted in the top 15 (aside from the guys who had been picked allready). the bills might have gotten some decent picks for moving down, but they REALLY wanted a stud safety and dt, a trade down to 15 would have removed at least one of those from their selection. they saw that chicago was willing to trade and the guy they wanted was there so the jumped up and took mccargo, solving both the needs they wanted. if mccargo ends up as good as ngata or bunk, and if whitner is the rock he was in college (and the rock that every damn osu db has been in the nfl so far) then we are talking about this being a superb draft. looking back i think marv and co did the right thing
  11. you could on 3rd and long, or you could move a guy from the 3 to the 1 or 2. i think our 3rd and passing downs D will be MUCH improved
  12. don't you think our passrush will be better with spikes back as well as having mccargo and tripplet, 2 guys that can rush the passer from inside? we haven't had a good threat from the inside for years turn your :< upside down!
  13. totally on point here. with grey (who IMO was never NFL ready) we never showed the ability to get teams off the field consistently. there was a whole lot of scoring drives that we extended ourselves, particularly late in the game. our best games on D came when our LBs and secondary outplayed their guys. now that we can put 4 pass rushers (assuming kelsey and denny can do it a bit) up front which is MUCH better than we have been able to do for a while, and our entire secondary can cover AND hit.
  14. the way i see it levy and co had a few guys they really liked (our first 3 picks), and in the later rounds just picked up the best players that fell to them. they didn't make a move down and hope to get whitner, and they jumped in front of the giants who did make a move down to get mccargo. we just had a consistent strategy and it resulted in getting the players we wanted, which is better than a trade down and roll the dice with more picks if you know what players are best for your team.
  15. spikes is a very heady player, he'll pick up the D in short order. spikes gets me so jacked up i end up kicking my mom in the face!
  16. i agree in principal, but i think the scheme is what is more read and react rather than aggressive (our last scheme is prolly the most aggressive in the NFL, even blitzburg disguises and stays home some of the time), but players can be aggressive within that scheme. guys like nate, schoble, TKO, london, mcgee, vincent, and IMO whitner even in his first year make plays that force turnovers and turn turnovers into scores. in a cover 2 scheme we hit them all day and stop big plays while having a shot at a positive play for the D every down. our last scheme would often cause negative yardage plays, which are good, but don't mean anything if we get burned on 3rd downs or get chewed up late in the game with simple running plays. i think we have have a very good D next season if TKO comes back healthy
  17. he's saying you take the player that gives you team the most. position will have a part in it, but you don't just draft the best guy at a given position that you have a need at in the draft. his point is if you team needs a tackle and because of this you decide you are gonna draft a tackle no matter what (GIT ER DONE MARV) if you take you tackle over a player who would provide more value to the team but at a different position you don't gain because if that tackle doesn't workout, YOU STILL NEED A TACKLE so reaching or compramising or being overly focussed on one position is bad.
  18. as much of a bust as he was mike williams was a mauling monster on running plays. compared to him peters will look weak, but is his issue not getting in the right position for run blocking or his overall strength?
  19. well, you don't have it right either. if you learn enough about economics you will learn that value is subjective, although in the NFL we can assume that all teams are after a championship. if we can opperate under that assumption then yes where players are picked and how valuable they are (wrt to winning a championship) can vary, but the players value to each team can vary as well. all that said, market failures are a misnomer and Ackerleys market for lemons is a weak strawman.
  20. i read a bloomberg article looking at the value of draft picks (by how much they overperform their salary) and it said the top of the 1st is crap but the 2nd round is great. anyhow, i don't like this kind of analysis on football, it ignores too many other things that are specific and relevant to football. there is a large emotion and psychological aspect of the game, going for it and messing up gives the other team a boost and hurts your own guys. there are also only so many plays one can run on 4th that have a chance to move the chains, if you ran those plays more you'd reduce your ability to pull them off. wrt the draft, the analysis ignores how very very good players make other players better, and how they are scarce, and you need certain rare players to win the superbowl, the goal of every team. in other words, winning one year and sucking the next 2 is better than being pretty good for 3 years.
  21. i really wonder about that lb from penn state. does he really have an NFL skill set? Hawk was a slam dunk, but he is MUCH bigger and faster, and has better hands, and is more productive, and more successful, and bigger in big games and blah blah blah. i think more RBs and fewer linemen should go in the first 10. i figure about 13 RBs, -7 linemen, 3 QBs, and one white slow undersized injured linebacker goes in the top 10. and a kicker.
  22. that with a decent yards per attempt and a bit of scrambling is WAY WAY above average for an NFL QB. if our D gets back to form, our run game is OK, and our special teams just stay the way we are a QB performance like that (with lots of young and cheapish WRs) would make my day
  23. who drafted that year or after has more sacks than aaron schobel? how many sacks does the average DE from that year have since then? please bring up other aspects of DE play as a counterpoint to me bringing up sacks (HINT: aaron does a few things well), or just handwave and say aaron's sacks only come in one game a season. thanks
  24. i'd like us to keep him, but a franchise and trade for a pick (asuming youtoby can play at that level) would be good too. if we keep him we have clements mcgee whitmore vincent youtoby simpson who at that point will be the best dime package in the NFL and a lot of depth at nickle. along with a 3/4 man line and 2 LBs that would REALLY help us on 3rd and long (particularly with gerry joker not running madden Ds all the time with sellout blitzes at outside gaps)
  25. whitner is a harder hitter and a much better tackler. everyone who plays for OSU can tackle, even the QBs! I think our brain trust see him knocking heads off and hawking balls in the middle, essentially doing what roy williams/sean taylor/troy in pitts do. kind of how basketball playing tight ends are all the rage, i think our guys want to be ahead of the modern safety trend
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